
Monday, August 1, 2011


Well folks, I know I've been hinting at it for awhile now but here we go!!  I'm having MY VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY  I am SO excited to get to do this and have some awesome prizes up for grabs.  3 Winners and 3 amazing prizes! 

The folks from EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS  have been kind enough to sponsor this AWESOME Stir-Fry Combo   They are offering a Stir Fry Combo and here's what It includes:   6 #10 cans: FD Asian Style Seasoned White Chicken, FD Portabello Mushrooms, FD White Onion Flakes, FD Broccoli, Carrot Dices, and White Rice.  Pretty cool yes?

The second place winner will received TATTLER CANNING JAR LIDS.  I just love these reusable canning lids and I know you will too. You will be using them for years and years to come. A great addition to anyone's preps.   A dozen of each regular AND wide mouth  Tattler Reusable Canning Jar lids goes to the lucky Second Prize winner!!!

The third prize winner will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to Home Depot, courtesy of The Orange Jeep Dad...Blog. Check out his blog and tell him I said hello!  He's got a great blog with tons and tons of good information. Oh, and trust me, he will make you feel right at home!!

OK so how do you enter for a shot at one of these GREAT PRIZES?  Well, there are a couple of ways to do it.

1. Click the Follow button here on this blog and leave me a comment letting me know you did.  If you already follow this blog, leave me a comment saying so and I'll add your name to the list as well.  (Might need to clarify here... ya need to hit that "Follow" button up there and become a member of this site! Following on a reader is a whole different thing)  :)

2. Follow this blog through Network Blogs over on Facebook.  There is a widget on the left hand side of this blog that you can use to make it easier.  If you already follow on Network Blogs then again, leave me a comment and let me know you do.  That's another way to enter.  Don't forget to leave a comment!

3. If you have a blog, tell your readers about this giveaway there and link back to me here.  Then leave a comment along with the "link over" at your place!  

4. Post a message on your Facebook about this contest with a link back here to this giveaway and leave me a link and  a comment letting me know that you did.  

5."Like" Bacon and Eggs over at FaceBook and leave me a comment on the FaceBook page!  There is a button right here on the blog or you can go to Bacon And Eggs here and click the button. Don't forget to leave a comment!  Again, if you have already "Liked" us on FaceBook, leave me a comment letting me know. That will count as an entry as well.

OK, that's it!  Pretty simple huh?  AND you have up to 5 ways to enter.  You need to leave a comment for EACH of the things you do, not one comment saying you did them all.  Each comment will count for a single entry.  The contest will run from August 1st thru August 18th.  At the end of the contest, using a random number generator we will pick the 3 winners.  You will need to email me with your information within 72 hours of the end of the contest or I'll have to pick another winner.  Good Luck to everyone!!! 

Thanks again to Emergency Essentials, Tattler Reusable Canning Jar Lids, and The Orange Jeep Dad... Blog for the awesome prizes!!  Good Luck!!!!!     
      ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. I didn't realize I wasn't a follower of yours. Shame on me. I am now. :D This will count as my entry. I don't mix Facebook and my blog so I will have to by pass those entries.

    Very nice give away SFC!

  2. I didn't realize I wasn't an 'official' follower either (I am official now)...I have your blog in my google reader and love the updates.

  3. I am already a blog follower so I guess that is one entry, right?

  4. Yup, I follow you. Will post a link and info about the contest in my blog (I think). Either that or Since I don't usually have to type in the site I never remember it.

  5. I follow! I also have you on face book. Great contest!

  6. I follow you on Google Reader. Entry #1. :)

  7. I follow you on Facebook through Networked Blogs. Entry #2. :)

  8. I "liked" you on Facebook. Entry #3, if I am reading your post correctly.

  9. Well, let's see, I'm a follower already, I like you on facebook, I also follow you through networked blogs.


  10. WOOOHOOOO WTG SciFi on your awesome contest!!! Luv ya hun!

    Entry #1 - following through google

  11. Entry #2 - following through networked blogs

  12. Entry #3 - posted a message on FB and linked to your giveaway!

  13. Sci, it me again :)

    I just gave you a shout-out on my blog and it has lots of clickable links to get the readers over here.

    Love Ya~

  14. AND Entry #4 - left ya comment and was already following Bacon and Eggs on FB!

    (missed the extra entry for having a blog, cause I'm just too chicken to start

    Have a great day and thanks for the contest!!!

  15. I now follow you through networked blogs!

  16. Oh, pick me,pick me,pick me!!!!! :) I alread follow you.

  17. I mentioned you on facebook with a link!

  18. And I put up a blog post about your contest (and told everybody to read/follow you even if they didn't want to enter, as your blog is that good!)

  19. I have been a faithful follower for several years. Thanks for the opportunity to win such neat things!

  20. Skippy, I sure am glad you stopped in! And I totally "get" the FB thing.
    Tammy, thanks for becoming "official"!! :)
    MDR, gotcha covered. Can't wait to get involved in your giveaway! It's a lot of fun so far!
    Scott, thanks for stopping in today.
    MomLady, you are the bestest!
    HP my friend, thanks for "playing"!
    Jimmy, I got you down for 2, you have to hit the Follow button HERE, Google reader doesn't count. :P
    Fel!!! LOL Ain't it grand to get a post "given" to ya. Love ya bunches hun.
    LadyG, you Rock!! Good Luck
    Lammykins, you been busy!!! Thanks for playing!
    2 Tramps, we do go back a ways don't we? LOL Good to see ya!

  21. I Follow you now! (Actually, I also thought I already did......bad blogger I am). Will post a link soon on my blog!

  22. I'm following! (officially now)

  23. Following through networkblogs!

  24. Liked you on facebook-that way I'll never miss a post!

  25. I am now following through the network thingy... LOL!

  26. Tryed to sign up as a follower, but was only given the option to log on in facebook, refuse to do facebook.
    Read your blog every day and enjoy it, well tryed to get a chance, but $hit happens,
    keep up the great blog

  27. Hey Carolyn,imagine that! LOL I didn't know you visited over here, Love your blog. Thanks for stopping by.

    Karen, I got ya in for 3 entries. You're great, thanks for stopping by.

    MM!! You got it my friend. :-)

    Richard, hmmm that's kinda weird... so sorry. I'm clueless as to why they would make you sign into FB, but I understand how ya feel! Thanks for the good effort...

    JUGMom (lol that just looks funny doesn't it) Thanks bunches, and I hope you get some folks over there your way. Love your blog.

  28. I follow your blog like Zohan does disco!!!

  29. I a follower. Thank for the great contest!

  30. Following your blog through networkedblogs on FB.

  31. Yart, thanks for entering! And thanks for stopping by.

    Chef.... I've said it before and I'll say it again (probably more than once) You're a NUT!!!!

    Cool Beans Winna! Good luck to ya!

  32. I follow you on Blogger. Thank you for such a great blog.

  33. And... I now "like" you on Facebook. What a strange, strange world we live in. I tried really hard to keep parts of my life separate, yet they continue to merge.

  34. Hey SciFi I posted about your giveaway,

    Thanks Pete

  35. And I clicked the like button at facebook. Thanks Pete

  36. Hey Ellen, thank you for such a nice compliment. You know I really didn't think about the FB thing and keeping things separated until a couple of you have mentioned it. I promise not to do a single thing with the FB stuff. And yes, it is truly a strange world, and getting stranger daily.
    Pete! You are awesome guy, I hope you know I think so. I love your blog and the info you get out there.

  37. I hit the follow button, thought I had before, but what the heck. And, I've had you linked on my blog from the beginning. Will leave a note linking to the contest.

  38. Okay, I just clicked follow on this page. Pretty sure I got it right. Entry #3 should be complete. I'll post when I blog about this.

  39. Steven, I got ya! Oh, BTW, Love your blog and your message!

    Jimmy!!! YaY!!!! lol

  40. I'm now an official follower on your blog, although I check it regularly anyway. I also have Bacon and Eggs as a blog I follow on my blog. I will post and link about your giveaway soon!

  41. Here's the link to your giveaway on my blog:

  42. Hi, I'm now following (the #1 option) :)

  43. 1st visitor here, now your 200th GFC follower!
    Enter me in the giveaway please.

  44. I meant 1st TIME visitor before...doh!lol
    Anyway, I signed up to follow via Networked Blogs as well, so sign me up for another entry. ;-)

  45. I am a follower. Will also link from my

  46. I didn't get all the letters in my Sorry bout that.

  47. Rose, thank you! I know ya stop in often and comment, I just love comments! :) Gotcha in!

    Amanda, thanks for coming by today.

    slugmama I like you already... gotta love a sense of humor! That's what makes the world go round!

  48. Dang, I just realized...I can't enter! Doh! It's still exciting to watch though! Great prizes too!

  49. SFC - I am now following you thru reader and the prescribed way listed in #1. :)

  50. I also just blogged about the give-o-way!

  51. Wow! You are not messing around with this giveaway. These are some great prizes. I am a follower of your blog.

  52. I am a long time follower of your blog on Networked blogs on facebook. Love your blog.

  53. Orange Jeep Dad! LOL Just want to thank you again for all your help in getting this done and for your support! Oh, and maybe next time right? :-)

    CKillingsworth, Thanks for your entries! Good Luck and welcome aboard!

    Shelly, Hey Girl! Glad to see ya joined in the fun! I'm so excited about these great prizes, and I can hardly wait to see who the winners will be!

  54. Just became a follower (listed as LyndaF), thanks to Orange Jeep Dad's site.

  55. How did I almost miss this giveaway? I am a follower!

  56. I just "liked" you on facebook as well...I am Roxanne there.

  57. I just posted a blog entry about your giveaway too. It is at That should be three entries! Yay!

  58. I don't know ig I'm in but I love this site sci you do an amazing job. love ya

    Missy aka Kittymama lol

  59. Welcome Lynda, glad to have ya over from OJD's place!
    Yep Sophia, I count 3 as well!

    Hey Missy... Ya goof, ya gotta click "something"! Love ya

  60. I'm soooo confused!!! hahaahha I'll get it figured out (I hope).....reeree

  61. I am now one of your followers...keep up the good work!

  62. I already follow you. Began to cause I LIKE bacon and eggs! ;0)

  63. Already follow you, just havn't been blogging for a while!
    Friended you on FB this evening, waiting for you to respond!

  64. I have been reading your Blog before you left our great state of TX & moved north to Ok. Before you recieved your awesome Dehydrater from your mother, I was never a "Follower". I have now become a follower. Please put my name in for the drawing.
    Sharon D from ETexas

  65. Well I have clicked on you "like" button for FB. Just waiting for you to accept.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  66. I also liked you on facebook.

    You have an awesome blog.

  67. linked to your giveaway on my blog

    It is funny I am having my first giveaway too.

  68. Ive read your blog for a long time now I'm an official member hope I win

  69. Denise, Thanks!
    William, I appreciate it! All kind words accepted here!
    Kelle, lolll Thanks for the smile!
    Katie, Good to see you back in the blogosphere! You have been missed.
    Sharon, thanks and Good Luck! Wow, you really HAVE been reading for a long time! It is appreciated.
    Bloggers, Awesome! I'll be over to enter soon!
    Rene, you are too kind. Thanks for hitting the button and good luck to ya!

  70. i follow your blog!

  71. i follow via networked blogs!

  72. i like you on fb! as soon as i recieve your friend request, ill leave a comment on the wall!

  73. Am I late to the party??

    I follow you, and have for a while.

    Thanks for the canning advice - I did peaches a few evenings far, nothing's turned green an icky...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  74. I too am a follower now. But your blog is a daily read for me.I have been coming here for a while. I also read Yart,and hidden haven. I love canning and gardening and critters. I haven't blogged in a while but I get on every day.
    Good luck to everyone,and very nice gifts!!!
    Donna aka:zztop357

  75. I just followed you from the Networked Blogs widget.

  76. Very cool Give-Away! I linked you to my blog here...

    (ezrablu here...sometimes my Blogger won't let me post or comment)

  77. While it's working I'll let you know I also LIKED your Facebook page....Sorry I have to comment annonomously...I broke my Blogger :D

    Carol Jean Peek aka ezrablu

  78. I'm on a roll I've been following you for a looooong time so please add me another entry to your great Give-Away again!

    (ezrablu...the one with the broken blog :o(

  79. love bacon n eggs....need me some bacon n eggs.....
