That's when I noticed a stuffed animal in the yard. Now this thing was not in the yard last night so I had to wonder where in the world it came from. I picked it up and up comes running B.B. (our dog) She takes it out of my hand and walks away with it. She didn't tug on it or shake it or run with it. She just calmly walked away and set it down gently. I have to tell you this is NOT normal behavior for her! She has been carrying it around like she is "taking care of it" every since. I am not exactly sure where it came from and it isn't one of those "cheap" toys either. Maybe some kid tossed it over the fence being mean to his sister or something. My guess is though that she jumped the fence, went and found it and then jumped back into the yard. It is the darndest thing I have ever seen her do. Pretty cute though, I have to admit!
I was checking out my "usual" reading the other day and saw that Survivalblog now has an interesting new forum. If you haven't checked it out it may be something some of you guys would be interested in.
I was surfing around the net the other day and saw a recipe (well a few recipes) for Seasoned Salt. I got to reading the ingredients and thought... Hey I could make something like that! I have been a big fan of Lawry's Seasoned Salt w/ cracked black pepper for quite awhile now. I use it on almost everything that a person would use regular salt on. It is my go-to flavor for lots of things, even seasoning meats before tossing them on the pit. I had several bottles put back in my food storage but have recently run out. So I thought what the heck.. I've got all sorts of seasonings so why not try to come up with an all-purpose seasoning of my own. I have to admit I think I came up with a really good one. So here's the recipe I came up with.
Mind you though the approximate amounts as I'm pretty loose most of the time with measuring.
1/4 cup Sea Salt
1 1/2 teaspoons Lemon Pepper
2 teaspoons dried thyme
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons fresh ground black pepper
Blend in a food processor until all the spices are well ground. Let it set for a couple of days so as to "blend" the spices flavors. Store in a spice container.
Sprinkle generously!
So far its really tasty on meats, eggs, fresh tomato slices, cooked veggies and pretty much everything else I have tried it on! Now I just need to find a name for it.
~~ Any suggestions?~~
That sure is a cute toy that BB brought home. :)
ReplyDeleteAs for the spice name. I'm not sure, maybe Short-Bus Blitz or Sci's Special Blend? LOL! j/k I'd just call it Aromatic Blend or something along those lines. :)
I think you should call it...SciFi Spice. Original huh?
ReplyDeletecool recipe!
ReplyDeleteour dog did that after she had a false pregnancy, another did it after we had moved. They both treated the stuffed animal like it was a baby and didn't want me or anyone picking it up.
SFC's original secret seasoning.BB's Bodacious Seasoning.Bacon and Egg seasoning.Wonder whats up with her new toy?
Thanks everyone for dropping by and for the name suggestions. I guess if it was going to be a secret "special" recipe I shouldn't have posted it here. LOL