
Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog Roll Amnesty Day

I can't believe it's already been a year!  Gee, time flies when you are having fun. I stopped by my friend Busted's place late last nite and there it was.... Blog Roll Amnesty Day. I absolutely love this whole concept.  Mainly because I get the chance to pass on some wonderful blogs to folks who might otherwise never run across them. 
   B.A.D. ( blog roll amnesty) was created by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and Al Weisel, aka Jon Swift.  Al passed on a few years ago but their creation of B.A.D. lives on.  
So here's the way this works.  You pick 5 (this is the hardest part) blogs who you feel deserve more traffic than they  get.  Actually, the rule is supposed to read "who get less traffic than you" but I'm taking a little "license" here. Oh, and another rule is... you can't say "But no one gets less traffic than I do" LOL.  
 The hardest part, for me anyway, is choosing.  I follow so many blogs that it's really hard to have to choose only 5.  So in no particular order at all here are my choices for this year.

First up is Mystic Mud.  This lady is just starting out on her blogging as well as her home in the hills of Tennessee.  Along with her 10 (yeah TEN) kids and her man, she's been sharing their ups and downs.  There is just something that touches me about her.  I can't explain it but... well you go check her out and I think you will see what I mean.

Another wonderful blog and one heck of a funny lady too.  (I just love funny people!)  Is Carolyn over at Krazy Acres.  Her homesteading adventures are hilarious at times but have so much to teach us all about humor and grace under pressure. And if you don't get a kick out of her goat adventures.... well... you just have to check her out!

OK, let's see.   The next blog I'd like to introduce to you is Duke over at Down Range Report.  I just truly enjoy visiting his place.  He's a Veteran and has a slant on things that is sometimes serious, sometimes funny, and sometimes seriously funny!  The man tells things like he see's them and you just gotta love that! 

And then there is Steven.  Standing Outside Looking In. This man is such a warm, friendly person and he has some moments of shear writing brilliance.  His place makes me and everyone who visits feel like they have come home.  He writes the blog mainly as a journal of sorts for his granddaughter.  Something for her to look back on one day. He's kind enough to share that with us.  Ohhh... just go on by and see what I mean.  And tell him I said hello!

Framboise Manor is a blog that my dear friend Kymber and her husband Jambalony write.  They have given up life in the big City and have moved out to the wilds of Canada.  Nicer folks you just can't find!  They bought some land and an old house that sit by a river.  I just love hearing about their adventures.  This was a big move for them both and they are having a blast carving out their homestead and living their dream!

I know that's five but there is one more that I would like to mention.  Brigid doesn't really fall into the category  for  B.A.D. but I would be remiss if I did not mention her blog.  She is a brilliant writer.  She writes about many things, including guns, hunting, cooking and life.  If you have never had the pleasure to visit her at Home On The Range , please do.  I have a feeling you will be as blown away with her talent as I am.

So there you have it.  My picks for Blog Roll Amnesty Day.  Please stop by and check them out.  I'm pretty certain you won't be disappointed.  When I first started blogging, Busted was one of the very first folks to leave me a comment and make me feel like I wasn't just writing to see my name out there but was actually reaching someone.  He's a little "rough around the edges" but (I love that about him)  his outlook on things even if we don't see eye to eye sometimes.  He was one of the first people to put me on his blog roll and I can't begin to tell you what that meant to me. I have liberally use his thoughts here (and hope he or S.O.P.A don't get too upset!) to help me explain the BAD rules correctly.

I hope you all will get up off your butts and  participate in Blog Roll Amnesty Day.  You might not realize it but you really CAN make a difference in someones life. Even by leaving a comment on someones blog from time to time can make all the difference in the world. Just knowing that someone out there is actually listening to you and what's on your mind is a great thing.  

So how about it?  Wanna take a minute and have a B.A.D. Day???

                                     ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. Replies
    1. No thanks necessary! We all just love you Stephen!

  2. Nice idea! I already check out a couple of those but will be checking out the others! :) thanks (and I agree with you about Stephen!)

    1. I know you won't be disappointed Kellie, some great folks for sure!

  3. Hey! I'm only online for a bit, but I'll try to pop by and see the BAD folks...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

    1. K. So glad you found a way to get online for a bit. We all miss you terribly!

  4. Thanks for the B.A.D. award thingy blog mention! Although I kind'a feel like some of these "awards" kind'a get like blogosphere spam, it does give me a chance to find other blogs that I never would have found without them! So off to check out your recommendations and add some more blogs to my list that I follow!

    And I will pass the B.A.D. torch on to five others!

    1. Carolyn, the BAD thing is a tradition started about 6 years ago by Skippy and Al. The history of it is kind of interesting actually. It's just a way to "pass on" some great blogs to other folks once a year. Kinda fun!! No need to feel like you have to participate!!

  5. oh Sci - you are soo sweet - thank you sooo much! i just received a different nomination (my first one - yours is my second one!) and i am really not sure how this stuff works. but i'm trying as i tend to find new and interesting blogs from other people's blogs. and i love yours but you already know that.

    i am truly and deeply honoured that you would nominate us with such giants. my head is going to pop. thank you so much, my sweet dear friend!

    your friend,

    1. Kymber.... PLEASE don't let your head pop! Such a mess!!! No worries about this one. It's an honor to be able to list you as one of my BAD folks! :D

  6. Sounds like a cool idea to me! I'm gonna have to take part in this as well!

    Thanks for telling us about it!

    1. Jim, I think its alot of fun. I always end up forgetting about it until right when it comes up though (blushing) I finally figured out this year that it is held on Superbowl weekend every year! LOL I needed the "key" to remember it and finally got it! Thanks for stopping by my friend!

  7. Brigid is a smart cookie all around, and you picked a good set of blogs for everyone to visit..

    1. That she is North! She's one of my all time favorite bloggers and one hell of a writer! Thanks for stopping in buddy!

  8. Hey Sci

    Nominated you for a blog award, details are on my blog.

    You don't have to link back to me or participate if you don't want to, it's not like I'm gonna be checking to see if you did it or not. LOL!

    Love and Hugs

    1. Awww Thanks Fel, I'm on my way over to check it out. Thanks SO much! lolll and thanks for not feeling like ya gotta check up on me! (snorkkkkkkkk)
      Love ya Girl!

  9. Aw, thank you SO much - I am honored:) I am so flattered that people want to share in our journey with us, and you are one of my most favorite people to be sharing with.

    xo~ michele

  10. Good job!

    Thanks for taking the time and effort, even Skippy noticed.

    It can be fun and it should give everyone involved a bit of a spike in traffic, it made a huge difference in mine.

    And for a fine howdoyado, You now have eighteen comments and I got three.

    Good job.
