
Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day!

Winter had shown up again.  I am still so new to snow that I haven't lost my love for it.  It also helps of course that here we don't really get much of it and it doesn't really last all that long.  On the other hand, I am about to go stir crazy being in the RV.  I'm starting to miss the sunshine yet I know that in a few short weeks spring will be here.  

The poor Lilly's and daffodils are a bit confused.  

But you have to admit that there is something beautiful about a snowy day, sunshine or no sunshine!  

Once again I am reminded why I wanted to move far enough north to be able to enjoy ALL the seasons.  And still far enough south to enjoy them without freezing to death! LOL!!

As you can see, we only got a couple of inches this time around.  No roads closed and we are able to come and go.  Not like I really want to go anywhere though.  Going into town is still not very high on my list of things I like to do these days!
Anyway, after my last couple of posts, I thought I would "lighten up" just a bit.  The world is becoming a scary place and I'm just happy that we have found a little bit of peace and quiet to turn to.

                                  ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. Thanks for the snowy pictures. They remind me of the first part of my life when I lived in Pennsylvania.

    1. Thanks for stopping by today Dizzy. I didn't know you were from "up North" originally! Have a Super Day,my friend.

  2. SciFiChick,
    I see mother nature graced you with some snow. She graced us last night with 2 inches. I will take the 2 inches compared to the many feet we would get when I resided up in Marquette, Michigan (upper penisula) right off of Lake Superior.

    1. Brrrr... I just can't imagine that kind of cold. And you are SO right, I'll take the two inches compared to that for sure!

  3. Our plants are confused as well but it's from a lack of winter here in S. Idaho. I went out and started turning over my raised beds and I had fresh parsley hiding under the leaves I tossed on top last fall.
    We don't usually get a lot of snow but below zero temps are usual in Jan. Not this year infact we have been about 50 degrees for out highs. More like late March and early April but without much rain.

    1. It was a brutal summer here and now I think most of us are going through a crazy winter as well. I sure hope things get back to "normal" really soon. I can't believe your parsley made it!

  4. the world IS a scarey place...and i am just glad that you have found somewhere "SAFE" to both made a seriously crazy decision that will pay off regardless of whether S hits the fan or are safe. and i am happy.

    lots of love always, your friend,

    1. Kymber, you know I'm sure glad you guys are up there safe and sound. Girl, we sure have some good times ahead yeah?

  5. We got nailed with almost 3" of snow yesterday....but luckily half of it is gone already and with temps supposed to be close to 50 today, I don't think we'll see the snow much longer!

    We're from the Chicago area so not having any snow is a treat for us. But I do have to admit your pictures are nice to look at! (Inside, on the computer, in front of the fireplace!)

  6. I'm enjoying the rain we have been getting this early in the year! Nice, slow soaiking kind!

    Maybe this year will be less dry than it was last year!

    Happy to report that we have had NO SNOW or FREEZE! I don't do snow very well!

    You keep those feet warm!

  7. Sci,

    Down here in Northern CA, the daffydulls are smiling, my peas are already out of the ground, and we sit in the warm sunshine way too much. Where is winter? Rain? What is that?

    Maybe 40% of normal rain at this time. Everything uggie stays up to spread between you and Kymber. Next summer just flat gonna be nasty.

