
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Checking In

It's hard to believe it's already been close to a week since I last posted.  I wish I could say it was because I've been so dang busy I haven't had the time.  Truth is?  I've been kicked back most of the week.  Other than the daily chores that have to be done 365 days a year I've done  exactly squat!  We've been holed up in the RV most of the week.  There were a couple of days that were pretty warm and the sun actually came out.  But even then the wind was blowing hard enough to keep me inside and unenthused about getting much done.  We've been under a "fire warning" most of the week.  Between the wind and it being so dry there's always a chance of fire.  Just another one of the things that seems to come naturally to Oklahoma.  Of course, I don't have much to base that thought on.   It seems that since we moved here a little over 3 years ago the weather just keeps breaking some sort of record every season.  So I'm kind of unsure about what "normal" weather is here.

It's snowing right now.  I never had any idea how hard it is to capture snow falling in a picture! Picure?  Did I say picture?  Yes sir!  My mom and dad sent me the most awesome birthday present I think I've ever received.  A Canon EOS Rebel, complete with zoom lens, filters, and all the goodies. Top of the line. Pretty darn awesome. I almost cried when I opened the box and saw it. I've been messing around with it for a couple of weeks and now have NO excuse for not taking pictures. Now that it's snowing I'll actually have something to take pictures of besides naked trees! 

It seems that none of the seed I planted came up.  Which means I'll have to start over again. I think it might be due to not having consistent heat in the greenhouse.  That's something that still needs to be worked on.  It doesn't help that we've only had a few days of sunshine the past couple of weeks.  Our "vacation" time should be over soon as spring is right around the corner. Sorta....


  1. I noticed you hadn't posted. I've been back 12 or 30 times since last week. When we left Indiana and landed in Floruba, two things happened. Floruba's two year drought was eradicated by three weeks of non-stop rain, and Indiana had the mildest winter in history.

    I think TWO statues (one in Floruba, and one in Indiana) should have been erected in our honor, but did we get even one? nay.

    1. Whew... I was afraid it was just me and my luck that brought all this weird weather. I'm happy to be in such great company!

  2. I have had numerous opportunities to capture snow pics. If I never see snow again, it'd be a day too darn soon.

    1. The new still hasn't worn off for me with the snow. I figure I'm making up for a lifetime of Texas winters. So until it does you can leave it to me to snap pictures.

  3. Sci: My Mom was born and raised in Oklahoma. She described as a place where you could stand up to your butt in mud and get dust blown in your eyes!

  4. Hey SCI,

    It's snowing here too, I was lazy and only took a few pictures (posted on the blog). This snow were getting is beautiful today, that is until it starts to ice up outside. Expecting a lot more of this for both of us come Tuesday. Stay warm!!!

    Now that's a really nice camera your Mom and Dad sent you. I can see you now come spring time out in the garden taking all kinds of pictures :-)

    1. Hey Sandy,
      The wind has finally stopped with the 30mph gusts. I've got to go to T Town tomorrow so I'm hoping this melts off fast. After that... I say Let It Snow!
      Hugs to you and your's (and give BDMan a kiss on his boo boo for me, I know how bad dog bites can hurt... even from a wannabe big dog!!)

  5. I live in wagoner Co. in Oklahoma and am visiting my nephew in Copper as Cove, TX. (Very near Ft. Hood) this week. It's 34 degrees here today. I love watching snow falling and watching the birds at the feeders. Keep warm!

    1. Cool Rosmari, I know exactly where Copperas Cove is. Right down the road a ways from my old stomping grounds. It's not often that that part of Texas gets much winter but I hear they[re having their share this year.

  6. Hot here...wanna swap? Nice to see back at the computer. Even with a nice camera I take awful pictures.

    1. Excuse me...should read, 'nice to see you back...

    2. I wouldn't mind swapping for a few days. At least till winter's done anyway/

  7. You might try some heating mats for your seed starting. I use them because as long as you keep the soil warm and moist the tops don't care if it is cold. You might give it a try. I also use those clear plastic seed tray tops, the tall ones, to help the soil to retain the heat.

    1. That's EXACTLY what I need. Some heating mats would surely do the trick. I'll have to put it on my "list" I didn't even think about covering the tops of the trays. Silly me!

  8. Hey! That was an awesome gift! Renoman has the same camera. I haven't a clue how to use it and stick to my trusty point and click. Good for you for learning what all those buttons do.

    1. I have to confess that the only reason I know what about half of the settings are is because the camera I've been using for these past few years is a Canon Powershot. It seems they have some of the same settings. I STILL have much to learn with this baby though.

  9. Great about your new camera! And Happy Birthday, too! It is spitting snow here now but not much... I had two Canon Rebel cameras before digital became the norm - one for slides, one for prints. I wonder what to do with them now. One still has film in it but the battery is dead - guess I should pull it out manually and get it developed.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! This snow lasted all of about an hour and a half. Just enough to cover things. We're due a little more in a couple of days though.
      You should totally get that film developed. You might be surprised at what you find.

  10. I just read a really interesting article in Farm & Ranch and they insulated their shelves in the green house. Not sure how feasible this would be for you. Good luck with the next batch! I've been forbidden from starting any more seeds in the house! lol

  11. My mom sent me a ceramic Santa Claus ornament for Christmas! > : - (

  12. northeast mississippi weather is like forest gumps box of chocalates...we never really know what we are gonna get until it gets here...raining the last three days like a cow pissing on flat rocks...and chilly too. february here is usually the month of the high heating/electric bill.

  13. Extremely jealous of that Canon Rebel!
