
Friday, February 7, 2014

Cold Enough For You?

It seems that we are all getting pretty tired of winter.  I know I am.  I'm tired of limited water, breaking ice out of the critters water bowl several times a day and  layering my clothes until I feel like Ralphie's little brother. (A Christmas Story)
Heck I don't know why I'm telling you this.... I'm sure it's the same all over.  I do know my attitude is getting worse as the grey and gloomy days go by.  I'm a sun person by nature.  These sunless days are starting to get to me.  Heck I seem to loose all my "want to" after awhile.  You would think that as much as I love reading all your blogs and messing around on the net that I would be doing more "puter time".  I don't even feel like lifting the lid on the laptop most days.  Which is really weird.  I haven't even been to "the ultimate suck my brains out slowly all day long" site called FaceBook.   This must be what they call the Winter Time Blues.  Whatever you call it I want to call it OVER!

It seems none of the seeds I was trying to start did anything.  I need to replant them all and try again.  It's been pretty hard to keep the greenhouse at a decent temperature. There's still work that needs to be done on it. That and these grey gloomy days.  I can't blame them for not wanting to sprout up into this weather! 

They are promising temps actually above freezing for the weekend.   I should be able to turn the water on long enough to do up the dishes, mop the floor and re-fill all the jugs. Then start all over again with another front on Monday that's supposed to bring some snow.

This has been a brutal winter for many folks. Heck even MMPaints hasn't tried to start seeds yet! If you're a regular reader of hers you KNOW it must be cold if she's not got something started by now.   Speaking of MMPaints,.....Hop over to Self Sufficient Living and check out the cool raffle she's holding. Better hurry though,  It'll be over soon!


  1. I was starting to worry over my seeds too. After four weeks, 3 out of the 100 pepper sees are finally poking through the ground in their little egg carton homes. Tomatoes are finally breaking through too at nearly twice as long as it took last year. I was about ready to give up on them too and wait it out another month to start, but this last week I focused on keeping them moist with warm water. I think that helped. Wish I could get some plants to you when they're ready for transplanting, but I'm all the way in Kentucky. Yes, we are still struggling through snow and ice here with more promised for the weekend. Pam P.S. I love your blog and your FB links. You have a knack for hitting the right topics and passing along tips that help out greatly.

    1. Wow! 100 seeds? I'm impressed. Maybe I should just keep them warm and wait a bit longer. It's to bad we are so far away. I would love to take some transplants off your hands!
      I just keep repeating to myself "You just have to get through February"
      You guys have been getting pounded with the snow and ice. It's been an awful winter.
      Thank you for your sweet P.S. You are the first person to comment on my FaceBook "doings"
      I'm glad someone's reading them. I'll admit I share a lot of things under my SciFiChick moniker than the Bacon and Eggs page. I don't want to freak out TOO many people! :>)

  2. It's okay to gripe about the cold. It's miserable out.

    1. I'm just ready for some temps above 32* . Some sunshine would help too. Oh and I really want to be able to go outside without "suiting up" with my insulated cover alls.

  3. The only thing causing me to be pissy right now are my bees. I am just sure they are all dead at this point. We may not be breaking any low temp records but we must be breaking some consecutive days of it records I should think. As much as I love Winter I am ready for it to end for my bees sake if nothing else.

    1. Oh no!!! I hope the bees will be ok. It would be tragic to loose all your bees. This stupid weather needs to just take a hike. A long long hike..

  4. Cold enough for me....nope. I like it. Then again I'm a bit nuts.

    1. I'd probably like winter too if I lived in the sunshine state. I think it's just that before we moved here we were in Central Texas. BIG difference in weather but hey, I said I wanted to move somewhere that there were actual seasons. I'm hoping I'll eventually get used to it.

  5. winter time blues or cabin can really get us into a funk...sounds like you need to take a day and just do something that is fun and that will bring you some laughter...yes a big dose of laughter might just be the medicine that is being called for..these cold and dreary days, whether they are snow and ice filled or have a person floating and wishing for a warm boat can really get us all depressed and wanting to just stay in our pajamas for a week or more. another fix for the winter time blues is to try learning something new...especially something that you have always wanted to do but had no time for it in the past.

    1. You just might be on to something. I'm wasting precious time that could be spent with my crochet and knitting. I've got a new camera that I want to learn to use but that will have to wait till its' a bit warmer.
      As for staying in pajamas I plead guilty. I've finally realized that just the act of getting dressed for the day is a motivator. I'm pretty sure I just need some sun on my face.

  6. I'm having the same reaction to this continuous cold. I'm tired of it, and my motivation to get out and do things that need doing is flagging. I usually enjoy winter but this one has been terrible.

    1. SCI,

      I'm with Harry here. I'm tired and ready for spring, counting down the days!!!!
      Stay warm, and safe.
      Sending hugs to you and Mars :-)

    2. Harry, I've only spent the last three years in this kind of weather. I'm hoping it will get better as the years go by! I know what you mean about the motivation flagging. Just the act of "suiting up" can get to be aggravating.

      Sandy, thanks for the hugs. I'll take all the warmth I can. lol I just keep reminding myself that the days truly ARE getting longer and soon it will be spring and then I'll end up wishing it was winter so I could take a day off!!!!!
      Hugs to you n' yours. (PS can you believe Tank is so grown up?)

    3. SCI,

      Sending more hugs, lol
      Stay warm, it's suppose to snow Monday and Tuesday........but warmth is heading in on Friday afternoon through Saturday :-)
      I can't believe Tank is so grown up, time flies so fast.

  7. glad you are hanging in there.
    for those winter time blues, try a black light....the U.V. it puts off triggers something in the body's chemistry(don't ask, i'm not a doctor) much like sun light. it seems to work for me and the family.

    1. xtron! Good to see ya! Do they still even make black lights? I might have to try that. I really DO believe the winter time blues wouldn't be so bad if only the sun was outl

  8. Hang in there, before you know it we'll be griping about how hot it is. For now a silly little thing that might help a little - do you use the 'natural light' light bulbs? They are supposed to help with seasonal depression. Unfortunately, I don't think they help break ice in the water troughs.
    Happy weekend,

    1. Lady Locus you are soooo right! By the time the tomatoes start coming in I'll be singing a different tune. and start wishing winter would get here.
      I don't think I've heard about "natural light" bulbs. I've really never had this winter blues before moving up here. I'm sure it will get better as time goes by. (I hope)
      And a Happy weekend to you as well!

  9. Over here on the West Coast we go for what seems like months with nothing but short, overcast, grey rainy days for much of the Winter. I've found that taking Vitamin D or cod liver oil which is high in Vitamin D through the winter months works wonders for keeping the winter time blahs at bay. Google it!

    1. tHi Paul I's funny you brought up Vitamin D. My doctor told me just a couple of weeks ago that I'm super deficient in Vit D. I never even put the info together with those winter blues. I guess I need to pick some up next time I'm in town. Thanks for the information!

  10. I agree with you about being over winter. It's kicking my butt and I feel like I can't gather enough "umph" to kick it back. I'm ready to play in the dirt and get planting! Good luck with getting your vitamin D up! I'm fighting the same battle. Now to click my heels 3 times and mutter "this too shall pass!"

    1. The doctor told me (the first time) right at the end of summer that I was low in Vit D. I thought that was strange as I spent just about every waking moment out in the sun. I really should have another talk with him I suppose. He wants me to take mega doses 10,000 units a day. I've had very little luck finding high enough doses without taking a gazillion pills a day.

  11. I think you must run on solar powered batteries, like me. :-) Hang in there, Scifi. It will end and the sun will shine again.

    1. Sue, I absolutely do run on solar power! Thanks for your kind words. I'll suck it up now and stop my cold and whinny butt from screaming " MOVE AWAY FROM THE HEATER" someday soon. lol

  12. Google SAD.
    It won't get better the longer you live there. My friend with SAD moved to Alaska. Because of SAD, she committed suicide even after she moved back to CA. I keep 8 light bulbs on within 6 feet of me. You can buy a light box to sit in front of. We had two days of no sunshine and I was almost immobile from the lack of sun.

    1. Well thank you little Miss Sunshine! *snork*
