
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Photo: And my emotions Pwnicorn


  1. I am in Minnesota. I ask myself that question every year, yet here I stay. Cheer up. Spring will come. I promise.

    1. I would be asking myself that too had I moved any farther north than Oklahoma. I'm just wishing for a day of sunshine and no wind. I know it's just around the corner but this year? I'm so ready for it!

  2. I have a copy of the Russian cold weather cap. I don't know the Russian word for it, but it come down over your ears, clips under your neck, and just leaves your eyes peering out. With a pair of goggles your head and face are protected.

    More snow coming to North Georgia. Tokyo got a snow storm for the first time in ages. I wonder if Spring is really coming. ;-(

    1. I'd love to have one of those hats. Of course I wouldn't wanna wear it to Wally World for fear I'd end up on "The People of Walmart"

    2. True. Once you attain my age though, you don't care what you look like. Everybody you know is pretty much dead anyway. ;-)

  3. Move back to Mn she said, It will be fun to be back home she said....40+ days below zero I said, I want warmer weather now I said...Big Grin....

    1. Rob I'm seriously glad I wasn't taking a sip of tea when I read this. I busted laughing out loud. Thanks !

  4. 72 degrees here today. I am sorry your face hurts! I remember what that was like! Spring is coming!

  5. i have decided that northeast mississippi is pretty is always and cold but always wet....i have been known the last several years to take short trips elsewhere just to dry out from sweating or chills from the temperature of the humidity. it is a toss up over which is worse..that dripping sweat running down a persons body non-stop or that bone chilling cold from winter rains.

    1. What's really bad is when you're sweating while its cold. I'll layer up on the clothing because I'm cold and the next thing I know I'm sweating and coming out of a few layers. Of course that's just me but....

  6. You got Name/URL in your comments now! YAY!!

    Hope you get some spring soon... here, we're hoping maybe for some actual snow, instead of all the sleet and more sleet. But hey, at least the kids can still build things out of sleet. LOL

    1. Miss M It wasn't me. Bloggers been changing up things again I suppose. I'm glad you are able to comment now. I didn't know some folks can't. (couldn't)
      I have to ask.... What in the world were they building out of sleet? Too Funny!

  7. Come on down to Alabama - we've had almost a half inch of snow this Winter. Got down to 28 degrees and they cancelled school!

    1. Ya'll don't get much snow down there do you? OH NO 28* and the kids are all out for a snow day! I'm betting some of them will grow up and remember the snow of 2014. hehehehe

  8. When you walk to the mailbox wearing only a sweatshirt because it's warmed up to 32 degrees, that's a sign it's been TOO cold.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing this morning on the way out to the barn. It was all of 28* and I was thinking "Wow! It's not too bad out here. "

  9. I am trying to hold onto the memory of my complaining in the summer about it being too hot! This is also the time to take up knitting and crocheting - the extra layer on your lap as you work is wonderful!
    The groundhog said 6 more weeks...sigh.

    1. I'd like to BBQ that groundhog. It really IS the time of the year for knitting/chrochet. It just gets way to hot in the summer to work on anything that is larger than a dish cloth.
      Last year I said I wouldn't fuss again about winter. (Of course this was right about August) lol
      Look at me now!

  10. I feel bad after enjoying a few days of almost 70 with lows tonight of around 57. I sure am missing Spring!

    1. You know you don't really feel all THAT bad! lol Did you know I grew up down around the Houston/Galveston area? Ya'll have some wonderful winter weather. I can finally understand why the snow birds migrate in the winter!

  11. Too funny and unfortunately true! I can't wait for this weekend, it's going to be awesome!!!!
    Happy to have another Okie blog buddy :)

    1. I seriously laughed out loud when I saw this. Earlier in the day I was out chipping ice out of the chickens water and was thinking the exact same thing.
      I didn't realize you are a fellow Okie. ( I still have a problem actually saying that- Being raised in Texas I never thought I would get used to it. Being called an Okie I mean. Serious rivalry from from the time I was a little kid ya know!)

    2. I've came in many times these last few weeks saying "my face is numb" LOL! I'm absolutely giddy about these next few days of nice weather!!!!
      There is some serious rivalry between those two states. Well your an Okie now, even if your a longhorn at heart ;)

  12. Spring will be there soon. I would share if I could. :)

    1. Thanks Farm Girl! I'd be happy to take it too!!
