Please take a moment to read this. Are we being set up?
LOST at Sea: Enormous Exaggeration of Oil Plume Set to Enrich World Bankers
Michael Wayne
June 4, 2010
The latest revelations in the British Petroleum gulf drilling disaster indicate that international banking firm Goldman Sachs sold over 4.68 million shares of British Petroleum stock just two days prior to the explosion of the British Petroleum drilling platform. This sell-off of petroleum stock is now recognized as the largest single liquidation of petroleum stocks in the history of modern markets. With this liquidation taking place just 48 hours prior to the gulf explosion which now looms as America’s worst ever ecological disaster, any intelligent mind must ask these questions, “Was this sell-off an act of insider trading? Did someone at Goldman Sachs have foreknowledge of this disaster? Could the disaster have been man-made? If so, who would be the ultimate beneficiary of this event?”
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TA remotely operated undersea vehicle works on the leaking riser pipe at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil leak. | |
But ultimately the true beneficiaries of this disaster will be the international banking corporations which have controlling interests in the World Bank (WB), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It is this banking triad and its controlling interests, with their neck-deep involvement in the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which stand to collect many trillions of dollars over the coming decades.
LOST is a United Nations treaty that went into effect in 1994. It defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world’s oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the management of marine resources. Whereas the Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution has become the king’s X for the United States Federal Government to govern and override all activities of the fifty states, LOST stands to become the mechanism by which the United Nations will govern and override all activities of the 300 nations of the world.
It is through LOST that all nations will “lose” their sovereignty to a One World Government. LOST is set to become the funding instrument behind the arising New World Order. This recognition brings our attention to a statement recorded in the Bible’s book of Revelation. In this passage a worldwide governmental system is prophetically pictured as a beast “rising out of the sea.” That was written around 90 A.D. And now, some 1900 years after it was written we see the efforts by international banking elites to finance a one world government by collecting carbon taxes through the regulations of a Law of the Sea Treaty. Their government is arising out of the sea.
The environmental cap and trade taxes that are being promoted by the U.N.’s IPCC are taxes on carbon dioxide emissions. The U.N. is pushing for these taxes to be collected by the WB, IMF, and BIS through regulations established under LOST. Incidentally, the regulations of LOST do not stop at a nation’s shorelines. Any navigable rivers, like the Mississippi, are equally governed. The U.N., having been created with capital and real estate donations from the world’s leading international banking families/corporations, has already established plans for the banking triad of the WB, IMF, and BIS to collect cap and trade taxes from the several 300 nations of the world. These banks will then funnel these funds to the U.N. for dispersement as it chooses, but only after the banks have collected their commissions and fees.
This brings us back to the issue at hand– the looming ecological disaster created by the explosion of the British Petroleum drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico, and our question of who stands to benefit. It is the international banking triad of the WB, IMF, and BIS that will collect trillions of dollars in taxes levied under the auspices of LOST. Any ecological disaster that occurs on the open seas expands the perception that there is a need for a massive regulatory mechanism to prevent such disasters from occurring. That mechanism is LOST.
And the greater the perceived magnitude of any such sea-based ecological disaster, the greater will be the perceived need for that regulatory mechanism. It thereby becomes obvious that the entities which stand to gain under the auspices of LOST would want to magnify the public perception of immense destruction caused by any sea-based disaster.
Understanding this fact, we now turn our attention to the one topic that has been reported more than any other in the main stream media’s coverage of the British Petroleum gulf oil disaster: the multiple, giant “plumes” of underwater oil.
On Sunday, May 16th researchers aboard the Pelican research vessel working for the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology (NIUST) revealed that their research data identified multiple, gigantic undersea “plumes” off the Louisiana coastline that might be composed of crude oil released from the collapse of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform. One plume was stated to be over a thousand feet under the ocean surface and was 10 miles long, 3 miles wide, and 300 feet thick at one point. Over the ensuing two weeks since this discovery, several more gigantic plumes have been discovered and reported in the media.
As this information has made its way into the worldwide news media, public fears have exploded in equal magnitude to the enormous size of the undersea plumes or blobs of crude oil. The reported size of these plumes of oil truly makes the magnitude of the disaster appear to be unbelievably enormous. These reports in the media certainly serve to feed the public perception that this ecological disaster is enormous beyond imagination, and the inaction and / or inability of the U.S. Government to stop the ongoing disaster is clear evidence that we need some mechanism to regulate our seas to prevent this from happening again. Low and behold, LOST is the ready-made solution to the problem… much like the ready-made Patriot Act was the instant solution to flaws evidenced in the American governmental system on September 11th.
So it is here that we are forced to ask the questions, “Are these enormous plumes of oil real? Are they even possible? Or are they simply hype being promoted by the main stream media in order to facilitate the adoption of LOST, and thereby finance a New World Order controlled by an international banking elite for their own purposes?”
Let’s examine two aspects of the largest of several oil plumes as reported by NIUST. First let’s examine the reported size. And second let’s examine the time available to create such a large plume. The examination that follows was made on May 20th, exactly 30 days after the explosion of the rig, and just days after the first plume was discovered.
The largest “plume” was declared to be 10 miles long by 3 miles wide by up to 300 feet thick. As the plume was not uniform in depth, let’s be conservative and calculate the volume of a plume that is only an average of 50 feet thick:
Length = 10 miles (at 5,280 feet per mile) = 52,800 feetAs seen in the calculation above, the plume of leaked crude oil is an estimated 41.8 billion cubic feet in volume. With each cubic foot containing 7.48 gallons, that gives us a plume containing 312.6 billion gallons of crude oil. Now think about that. Over 300 billion gallons of crude oil. The Exxon Valdez oil spill was an estimated 10.8 million gallons of crude oil. That means this one oil plume discovered by NIUST is 28,888 times as large as the volume of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. And that’s only considering a plume that is 50 feet thick as opposed to 300 feet thick as reported.
Width = 3 miles (at 5,280 feet per mile) = 15,840 feet
Depth = 50 feet
Total volume of plume = Length X Width X Depth =
52,800 X 15,840 X 50 = 41,817,600,000 cubic feet
Let’s look at that another way. In the worldwide trade of crude oil there are roughly 500 super-tankers in service, and each super-tanker can carry two million barrels of oil. Two million barrels (at 42 gallons each) equates to 84,000,000 gallons of crude oil in each super-tanker. To produce this plume of crude oil discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, each ship within the total world fleet of 500 super-tankers would have to journey to the coast of Louisiana and then completely disgorge the two million barrels of oil in each tanker. And all 500 tankers would have to repeat this process seven and one-half times. This one reported plume of crude oil off the coast of Louisiana is the volume of over 3,700 super-tankers. Is it realistic to believe that this much crude oil has spilled into the gulf in a period of 30 days? The volume of 3,700 super-tankers? Can you picture that? America’s worst oil spill, the Exxon Valdez disaster, only spilled one eighth of one super-tanker.
Here’s another relevant piece of information– the Deepwater Horizon well was drilled into the Macondo Prospect oilfield located in Mississippi Canyon Block 252 of the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the total volume of crude oil held in the Macondo field is only 50 to 100 MILLION barrels. That’s the entire field.
By contrast, the volume of our one plume of spilled oil as calculated above is 312 BILLION gallons. And since there are 42 gallons in a barrel, we divide by 42 and find that this plume contains 7.4 BILLION barrels of spilled crude oil. Look at that again. The reported ten mile long oil plume is calculated to contain 7.4 BILLION barrels of crude oil, but the Macondo undersea oilfield is only estimated to contain a maximum of 100 MILLION barrels of crude oil. The size of this one reported oil plume is 75 times the maximum projected size of all the crude oil held in the entire Macondo field. This information begs a question, “How can this one oil plume be composed of crude oil from the Macondo Prospect field when the plume is estimated to be 75 times greater than the total volume of the crude oil contained in the entire Macondo field?”
Does that make sense? Or perhaps does it make more sense that the media, influenced by the powers at hand, are greatly hyping the size of these reported oil plumes in order to flame the fires of public unrest and push for greater regulation which feeds right into the hands of LOST?
Now let’s look at our second point: the time available to produce the reported plume (this examination was made on May 20th, 14 days ago, just days after the plume was first reported in the media).
News sources have reported that the source of the oil spill is a pipe that is approximately 21 inches in diameter. But British Petroleum is reported to be using a tube with only a 6-inch diameter inserted into the larger pipe to siphon off the leaking oil. A 6-inch tube has an opening of 27 square inches. This is key because we want to make a calculation as to how fast the oil would have to be exiting this pipe in order to create the massive plume of oil that has been reported . To make our calculation simple, let’s increase the size of our opening from 27 square inches to 144 square inches, which is one square foot (12 inches X 12 inches). A pipe that is 14 inches in diameter will have an opening that is approximately equivalent to one square foot or 144 square inches. Using these dimensions we can visualize a pipe with a mouth that is 14 inches across. The opening or mouth of the pipe is therefore one square foot in area.
Now we ask the question, “How fast does the oil have to be exiting this pipe in order to create our plume?” To arrive at this answer we first calculate the amount of time that the oil has been spilling into the gulf. The spill reportedly began on April 20th. So it has now been 30 days (May 20th) since the beginning of the spill. So we multiply 30 days X 24 hours X 60 minutes X 60 seconds , and that gives us 2,592,000 seconds. Now we take our previously calculated 41.8 billion cubic feet of crude oil found in the plume, and we divide that by the 2.592 million seconds, and that gives us 16,126 cubic feet per second.
If the oil plume were to be created in 30 days as reported, which is a time interval of 2.592 million seconds, then just over 16,000 cubic feet of oil would have to spill out each second. Using our theoretical 14-inch pipe with an opening of one square foot, that means our pipe would have to BLAST out a column of oil 16,000 feet long every second in order to release 16,000 cubic feet per second. Think a moment about that velocity… 16,000 feet per second. There are just over 5,200 feet in a mi
You should read Alex Scarrow's book Last Light.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great story. I found a copy on PaperbackSwap.
Isn't math great? When the media starts weaving its fantasy, good old fashioned math and logics prove how wrong they are. Unfortunately, the "average" American won't read that article, and will have nary a clue as to what's really happening.
Hmmmmmmm, very interesting!
ReplyDeleteOMG! You have my conspiracy-theory mind reeling! C
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree with your math,there is a little flaw in it,which you did attempt to correct. You used 50 feet thick,as an average of the 300 feet,I believe.Good thinking,keeps the math easy too.The problem is,the oil is not 1 big blob.It's mixed with water now,so the actual oil content could be a lot less,but just "looks bigger",due to being emulsified.It's like making salad dressing.Oil and water won't mix,but if you shake it enough,it will last long enough for dinner!
ReplyDeleteDean in az
According to the NYTimes, the concentration of the oil in the "plume" is about 0.1 ppm, so your calculations are off by about 10^7.