I'm having a brain fart. Ever had one? If you have to ask wtf is a brain fart then move to the back of the bus.... it might be terminal! LOL
Is it just me ?
Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with the BS going down all around us that I just want to crawl up in a cave somewhere and hibernate until it all goes away. Trouble is.... It's not gonna go away and I don't have my ducks in a row. I'm trying but....I'm just not there.
Things are spiraling out of control in this country and the brakelines have been cut. We are on a train that is derailing as you read this. There seems to be no stopping . And so I drag myself up offa my personal pity pot, wipe my sniveling nose and my sorry a$$, and make it through another day... another week... another month.
I'm still "dealing" out of our preps and I HATE IT! I feel like every day that we burn thru our food storage we are taking three steps back. I want to be able to move one step forward again.
If the swine flu "epidemic" happens as they propose,it will be even worse. I have drawn a line in the sand. I work in Food Service. If there is a mandatory Flu vaccination I am sure that all people associated in the business willl be made to show proof of vaccination or not be allowed to work in the public. Ain't gonna happen here. I refuse to take those shots. Not going to happen. Never. They will drag me kicking and fighting to the very end. I would rather die on my feet than be subjected to begging on my knees for some scraps in a FEMA camp. The DH and I have discussed this more than a few times and we are in agreement here.
OK I know this is a rather bleak post and I almost didn't post it.
I just wanted to let those of you who get like this once in awhile know....it's normal. We should be depressed about the state of our nation. It is a sad thing to watch our country spiral down the toilet. We all have to just stay the course and fight the good fight. It ain't over till its over. Right?
The rant in my head is so much better than the rant on this post! I am just sometimes "consumed" with all that I read and the things I see going on around me.
Hey ... I'm just sayin....