Not much going on around the homefront. The garden's are both slowing down. We are still getting some squash and the peppers are still comming on. Looks like another round of canning squash by Sunday. It's a good thing we like squash!! I need to count again but I think we have put up right at 45 quarts so far.
The peas are still blooming so I am hoping for another round. I picked a3 1/2 gallon bucket of them earlier this week and they are now residing in the freezer. I'm thinking the corn is about a week from being on my plate too!
The tomato's took a hard hit with all this heat. I was able to can 14 pints from the spring fling and am hoping they will kick it up a notch this fall. They did last year. Just in case they don't though I started some seeds yesterday. Beefsteak and Roma's. I also started some cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts.
It's hard to believe that it is already time to start getting ready for the fall planting. Especially since it has been over 100 degree's for days and no relief in sight. Nor has there been any rain. There is no way we could be gardening this year if we did not water daily.
The kitties are eating solid food now. They are so funny to watch as they learn new things. We have found one a home. I think we have found homes for two more. I hope so as that would only leave two more homes to find.
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