
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Special Offer From FoodSaver

I know, I know... I NEVER really pitch a product but I just received this email from FoodSaver and just HAD to share it with you.  I am a super huge fan of vacuum sealing for all sorts of things.  The benefits of owning one are countless.  If you are a prepper and don't own one, I highly recommend you look into purchasing one.  Vacuum sealing can and Will save you money.  Do a search here on this site to see a few posts I've written about my FoodSaver.

Anyway, they are having a Two Day Sale (and it's a good one!  Here's a copy of the email I received.  If you would like me to forward the email to you so you can take advantage of this offer just let me know.  Oh,  it also qualifies for free shipping!
I'm not a spokesperson for FoodSaver and am not getting anything from them for posting this btw.  I'm just, as I said, a HUGE fan!
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin'...  ~~~~~~


  1. I would love for you to forward that email!
    our address is:


  2. Sci, go ahead and forward that to me too. Catman bought an old one off of Craig's list a few months ago, it came with all kinds of gadgets, but the damn thing doesn't seal tight, he thinks the gasket is worn out. So...yeah, please send it. You have the email address, but just in case here it is again. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Please,Please,Please email me the link. I have been waiting for a year for a new one. Ours broke after having it for 4 years. When we were processing deer last fall we so missed not having it. Thank Yous so Much Amber

  5. Count me in, Sci. We have one that some friends gave us (they had two) and it still works well, but I know those things wear out eventually. It's a great price to include the sealer and it will be nice to have a backup. All those extras will come in handy in the meantime. Thanks!

  6. I love my food saver. Food lasts longer and freezer burn is much less of a problem. It is especially good for seafood. It is great for taking food camping, too. Wonderful invention.

  7. Ok so far I think I've got you all an email sent. Let me know how it works out for ya! Sure hope I was able to help.

    Rose, I know how ya feel. One of the finer prepper tools there ever was in my opinion! Something else that I use mine for is to store my bell peppers and such in jars in the fridge instead of using ziplock bags. Makes veggies last at least three times as long!

  8. I just saw your link over on rural revolution. Would love it if you could forward that email to me! I've been wanting to get one of those. Thanks!

  9. Good Morning

    Since you are talking food saver I was wondering if you seal your dried foods? Somtimes when I put in say, dried cherries, the cherries poke small holes in the bag and I lose the seal. I was thinking of putting some wax paper in the bag and then the food to see if that would cushion the pointy parts of the food. Do you have any suggestions?

  10. i would love the link also

  11. Hey Spinnersaw, there are a couple of things you could do. One is to use paper towels to "cushion" the sharp edges. The other would be to seal them in canning jars. They make an adapter for jars that is awesome. It's like $10 and worth every penny.

    Rene, sorry hun but the promo ended on the 14th. :(
