
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Barn Raising?

The weather has finally relented just enough make it bearable in the early mornings and the late afternoons to begin working on the barn. YaY!!!!  Right now it is just a pipe frame that used to be a barn, with a few pieces of tin and old wood still attached.  One day it will actually be a real barn again.  The end product will have an area for storage, which is badly needed here.  Living in an RV has some disadvantages as far as places to store things go.  Right now we have things under tarps and plastic, under the RV, stuck in every nook and cranny IN the RV and stacked to the ceiling along the walls in the bedroom.  Not much else to do with it all right now. So the aim is to have storage area of the barn done first so we can actually keep things out of the weather and maybe even find things we are looking for. 
The barn will be in three "sections" when it is finished.  One large area for storage, a work shop (Man Cave) for Mars' tools, and an area for the livestock.  Livestock meaning one day some goats and a place for the rabbits during the winter.  We purchased most of the materials back when I got my small settlement, knowing that they would be needed later.  I'm still thankful we were able to do that.  We found some "lightly used" sheet metal and lumber from a chicken farm that was dismantling one of its houses and got a great deal on it.  New would have cost close to $20 a sheet.  Needless to say we didn't  pay half that! 
We will still have to come up with more nails,screws for the tin, a few more pieces of lumber and a bit of hardware but in the end we will have a nice barn.  With just the two of us working on it (and me being of little more help than holding material in place) it might take a little time. I figure that's ok though, the one thing we have plenty of is time!  As long as it's done by winter I figure we will be just fine.  Heck, we might get lucky and find a couple of goats by then... you never know!  At least our things and the rabbits will have a place out of the weather.

I got some broccoli, cabbage, bush beans, and more cucumbers in the ground this week. I know its a little late for the broccoli but I'm willing to take my chances what with the weather being as screwy as its been lately.  Heck, I figure "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained".  I'll be starting some lettuce, spinach, kohlrabi, more carrots and turnips in the next couple of weeks as well.  We are still working on the new large beds where I plan on putting things.  Who ever said retirement was going to be laid back sure wasn't trying to homestead and never heard of the word prepper either!

We still haven't had any rain here and there isn't any even mentioned in the 95+ degree forecast over the next 10 days. I'm thankful daily for having a good well because without it there sure wouldn't be a garden to even worry about.  I'm still fighting the squash bugs but we are seeing some butternut and spaghetti squash getting bigger!  If they don't eat down the plants we should have some on the table really soon.  The radishes, Swiss Chard and the little area of turnips that were planted last week are all coming up!  There is nothing in the world like the feeling you get when you see little green shoots pushing out of the ground and reaching for the heavens! 

The little kitten that BB the dog found and wanted for a play-toy is doing great.  We have taken to calling her Puddy Cat (yeah from Tweety and Puddy Cat fame) and she is a handful.  She's starting to eat some wet food now and I'll be trying to ween her off the bottle soon.  That could be interesting since she attacks it like it's a living thing and becomes quite "attached" to it during feeding time.  For such a little thing she is vicious in her attack on it!  LOL  MissKitty is still refusing to come in the house with that "creature" and has once again become the outside cat she used to be.  I bet she changes her tune once winter gets here! 

I've been thinking about maybe getting some ducks for the homestead.  A friend of mine has ducks and was telling me that they really don't need a coop like the chickens do.  And since we still don't have anything to build a coop with I was thinking it might be an option.  What do you think?  Have you raised ducks?  Would it work?  I haven't done any research into them yet, just thinking on it right now. 
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time Magazine's Latest "Hit" Piece on Ron Paul- A Response

In a response to this article from Prison Planet. concerning Time Magazine's latest take on why  Ron Paul's presidential campaign does not have a prayer of working, Steve Barwick wrote what I consider to be an excellent post. The following is re-posted with Mr Barwick's consent.  I found it well written and quite interesting.  I hope you will too. 

I honestly think Time magazine may have made a huge error in judgment in coming out with a "Ron Paul is unelectable" article, because that completey changes the question from "Who is Ron Paul?" to "Is Time magazine right or wrong about Ron Paul?"

That's an argument that can easily be overcome with cold, hard facts, i.e., "What Time magazine failed to mention is that Ron Paul has overwhelming support from the rank-and-file U.S. military, including more campaign donations from military families than all other candidates put together. He has won every major online poll, to the point Fox News and others have even had to scrap their polls and start over with new ones in order not to embarrass the other candidates who were so far behind Ron Paul it made their candidacies look inconsequential. And even where they scrapped the polls and put up new ones, Ron Paul won those too. He's consistently been shown in the polls to be the one candidate who can beat Obama in a head-to-head race if the election were held today. And his message of liberty and personal responsibility is catching on like wildfire, not just among Tea Party Republicans, but even among independent voters and disaffected Democrats."

Listen, there's an old saying in politics and marketing: No publicity is bad publicity. Well, we all know that's not entirely true. But in this particular case, if we handle it right you can see how this Time magazine hit piece on Ron Paul might play right into our hands.

So remember, when people say "I hear Ron Paul is unelectable," say, "Yeah, that's what the destroyers of our economy and our American way of life want you to think. They're scared shitless of the guy because they know he's going to put them out of business once he gets elected. He's winning every straw poll and has rocketed to the top 3 candidates in just the first few months of his candidacy. And that's because people are really beginning to understand his message of liberty and personal responsibility. They're beginning to understand the wisdom of his message of following the Constitution and the precepts of our founding fathers and staying out of foreign entanglements. They're beginning to understand that he's the only candidate demanding we take care of our own nation and get our own house in order rather than focusing on bailing out rich foreign bankers and bankrolling foreign dictators and putting the lives of our troops at risk for the benefit of the corporate elite and foreign autocrats. They're finally beginning to see that he's the one who truly cares about restoring our Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties, and reigning in Big Government in all of its forms."

Bottom line is this: If we get our talking points straight, and state them clearly and succinctly when we discuss the "Is Ron Paul electable?" question with friends, family or co-workers, and then say something like, "Perhaps you'd like to hear Ron Paul's policies in his own words," and send the person a link to his web site or give them a link to a good Ron Paul new interview video, we could actually turn lemons into lemonade and have more people listening to Ron Paul's message of liberty than ever before.

Thanks again Steve!
       ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~

Friday, August 26, 2011

The War and the Fall

I worked in the garden this morning before the temperatures became cruel again.  Watering the peppers, okra, Fall squash and the few remaining tomato plants that have somehow hung on through the summer I saw them. The army of squash bugs were swarming over leaf after leaf. We have a problem lately that seems to be getting worse as the days go by.  I squished at least a hundred of those awful squash bugs this morning and have been doing the same thing for a few weeks now.  My hands are stained green from bug juice yet I refuse to give up the fight to them.  At least I know that battle is being waged even as more and more of them seem to take the squished ones place.  I have no idea how to get rid of them and they seem to multiply overnight.  The war will continue until either they are all gone or the squash is.  Either way I will be able to say I fought the good fight.

I planted some carrots, radishes, Swiss Chard and a few turnips in the beds where some of the tomato's were pulled up and have another 3 eight foot beds ready to plant in once the sun falls behind the trees this evening. The other two 4x30 foot spots still need to be "bedded up" and fertilized before anything can be done with them.  I don't know, but hope, that we can get that done in time to plant some bush beans, turnips,spinach, Kohlrabi, and cabbage.  I guess we will just play it by ear on those as the heat is still with us and we are running out of time.  I need to find a spot for garlic and onions as well.

This morning I felt it. I look for it every year. Wait for it, wish for it. This year I wasn't sure that it would ever come. Something different in the way the air wraps itself around you.  That almost imperceptible feeling of the changing of the season.  Something in the way the air feels just a little differently.  A whisper of the promise of Fall.  Of course it only lasted a few hours, but I felt it.  I know that it will be here before long.  I am ready to put the oppressive heat behind me and hope that the coming season will not be as unkind as the one it follows. 
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th

"I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air -- that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave."

-H.L. Menken

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

WildBlue Internet SUCKS

I'm back... Kind of.  I've been having some serious issues with WildBlue Internet services.  This has got to be THE WORST company I have ever dealt with in my entire life.  Their lack of customer service and straight up lies is more frustrating than I can possibly go into here.  I'll be going back to the aircard just as soon as I get my next check.  I've spent over 40 hours on the phone with these S.O.B.'s and still cannot get things worked out.  My speed is now worse than dial-up and it's difficult to get online at all.  So my posts might be a bit sporadic until I can switch back over.

I had to go into "Little Big Town" this week for some grocery shopping and a trip to the feed store.  I am still in shock at the way prices are going up.  I'm actually starting to worry about being able to keep up with it.  It seems that I'm loosing ground on the preps lately.  Using more and replacing less.  Not a good feeling at all and I'm sure I am not the only one starting to feel the "pinch".  So do what you can while you still can folks. I suppose that's all any of us can do. 

We checked out the feed store in "Little Big Town" and I was really impressed with it.  Much nicer and much better choices and prices than in our Little Town.  They also had something I had never seen in a feed store before.  They have a huge New Zealand rabbit wearing a collar and hopping all over the store!  I thought that was totally awesome. 

We have a new addition here at the homestead.  My dog BB found a tiny little kitten.  I don't know where she got it but the little thing can't be more than about three weeks old.  I'm bottle feeding and playing mama to it. Did you know that you have to teach a kitten to poop?  Hmmm.....

Anyway... With any luck she'll live since she seems healthy enough.  Just very very small. MissKitty is not in the least bit happy about it either.  She acts like this little kitten is the Devil himself!  She refuses to come in the house to eat and makes that weird noise that cat's make when they are "threatened".  It's actually pretty funny!

Well, I'm going to cut this short today, Just wanted everyone to know that I'm still around but it's harder and harder to get online because... did I mention this?   WILDBLUE SUCKS!!!!
      ~~~~~~ Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~

Saturday, August 20, 2011

And The Winners ARE......

I've been having one heck of a time trying to get online to post the results of My First GiveAway but finally I have the Lucky Winners!!  I want to thank everyone for participating and I hope you all had fun, I know I sure did!  So without further ado (silly word don't you think?)  Here they are...

Winner of the Emergency Essentials Freeze Dried Stir Fry Combo is Lauren Blondeaux!!

Second Place Winner of two sets of Tattler Reuseable Canning Lids is Kyddryn.

And the Winner of the $10 Home Depot card, courtesy of The Orange Jeep Dad... Blog goes to Winnajina.

Congratulations Guys!  I'm all excited for ya!  This is one of those GiveAways I wish I could have entered!!
I'll need you guys to contact me within the next 48 hours with a valid email address and your information so I can get these awesome prizes headed your way.  If for some reason I don't hear from you within 48 hours, I'll have to redraw names for that particular prize.

Once again I would like to thank all the sponsors for this Give Away!  Emergency Essentials, Tattler Reusable Canning Lids and The Orange Jeep Dad... Blog.  You guys are all AMAZING!
      ~~~~~~ HEY ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last Chance To Win

Alrighty Girls and Guys!!!  This is your last chance to enter My Very First Giveaway! Deadline for entering is midnight TONIGHT!!
We have some awesome sponsors and some awesome prizes to giveaway, so be sure you get your entries in.  There are several ways to enter.... Click HERE for details.
The First Prize winner will receive a case Freeze Dried Goodies from Emergency Essentials!  A Stir Fry Combo which includes: 

Freeze Dried Asian Style Seasoned Chicken, Portabella Mushrooms, Diced Carrots, Whole Onion Flakes, Broccoli, and White Rice!

Second Prize winner will receive two sets of Tattler Reusable Canning Lids!  One dozen regular canning lids with seals and one dozen wide mouth canning lids.  I love these these lids.   

Key Benefits: BPA FREE!
Dishwasher safe.
Use standard canning processes.
No food spoilage due to acid corrosion.
F.D.A approved materials.
Use with Pressure canner or water bath (boiling water) methods
These things are awesome because you can use them over and over again, year after year without having to replace them like you do with regular canning lids. 
Our third prize is courtesy of Orange Jeep Dad...Blog. 
Things are tough and getting tougher for many of us here in America and folks like Orange Jeep Dad know that anyone could use a Gift Certificate from Home Depot to help stretch your dollar.

So here it is! Your last chance to enter win one of these super cool prizes!  Click here for information on how to enter!  Deadline for entering is Midnight August 18th (That's today Folks!!)  Good luck to everyone.  I'll be announcing the winners soon so stay tuned!  

      ~~~~~~Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Soft Oatmeal Cookies (To Die For)

Well it looks like we are going to finally get started on some fall gardening.  It's still hotter than all get out here, but it seems that we have cooled down some.  We had a few days in the high 90's and it's creeping up to the 100 mark but I think the worst may be over.  I'm almost scared to say that.... just my luck as soon as I do it will shoot back up to 110.  Anyway....

I pulled up some of the dead tomato's and am getting the ground ready to re-plant.  It still needs some fertilizer worked into it but then it should be good to go. I've still got some more to pull up so that will free up some more space too.  Mars has tilled up two more large beds and we are working to get them ready as well.  Good thing he did cause I pulled out our seeds and started thinking "I can't possibly plant all this stuff in that little bit of space"  LOL  The forecast for the fall and winter are hotter and drier than normal (go figure!) and so the hope is that planting just a little late will work out ok.  I'm only talking about a couple of weeks more or less so once again we will just have to see how things work out.  And some things are right on time so I'm hoping for a decent outcome.

It looks like I got lucky when I planted all the Yellow and Winter Squash last month. Come to find out that the timing was perfect for this area and the Fall garden.  I've already got a couple of yellow squash and there are tons of blooms on the plants out there.  The Butternut Squash has a couple of babies on it too.  I can't tell you how excited that makes me! 
I just know Fall is around the corner. I've been craving biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast.  I just love being able to fire up the oven in the morning and tossing in a batch of homemade biscuits!  I always get a bit antsy this time of year waiting for it to be cool enough to cook whole meals and do some baking.

I DID fire up the oven last night though.  My sweet tooth got the better of me and so I tried a new cookie recipe.  I gotta tell you... I found another winner!  And it just wouldn't be right not to share it with you guys.  Down right mean really!  And who doesn't like Soft Oatmeal Cookies?  Man, they sure were good this morning.  Had them for breakfast with some hot coffee!!  Life is good I tell ya.

Soft Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 cup butter or margarine
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 cups quick oats (regular will work in a pinch)
cinnamon (optional)

Cream together sugar, brown sugar and butter.  Add eggs one at a time and the vanilla. Mix well.
In another bowl, mix flour baking soda, salt and cinnamon.  Add to sugar mixture and mix well.  Add oats and mix.  Refrigerate for at LEAST an hour.
Pre-Heat oven to 375*.  Grease cookie pans.  Make walnut size balls from the dough and place on the cookie sheet 3 inches apart.  Use a fork dipped in sugar (or sugar and cinnamon mix) and flatten cookies.  Bake 10 minutes and remove to wire rack.

Once they are out of the oven, make a pot of coffee and enjoy a couple (or three)  These are soooo good.  I love a good cookie more than most anything and these are wonderful.

      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

PS Don't forget to sign up for the BIG GIVEAWAY. The link is at the upper right side of this page!!  Times running out!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Special Offer From FoodSaver

I know, I know... I NEVER really pitch a product but I just received this email from FoodSaver and just HAD to share it with you.  I am a super huge fan of vacuum sealing for all sorts of things.  The benefits of owning one are countless.  If you are a prepper and don't own one, I highly recommend you look into purchasing one.  Vacuum sealing can and Will save you money.  Do a search here on this site to see a few posts I've written about my FoodSaver.

Anyway, they are having a Two Day Sale (and it's a good one!  Here's a copy of the email I received.  If you would like me to forward the email to you so you can take advantage of this offer just let me know.  Oh,  it also qualifies for free shipping!
I'm not a spokesperson for FoodSaver and am not getting anything from them for posting this btw.  I'm just, as I said, a HUGE fan!
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin'...  ~~~~~~

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Bit of a Break

Isn't it funny how things work sometimes?  Earlier this week I had all but given up thinking it would ever cool down again.  Three days later we had a weather system that moved in which brought with it a little much needed rain and temperatures almost 20 degrees cooler.  What a wonderful and welcome relief!  Although some folks might not think that 90+ degree weather is really all that cool, let me tell you that it made a HUGE difference from the 110 degrees we have been dealing with on a regular basis.  We all needed the break, not only physically but mentally as well.  These past couple of months have been pretty tough on both aspects.  Of course summer isn't over yet and temperatures are supposed to crawl back up but it's been a wonderful break while it's lasted!

I would like to say thanks to a dear reader (you know who you are) who sent a nice donation for the homestead Wish List. Your kindness is greatly appreciated and it will certainly be put to good use around here.

While I have been hiding indoors from all this oppressive heat I have been working on some knitting.  I've completed 8 cotton pieces.  Some washclothes, dishcloths and dishtowels.  I just love using them!  I'm working on what will end up being the last one right now.  I'm almost out of cotton thread.
 I have a couple of skeins of some other yarn that I've been working with. (Thanks Mushroom!)  I've started and ripped out so many starts on a scarf that it's starting to get a bit frayed but I've finally decided on a pattern that I really like. Of course this is the same yarn that I have been messing around with since last winter, its about time I made up my mind on what to do with it!  LOL  So this time I am making a promise to myself that I'm going to finish this one!

The riots in England have been all over the news.  It amazes me that the people there have allowed it to get so out of hand.  Folks all over the internet have been discussing how things have been being handled.  I'm thinking that if the same thing were to happen in America, the outcome would have been much different and results seen in a matter of a day or so rather than it having drug out for close to a week now.  And I'm not talking about the government stepping in either.  I'm talking about the people who's homes and businesses have been burned and looted.  I may be overly optimistic about the spirit of Americans on this, but I cannot imagine many of us just standing back and waiting for someone to come and "make things right" for us.  Had  small business owners or homeowners here been shoved in the same direction I have a feeling that the outcome in America would have been much different.  Would you just stand by and LET someone burn or loot your home or even your neighbors homes without making a serious stand for your property? Or let someone loot your business and then torch it?   I'm thinking.... NOT!  

      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Thursday, August 11, 2011

GiveAway Reminder... Ending Soon!

I'd like to say hello and welcome to all of you who have recently begun to "follow" here.  I appreciate it, and trust me I know that some of you are just here for the super Give-Away Drawing to be held on August 18th.  =) Totally understandable!!  The prizes are awesome! 

I mean in these hard times who couldn't use a whole CASE of  Freeze Dried Foods from  Emergency Essentials to shore up your pantry for hard times? This case includes:

Freeze Dried Asian Style Seasoned Chicken, Portabella Mushrooms, Diced Carrots, Whole Onion Flakes, Broccoli, and White Rice!

Or two dozen Tattler Reusable Canning Jar Lids? 

These things are awesome because you can use them over and over again, year after year without having to replace them like you do with regular canning lids. 
Things are tough and getting tougher for many of us here in America and folks like Orange Jeep Dad know that anyone could use a Gift Certificate from Home Depot to help stretch your dollar.
 So here's the deal, if you haven't done it yet there is still plenty of time to get registered for this awesome Give-Away!!  Just Click HERE and sign up today!

What are you waiting for??  Time's a tickin'...

Contest ends at Midnight CST August 18th!
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hot Hot Hot

I am MELTING.  This heat is starting to get on my last nerve.  I have never been a morning person. Until this summer that is.  The only time that I can get anything done outside is to get up with the chickens... Oh wait... we don't have chickens yet!  LOL Well, you get what I mean.
  It's already past 90* before 10am around here and steadily climbs till the sun starts to set. But hey, I know I'm not alone here.  The entire south is baking and Fall cannot come fast enough for any of us.  I think this is the first time in my life that I'm looking forward to being able to wear a pair of jeans without thinking "Why in the world would anyone do this on purpose?"  Wearing long pants in this heat is just torture. 
I want to be able to get out in the yard and start some seeds in the garden.  I can't see it yet though. Even though the calendar says its time to start them the temperatures say No Way!  The plans for a big Fall garden are beginning to fade as badly as I myself am in this heat.  It's supposed to be time to be putting in broccoli, tomato, cauliflower and cabbage plants among other things.  There is no way any of that is going to have a shot at making it in temperatures over 100 degrees daily.  Yes, I know that if I had shade cloth we might have some luck, but we don't , so....
With finances the way that they are, I had some real hopes to be able to supplement our preps with the garden this year. But it doesn't look very promising.  Heck at this point though, who knows... we may have a really warm fall and winter with the way things have been going.  I'm not giving up just yet!
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~

Monday, August 8, 2011

History Week?

Hang onto your hats folks, this is going to be one heck of a ride! Remember where you were this week, It's going to be one to go down in history.  One that your grandchildren will tell their kids about...

      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What If...

With the downgrading of our National Credit Rating on Friday I have a question for you.  If there was a bank run tomorrow, would you be affected?  If so, how badly would it hurt you and your family?  Would you have some cash money that you could lay your hands on?  Would you have fuel for your vehicles? Do you have medicine's and band-aids in your cabinets in case someone gets hurt or sick?  And here is the really big question...  Would you have enough food in your pantry to be able to feed your family for a few days, or a few weeks  until the banks re-opened?  What would you do if they never did?  Would you be prepared to care for your family if it were necessary to use only the things you have right now?
There was a time when these questions would seem a lot more far-fetched to many than they might seem to be these days.  A time when this sort of thought might never have even crossed your mind.  I'm wondering if it might just be crossing it now.  It seems to me that the writing is on the wall for our economic system. There will have to be big changes one way or another now.  I know that the government is corrupt.  It is more and more apparent every passing day.  We have let the foxes in the hen house and they are doing what inevitably happens when foxes are in charge of the chickens.  The question is ... what are your going to do about it?  

With the recent ploys in DC to wrangle a deal to avoid what has now happened,(the downgrading of our credit rating) it is becoming apparent to some of us that we will have a serious problem on our hands sooner rather than later. So what to  do... What to do?

Heaven knows I don't have the answers.  Some folks have been preparing against these times for a long time now. Others, not quite so long and some are just now figuring out it might be best for you and yours to start.  If you have never thought about preparing for hard times now is the time to move.  And I'm not talking about a few extra cans of food at a time anymore.  
The time for being able to take your time and think that you can do this over the next few months or so is over.  That opportunity has passed.  You had your chance and you didn't take it.  You thought that those of us who were trying to put things back for hard times, to get ready for a coming disaster were just a bit "crazy".  That these things could be done later on.  Guess what!  You had better snap to and prepare as fast and furiously as you can for the coming economic and government emergencies about to rear their ugly heads. 
The downgrading of our credit should be a huge red sign for those of you who didn't see this all coming.  The cost of EVERYTHING is about to rise even more dramatically than it already has in the past year. This credit downgrade isn't just about interest rates. It will affect the cost of everything you use because as the old saying goes "S#*t rolls downhill".  The cost WILL be handed down to the consumer, heck, that is just business. 
Tomorrow will be a very interesting time for us "regular folks" here in the U.S.  They gave us the news of the downgrade after the markets closed on Friday for a reason.  They wanted you to have a few days to think about things, to let it soak in before trading on Wall Street starts tomorrow. There is going to be some serious action tomorrow and who knows what might happen.  But I know this much, our money is now worth less than it was on Friday.  That part is an undeniable fact.  What is unknown is what will it be worth after tomorrow and how will people react?   So I will ask you these questions again.

 If there were a bank run tomorrow... do you have cash that you can lay your hands on without having to go to the bank?  Do you have at the very least a half a tank of fuel for your vehicle? If one of the kids gets sick or hurt do you have medicine/ bandages to "fix them up" in your cabinets? And most importantly- Do you have enough food in your pantry to feed your family for a few days or even weeks?

It is time to spend every extra dime you have on what some call "Beans, Band-aids, and Bullets.  If those words make you uncomfortable, then imagine how you would feel if you could not feed your children because you didn't think far enough ahead to stock up for a few extra days or even weeks?  Would you be able to look your children in the eyes and tell them there was nothing for dinner and send them to bed hungry because you failed to prepare for their future?      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~

Saturday, August 6, 2011

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of FREEDOM

.1. the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care> d : ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom> e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom> f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>
2. a political right

Definition of TYRANNY
1.oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man — Thomas Jefferson>; especially : oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state>

2 a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant
3. a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock — Dixon Wecter>
4 an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act : a tyrannical act <workers who had suffered tyrannies>

Examples of TYRANNY

    The refugees were fleeing tyranny.
    He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery.
    a nation ruled by tyranny
    She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the system.
    The king sought an absolute tyranny over the colonies.

Time to choose....

      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This and That Thursday

gThe heat here has been crazy.  I honestly thought that when I moved from Texas, some 500 miles north, that things like hot Texas summers would be a thing of the past.  Uhmm...  not so much. We have  experienced some of the hottest driest weather that this part of the country has ever seen.  The forecast yesterday was for 115*.  Yeah, you read that right!  I suppose we got lucky that it was only 111*.  This has been the typical weather pattern for several weeks now  and I don't see much change anytime soon.  This is NUTS!  Of course, somehow I think it must have something to do with our decision to move to Oklahoma.  I mean, we have been here a year now and have had one of the coldest winters on record, broke records for snowfall, and are currently breaking records for hot and extreme drought.  Hmmm... I'm just hoping this patten will not continue!  For all you folks here in this part of the country,  my heartfelt apologies.  I suppose I could try doing rain dances, but with my luck I'd end up bringing on monsoons!! 

The tomato's have  finally given up.  Although I had hoped somehow to be able to get them through the summer, I suppose it was kind of silly on my part.  Even with daily watering, in the end the oppressive heat and lack of rain finally won.  I know that the lack of mulch was probably a huge factor.  Unfortunately there was nothing I could have done about that part.  It is far to late to get new fall plants in the ground.  They should have been planted in the middle of July.  I can't imagine how I would be able to keep them alive either though in this heat, heck if I couldn't keep big healthy ones alive how would I be able to keep tender small ones?   Tomato's will have to be bought from the store and added into the food budget. Yet another thing I can't afford but will have to find a way.
On the bright side it looks like I'll have some room where the tomato's are put in some beans. The soil could use the nitrogen and we could use the beans! I can't just give up on trying to garden. To grow at least some of our own foods is of utmost importance. Especially in these trying times.  If for nothing else I will grow vegetables for the rabbits.  Hey, we all gotta eat!
Speaking of rabbits... those poor guys are hanging in there.  I've been trying to keep them as cool as I can.  I've got ice bottles that I take out for them during the heat of the day and keep them watered at all times.  They have a good shady spot and their cages are all wire (except for the roof) so they have a shot at the hot breeze that blows here.  If I can just keep them from croaking till it cools off  I'll be happy.  Then I can focus on breeding some meat rabbits.  That will certainly help the food budget. 
The chicken coop is on hold until I can wrangle up some wire for it. I keep hoping I'll run across some on Craigslist and look daily for some.  Once the heat breaks there is much work to be done around here. Until then I'm nursing my broke toes and trying to stay cool. 

If you haven't done it already, be sure to sign up for MY FIRST GIVEAWAY!  Prizes are a case of Freeze Dried goodies from Emergency Essentials, 2 dozen Tattler Canning Lids, and a Home Depot gift certificate, courtesy of Orange Jeep Dad... Blog.  There is a link at the top right hand side of the page.  Click and enter!  

      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good Bye... It's been a heck of a run


                             GOOD BYE AMERICA
This is a day that will be remembered forever by Patriots across These United States who know that a Council of 13 is NOT the answer nor is it constitutional. Tyranny is upon us...  God bless us all....
                    THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1776.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Well folks, I know I've been hinting at it for awhile now but here we go!!  I'm having MY VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY  I am SO excited to get to do this and have some awesome prizes up for grabs.  3 Winners and 3 amazing prizes! 

The folks from EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS  have been kind enough to sponsor this AWESOME Stir-Fry Combo   They are offering a Stir Fry Combo and here's what It includes:   6 #10 cans: FD Asian Style Seasoned White Chicken, FD Portabello Mushrooms, FD White Onion Flakes, FD Broccoli, Carrot Dices, and White Rice.  Pretty cool yes?

The second place winner will received TATTLER CANNING JAR LIDS.  I just love these reusable canning lids and I know you will too. You will be using them for years and years to come. A great addition to anyone's preps.   A dozen of each regular AND wide mouth  Tattler Reusable Canning Jar lids goes to the lucky Second Prize winner!!!

The third prize winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to Home Depot, courtesy of The Orange Jeep Dad...Blog. Check out his blog and tell him I said hello!  He's got a great blog with tons and tons of good information. Oh, and trust me, he will make you feel right at home!!

OK so how do you enter for a shot at one of these GREAT PRIZES?  Well, there are a couple of ways to do it.

1. Click the Follow button here on this blog and leave me a comment letting me know you did.  If you already follow this blog, leave me a comment saying so and I'll add your name to the list as well.  (Might need to clarify here... ya need to hit that "Follow" button up there and become a member of this site! Following on a reader is a whole different thing)  :)

2. Follow this blog through Network Blogs over on Facebook.  There is a widget on the left hand side of this blog that you can use to make it easier.  If you already follow on Network Blogs then again, leave me a comment and let me know you do.  That's another way to enter.  Don't forget to leave a comment!

3. If you have a blog, tell your readers about this giveaway there and link back to me here.  Then leave a comment along with the "link over" at your place!  

4. Post a message on your Facebook about this contest with a link back here to this giveaway and leave me a link and  a comment letting me know that you did.  

5."Like" Bacon and Eggs over at FaceBook and leave me a comment on the FaceBook page!  There is a button right here on the blog or you can go to Bacon And Eggs here and click the button. Don't forget to leave a comment!  Again, if you have already "Liked" us on FaceBook, leave me a comment letting me know. That will count as an entry as well.

OK, that's it!  Pretty simple huh?  AND you have up to 5 ways to enter.  You need to leave a comment for EACH of the things you do, not one comment saying you did them all.  Each comment will count for a single entry.  The contest will run from August 1st thru August 18th.  At the end of the contest, using a random number generator we will pick the 3 winners.  You will need to email me with your information within 72 hours of the end of the contest or I'll have to pick another winner.  Good Luck to everyone!!! 

Thanks again to Emergency Essentials, Tattler Reusable Canning Jar Lids, and The Orange Jeep Dad... Blog for the awesome prizes!!  Good Luck!!!!!     
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


Well folks, I know I've been hinting at it for awhile now but here we go!!  I'm having MY VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY  I am SO excited to get to do this and have some awesome prizes up for grabs.  3 Winners and 3 amazing prizes! 

The folks from EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS  have been kind enough to sponsor this AWESOME Stir-Fry Combo   They are offering a Stir Fry Combo and here's what It includes:   6 #10 cans: FD Asian Style Seasoned White Chicken, FD Portabello Mushrooms, FD White Onion Flakes, FD Broccoli, Carrot Dices, and White Rice.  Pretty cool yes?

The second place winner will received TATTLER CANNING JAR LIDS.  I just love these reusable canning lids and I know you will too. You will be using them for years and years to come. A great addition to anyone's preps.   A dozen of each regular AND wide mouth  Tattler Reusable Canning Jar lids goes to the lucky Second Prize winner!!!

The third prize winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to Home Depot, courtesy of The Orange Jeep Dad...Blog. Check out his blog and tell him I said hello!  He's got a great blog with tons and tons of good information. Oh, and trust me, he will make you feel right at home!!

OK so how do you enter for a shot at one of these GREAT PRIZES?  Well, there are a couple of ways to do it.

1. Click the Follow button here on this blog and leave me a comment letting me know you did.  If you already follow this blog, leave me a comment saying so and I'll add your name to the list as well.  (Might need to clarify here... ya need to hit that "Follow" button up there and become a member of this site! Following on a reader is a whole different thing)  :)

2. Follow this blog through Network Blogs over on Facebook.  There is a widget on the left hand side of this blog that you can use to make it easier.  If you already follow on Network Blogs then again, leave me a comment and let me know you do.  That's another way to enter.  Don't forget to leave a comment!

3. If you have a blog, tell your readers about this giveaway there and link back to me here.  Then leave a comment along with the "link over" at your place!  

4. Post a message on your Facebook about this contest with a link back here to this giveaway and leave me a link and  a comment letting me know that you did.  

5."Like" Bacon and Eggs over at FaceBook and leave me a comment on the FaceBook page!  There is a button right here on the blog or you can go to Bacon And Eggs here and click the button. Don't forget to leave a comment!  Again, if you have already "Liked" us on FaceBook, leave me a comment letting me know. That will count as an entry as well.

OK, that's it!  Pretty simple huh?  AND you have up to 5 ways to enter.  You need to leave a comment for EACH of the things you do, not one comment saying you did them all.  Each comment will count for a single entry.  The contest will run from August 1st thru August 18th.  At the end of the contest, using a random number generator we will pick the 3 winners.  You will need to email me with your information within 72 hours of the end of the contest or I'll have to pick another winner.  Good Luck to everyone!!! 

Thanks again to Emergency Essentials, Tattler Reusable Canning Jar Lids, and The Orange Jeep Dad... Blog for the awesome prizes!!  Good Luck!!!!!     
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~