
Friday, February 10, 2012

They Are Coming

I'm not sure why the news surprised me. Nor am I sure why it suddenly feels as though I have been betrayed. More so than ever before. The news this week of congress giving an ok for DHS to go forward with the plans to have drones to fly over the U.S. has struck in me a deep dark chord.  It's not like I am naive enough to believe that I didn't know it would come to this.  The betrayal I feel is somewhat surprising to me though. I have watched as our rights and our constitution have been eroded almost beyond recognition over the past few years. With this news though, I think it has finally sunk into my head (and in my heart as well) just how bad things have become.  It seems the train has left the tracks and is now spiraling down into some deep cavern, plunging into a new dark future.  I'm not sure where we are going or even how long we have left anymore.  I can only hope that we can rise up out of the darkness and somehow find the light of liberty once again. 


  1. I think Catman was more right then he knew, Rome is falling. The drones flying over US soil is just another sign of the times. I am begining to believe this end of the west, and we will never get back up.

    1. Wolfe, Rome IS falling. Catman and many other patriots have been yelling it from the rooftops for years and yet most people who hear do not truly listen. If we do not act, if we do not come together to fight this tyranny, the west will be nothing more than history.

  2. Harder to detect than the black helicopters we see now and then (under the guise of DEA.

  3. This is indeed, a betrayal. I've had a couple of those moments lately, this and the NDAA act. It is disheartening to say the least.

    1. Amen HP! The trouble is that those moments are starting to steamroll right over us now. It seems that almost daily they are yanking our freedom farther and farther from our grasp.

  4. Read this post right before going to bed last night & I had nightmares, ugh!

    Yes, it's here. And they don't even bother to hide the fact anymore. F'n tyrants.

    1. Carolyn, I know just how you feel. I've been having nightmares for the past week about this. It's one of the reasons I haven't posted anything this week. For once I have been left speechless.

  5. The people I helped elect, who campaigned for freedom and conservatism, voted for this bill. I cannot believe it. If you can't beat them by putting people in office who you think are going to do the right thing.....what are we to do?

    1. Mamma Bear, I wish I had an answer.I used to think that you could only push people so far before they started pushing back... I'm beginning to wonder about that now.

  6. It's getting to be a scary world out there! Don't need chicken little to tell us anymore that the sky is falling!

    Welcome to the future!

  7. I got three words for ya: Armor. Piercing. Rounds.

  8. lol Craig, don't let me have a redfish to smack ya with! Keep up the good fight my friend.

  9. I have to agree there is a darkness enveloping America. Where is the so called free press as our liberties are being crushed? They are focused on more important issues like what the Kardashian’s are doing or what Snooki is up to. Do not forger the under 30 crowd. I think the figures are around 33% cited comedy shows like Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" as their primary sources for news. That should instill confidence in our future.

    Worse than those issues our rush to a Police State is well planned. Do not think it was just coincidence the President attacked the Catholic Church at the same time Congress authorized the drones to over fly America. It was the old magician’s trick to distract from what is really happening. Plus if the President can screw over some Christians in the process well that is just a bonus. We are being marched to slavery with a very well thought out plan. I am almost 60 and have become very fatalistic about my future.

    I made a decision I would speak the truth as I see it until our government silences me. I expect in the next couple of years to be either killed or interned by the Feds. Yes, I see freedom and liberty crushed within the next couple of years. Perhaps even before the end of the year. I see our leaders staging some false flag operation in October this year. Then for the ‘GOOD” of the nation Martial Law will be declared. With that declaration America will be designated a battlefield, the elections will be canceled, I and thousands of others will be arrested or purged and America will become a dictatorship. I pray I am wrong but I now sleep with a 45 on the night table and a 12 gauge beside me. Paranoid? No, you are not paranoid if they really are after you.

    To everyone out there be very careful what you post the government is watching. I made the decision to say what I think with the knowledge I would be jailed or killed. My family is grown so beyond my wife I do not have to care for others. If you have a family please think of them before you say anything anti-government, not only for your safety but for your family.

    Badger – Live Free or Die

  10. Keep in mind there alot more of us that love freedom then those who wish to crush our way of life..and the number will only grow as they wake to the knock on their door.
