
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Big Day in Little Big Town

Unless you want to be really bummed out, don't go to the grocery store these days.  I ended up in Little Big Town  yesterday.(if you are new to the blog we have Tiny Town a few miles away, Little BigTown a few miles further and of course there is T Town about 45 miles away.)

So I headed out  to the feed store and to do some grocery shopping.  Mind you, I don't like going to town much in the first place but to do it on a Saturday?  I must have lost my mind. The feed store was like a bee hive with what seems to have been the entire population of farmers in at least a thirty-five mile radius.  I had to pick up chicken and rabbit feed and get some propane bottles filled. While I was there I checked again and they FINALLY had 1lb packages of yeast. Yay!!! I snagged up three of them (I store my yeast in the freezer)  and headed to the counter to put in my order and let them know I needed propane as well.  Are you  wondering yet why I wanted to pick up yeast there? For some reason (and I'm sure it makes sense to someone somewhere) they are the only place I can find 1lb packages of yeast.  I can find those little brown bottles everywhere and of course the single packets in the grocery stores but not a single one carries the big packages.  After going to put in my feed order I went out to check on the propane and the guy said it was already in the car.  This guy had stuck them in the trunk of the car laying them on their side.  A BIG NO-NO.  Anyway I told him he was gonna have to set them in the floorboard of the back seat. (which is where he pulled them out of in the first place)  I didn't want to be a statistic somewhere in a class on propane safety.  

Anyways.....  Next stop, Grocery Store stop #1.  Jeez, and I thought the feed store was busy!  Maybe it's just me but it seems everything on my list has risen in price since last month, which didn't help my crankiness about all the people in there jockeying for position at every turn.  Then it was off to the Evil Empire to finish up what shopping I had to do in Little Big Town. Someone should have smacked me down for that decision!

Last stop of the day.... The Evil Empire, packed with every sort of humanity walking the world!  If it weren't so funny to watch folks I'd have backed off till another day. Anyway....I pulled up my big girl panties and went for it.  Every since I found out that they HAD to match advertised prices of ALL the other stores in the area (I'm not going to T Town if it can be helped)  Aldi's (50 miles from home)

must really make them cringe with the excellent prices on produce they run most every week.   So I picked up four lbs of strawberries @.99 a lb to make my first batch of jelly this year and some bananas@.33 a lb and they had avocados on sale too @.33 each.  (I see another Tex Mex meal in the not to distant future.) 

The reason I'm sharing all this with you?  I have a perfect example of how much AND how fast groceries are going up.  I buy tortilla's.  I don't like making them but I can and I do know how.  I just would rather not.  So one of the things I pick up every month are flour tortillas.  Four months ago they were $1.48 for twenty tortillas, two months ago they changed the packaging and went up to 1.98 for the same tortillas.  This month I just about fell out when I saw they had bumped the price to $2.48. That makes a dollar increase in just four months time. Looks like I may be going back to homemade tortillas soon. 

I've been telling folks for what seems like years that prices are going up and only going to get higher.  Just about everything is going up even faster right now folks.  And just wait till this summer when you start seeing things go even higher.  That drought out there in California will certainly be taking its toll on food costs this year.  My advice?  Stock your larder as deep as you possibly can while you still can.


  1. You and I must have wanted to torture ourselves on the same day. I complained all the way home to my husband about how fast grocery prices are rising. Brutal is the only word I have for it.

    1. JMD you said it all. Brutal it is. For a long time now my budget for groceries comes down to about 50 bucks a week and that includes things like paper towels, T,P baggies for the freezer, etc. I've been telling Mars for some time now that I'm going to have to up the grocery budget soon. And soon is here now.

  2. A cashier whispered to me that Walmart here does a price match on Aldi's unadvertised low cost for milk. The price-match is for "advertised items." But, the one exception is for milk at Aldi's. Maybe that is occurring at your WM. AND, cashiers cannot offer it to you or just give it to you at the Aldi's price. You HAVE to ask. Price-matching at WM is the only way I can continue to eat the same quality food as I have been eating.

    1. Linda,
      Thanks for the info on the milk I had no idea they would match it. . I'd been to our local WM a couple of months ago and the cashier told me they weren't t match Aldi's prices anymore. Well you know me... I called the corporate office and wanted to know why. Come to find out the manager of the local WM here had decided not to match. Guess what? After I called the main office all the sudden they were good to go on the price match. I don't mind asking for the match price. I'm even nice about it and put all the stuff that's price matched together. I hate shopping WM but if you are on a budget sometimes you just have to do it.
      Thanks again for the milk info!

    2. You are welcome. AND, they take any Publix coupon. I don't know if you have Publix there or not or nearby. I have been complaining about not enough electric carts in WM. I called corporate four times in three weeks. Finally, I explained to the customer service operator that there were things horribly wrong in this WM and I needed to speak to someone besides her. Several days later, a district manager called me. I explained that there were only six working carts in this store and a store 1/10 the size had four. I told him that the carts were lined up in the back, well the ones that did not work.

      I told him that a manager said only one cart at a time could be ordered, which, with the breakdown rate would mean there would never be more than six in the store--EVER. He said he had ordered six. While I was at it, I told him name of employees/associates who refused to help me and said, 1) that's not my job, 2) you can do it yourself, 3) just why can't you do it, just reach, it's close. He was not happy. I did tell him 98% of the employees were very nice to me.

      One woman insists on talking about me when I can hear! I told him I did mind her talking about me, just wait until I was out of earshot! He said he was going to take care of that.

      One guy, when I still tried to walk did not like my asking him to separate two carts. He flung the cart at me and hit me, hurting me. Another door person chased me out the door screaming, "security, security, security." He was very upset with that. So, maybe all the employees won't like me now. Who cares? I go to buy groceries.

      I did tell the manager and the district manager that I found others in electric carts had similar problems and that I was collecting their names and numbers. Besides telling him the names of continually rude employees, I told him the names of all the nice one. One manager had moved to another store, but he said he would put the info in her record. She asked me exactly what was wrong with me--illegal question.

      I hate shopping there, too. But, stores that do not have electric carts lose me. Plus, like I said, I can price match stores in 50 mile radius. I am not driving to Kroger and spend gas to drive 50 miles to get peppers cheaply.

      Yep, call corporate. The district manager knew I was talking lawsuit speech. I don't want favors, just consideration of my abilities. And, I don't have to have immediate satisfaction. I can wait a bit until it is possible for someone to help me.

      I keep a notebook as I peruse the ads and write down the name of the store, the item and the price to be matched. Then, I keep my hand on the item and read from my book, telling the employee where it is that price. New employees want to see the ad. Older employees who know me, just take my word. Sometimes, when I miss an item, they tell me and I will pay and go back and get the item if I want it.

      I will let you know if I think of any other tips.

    3. Correction--manager said only one cart per month could be ordered. THEN, district manager said he had just ordered six. The next time I was in there, the manager with whom I talked said he just order six more. So, that is twelve carts headed our way.

  3. These higher prices are killing me! What in the world is going on when steak is cheaper per pound than hamburger?

    I don't understand how families just getting started can make it anymore, much less all us older folks on a fixed income!

    1. Jim,
      I don't know HOW folks with kids can afford to even eat decently any more. And us older folks either. One thing I've been known to do at one of our local stores is to choose a cheaper cut of meat and ask them to slice it and then tenderize it for me. That's about the only way we eat beef besides hamburger any more. and you are right about those prices. They ask $4 bucks or more a lb even for hamburger. I shop hard even for the sales on that. I guess we just have to hang in there but sometimes I feel we are hostages of the price of beef. I knew it was coming a few months ago due to droughts. Ranchers have to o sell their cattle because they can't afford to keep them anymore. Hang on, its' going to be one heck of a ride.

    2. Bottom round was $2.29 and ground beef (80/20) was 3 lbs. for $10.58. Well, I just found I am allergic to beef, so that's okay. Ground beef/sirloin/chuck give me more problems than a whole piece of beef. I never buy ground beef. But, when I can buy it for $2.29/lb., I will. And, we pay tax on food.

    3. We've not seen prices like that in a couple of years. I'm a bit jealous because I'm NOT allergic to beef. Sometimes a cut of meat will be cheaper than hamburger and when I can catch it like that I'll have them cut it into steaks for me OR I'll take it home and grind my own hamburger.

  4. I must be lucky since there is a large Hispanic population around here, so the Dollar Tree stocks tortillas, dried beans(still full 1 lb. bags)and other Mexican cooking type items for $1 each. Not quite 20 tortillas in a package but still a good deal and far better than the grocery stores.

    1. slugmama,
      I understand about the large Hispanic population. I grew up and lived in Texas most of my life so it was a bit of a shocker when we moved here. The Hispanic population is much less and the grocery stores reflect it. I did see yesterday that the Dollar Tree had the burrito size with ten tortillas per package. We are used to the fajita size (smaller) for things like our breakfast tacos and soft tacos and such. I'm seriously looking at making them myself again, even if I really don't like doing it. *sigh* I'll have to check out the beans there and pay a bit more attention!
      Thanks for the suggestions,

  5. the high prices are good reason to not only stock the larder/pantry, but also a good reason to learn and do all you can with canning and preserving every little bit of extra. not only are prices increasing but packages are getting smaller on most everything in the grocery store and that makes it difficult to cook normally from recipes.

    1. Anony,
      You are absolutely right. I'm on the same bus as you are.about the canning and I do a bunch of dehydrating too. Speaking of preserving every little bit of extra, I made that awesome Spanish Rice this past week and am dehydrating what we had left over as we speak!

  6. I don't shop that often so I see a real big difference in prices every few months. The other day I told my neighbor if I had an orange tree, a lemon tree, could grow wheat and learn to weave cotton cloth, I would have no need of town.

    1. Mamma Bear,
      I sure know what you mean. We don't have enough land here to grow enough wheat to last us awhile. I keep saying I'm going to go ask some of the farmers around here who grow it if I could just buy directly from them. It might be time to find out. I would SO love to be rid of town.

    2. Since I also found out I am allergic to wheat, no problem growing if for me on my 1/ acre lot. You don't need an orange tree for your vitamin C. Look on the internet for things that contain C. Rose hips are chock full. Meyer lemons will grow in the South. My friend had one that grew outdoors and was never protected. You could put one Meyer lime indoors, grow or move into a greenhouse, and have all the vitamin C you need. Of course, you may just need the juice. Fruit Fresh is Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, good for supplying the body all it needs.

  7. We BIG shop 3-4 times a year and buy the same things. We also save and compare our receipts. Our receipt increases are averaging a 1/3 increase each shopping trip for the last 2 years. We don't buy produce, dairy, eggs, poultry, or meat. I don't know how "normal" folks can afford these increases.

    1. Lynda,
      We keep striving to get to that point. Right now I'm pretty much still struggling. The rabbit situation is finally resolved. A new buck made all the difference in the world for our rabbit situation. I'm still struggling with the chickens and whatever critter is stealing our eggs. The garden's done us real well. I'm struggling here to make ends meet but even I have a step up on the whole thing. Things look pretty dismal for most folks in general though.

    2. Sci Fi,
      Look for a snake. They will actually rest under the bedding for the hens and steal eggs from under the hens. Clean every undersurface and maybe you will find a snake.

  8. Ya things have been going up quick. What really irks me is how they make it a pain in the A$$ to actually keep track of it. Between the store doing their sale this week, not the next stuff and shuffling prices then the company will raise the price for a while then one day you go in and find it back to the original price but with less volume but still in the same sized package.

    I don't bother to go anywhere near a business location on weekends or even weekday afternoons anymore unless the wife insists. It just ain't worth the effort of suppressing my berserker rage anymore.

    1. PP
      As usual, you have the whole thing figured out. The ONLY reason I had to actually go to town on a Saturday is that I was out of rabbit feed. And since I hate going to town I figured I'd just get it over with.

      I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you broke out the berserker rage.

  9. We must buy the same type of tortillas. I noticed the exact same price increases over the same amount of time. And I don't know how to make my own. I can cook, so I guess it's time to learn. (Isn't that what Youtube is for?) :) The prices are increasing dramatically on everything. I'm doing the best I can, but it's hard to get ahead in the stockpiling.

    1. Cristy,
      I know how you feel about trying to get your preps AND feed the family. I've recently stopped with the stockpiling and focused more on what I can actually do at home. Things are going to get especially hard just to make ends meet soon.
      Hang in there and if you can share any tips to help others out please let me know.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I have been reading up too on the Ca. drought, BAD. I don't eat meat daily and I save a big chunk of $$$ that way. I eat beans, pastas, eggs, lots of other protein sources. Our chest freezer has paid for itself, and we're enlarging our garden. I buy in bulk where I can, and freeze a lot. I love our Grocery Outlet!

    1. Nancy,
      We eat lots of beans around here too. Mars isn't wild about pasta in any form so I have to choose wisely so he doesn't fuss too much. Like you we invested in a small chest freezer a few years ago. It's definitely paid for itself. Like you, we've also really expanded the garden. This year the plan is to add at least three new rows. That would give us an additional three hundred feet. It sounds like you've been fighting the "food war" too. I'm all about cutting cost when it comes to most things.

  11. Canned our first batch of chicken here at Casa de Chaos. Both Mom and I have been buying up meat on sale, freezing it untill we could get it canned. Canning was a lot more fun sharing the work and then having a cup of coffee, chatting and then checking the canner to make sure it is at the correct pressure. I'm still doing okay on the food budget doing my "Tactical Shopping" but I can see the food budget will have to increase soon just to keep pace with costs. I need to pick up 3 cans of coffee at Fred Meyers for $5.99 per 34.5 oz can and that is it untill next pay day.

    Filled up the new gas cans with real gas. Filling a 5 gallon can costs about $18.00 at $3.73 per gallon. Everything people must have to live is going up and I suspect this summer the cost of living will surprise many that have not paid attention.

    1. Girl it sounds like you found a good partner for canning! I so wish sometimes I had one too. Your "tactical shopping" seems to be serving you well. We don't really have much of a choice in the way of grocery stores here.Matter of fact I'm still missing all the stores. I just have to work with what we have here and sometimes it's kind of depressing; Gas here has dropped to $3.29 right now, but that changes weekly. We always buy the "real gas" for the small engines around here. It's $3.39 right now for the good stuff right now. Things like the lawnmower, the chain saw and the tiller. Like you I think there are going to be some folks wishing they had planned for the awful prices that are rolling our way.

  12. SCI,

    I absolutely hate doing any form of shopping over the weekend. When I have no choice and have to go on a weekend, I must bite my tongue because I don't have patience for dealing with people who like to have family reunions in the middle of aisles, or park their carts blocking the aisle.
    I've noticed prices going up for several months now. I've also noticed grocery stores are not stocking as many of certain items. Shelves are empty in several locations because of limited supplies. The drought problem along with the death of thousands of cattle will cause major price increases on food across this country.
    Tortilla's, I make them too but recently purchased them at Sprouts (a store in town) and was able to get a deal buy one package get the other free. Now these tortillas were made with green chiles in them. You could buy corn or flour made with the chiles, omg they are really good.
    My tip for anyone, shop during the week. Maybe a Tuesday or Wednesday when most stores restock their merchandise.
    Have a great evening, give a hug to Mars.

    1. Sandy,
      I think I remember a conversation we had about the family reunions in the middle of the grocery store! lol I hate it too. Like I said though, I'd never have thought about it if we weren't out of rabbit feed and propane. By that time I was already in Little Big Town and I really didn't want to have to go again any time soon. I find I'm sorta rude when I "suggest" folks move out of the dang way and let me thru. Now that you said that about stores not stocking like they used to, I'm realizing the same thing is happening here too.
      Green chili tortillas? Sounds really yummy to me!
      Mars received his hug and looked at me sorta funny! I told him it was your fault lolllll
      Hugs to you and yours,

    2. Best time to shop for me is 10:30-11am on Monday morning. The bargain basket for bread is full of what didn't sell over the weekend, & usually includes some loaves of bread as well as bagels marked down. The meat dept marks down the meat that is close to dates at 10 am & brings it out when they are done. I have bought ground turkey for $1 for a 1.25 pound package, and those packaged "tenderloin" turkey or pork roasts for $1.50 each. Ground sausage is a regular item in the bin, as is the ground turkey & both freeze well. The bargain bin is the only way the mister & I keep eating meat.

    3. Before we moved here I used to be able to shop those kind of bargains. There seems to be no way that happens here. I miss my HEB store! lol I suppose because of the location and all things are different. Like you I knew when things would be marked down or put in the bargain cart (otherwise known as "real" deals) I'm glad you have some good places to find deals, even if I am jealous!
      Thanks for stopping by,

  13. Though I believe my situation will change soon, I've currently been oit of work for 15 months. Nothing makes price creep stand out like not having enough money to begin with. My wife and I have noticed exactly what you're talking about.

    1. Gorges,
      I don't know how you do it. I've been putting you guys in my evening prayers (hope you don't mind) We are struggling here but at least we have a small check every month. It has to be pretty brutal not having an income. I know it was for us, and if it weren't for my buddy Carol and her hubby I don't know what we'd have done before we found this place.
      Hang in there, things are going to have to get better eventually.

  14. Does anyone barter to keep purchases down? I am going to try again with my eggs. Most vendors at the market have their own source of eggs. Two hens give me about a dozen every two weeks that are extra. I got my bread machine out to make bread to barter.

    1. Linda,
      I just wish my girls eggs wouldn't keep being eaten by some critter. I found some golf balls at the Evil Empire and have them set out in the coop. I guess we'll just have to see how that goes. I"m pretty sure it's a snake and not another critter getting in there. Last year I found a huge snake in the coop. It was awful. He'd eaten FOUR baby chicks. I could see the bulges in his belly. (Do snakes really have bellies?) Anyway we caught and "dispatched" all 5 feet of him in short order.

  15. We have two Walmarts here. I didn't know either of them price matched. Thanks for the tip. I need to look into that.

    1. LindaG,
      They will price match with other stores in your area but you have to ask them to do it. You don't have to show them the ads either. Just say "Hey, I want to do a price match on "this" and they will give it up!

    2. My Walmart requires that you bring in the print ad. Even tho it's a pain I do it. I paper clip the page and put all price matched items on the belt last. I've actually had 2 cashiers thank me for doing it this way.

    3. I suppose that the need to bring an add must be the choice of the manager. Actually I have done the same thing (bringing the printed ad} I also separate the groceries that I have the ad for. It saves a lot of headaches for sure. I'm sure the cashiers appreciate it.

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like going to town. It will be nice when the gardens get going.
    On yeast: have you ever ordered from Azure's? There are a few of us that go together so shipping is cheaper. They have lots of herbs, spices, oils, etc. & it comes in the mail:)

    1. Oh you are a person after my own heart. I HATE going into town. It's the reason I try to get all the things I need for the month.
      I've never heard of Azure's untl today. Thanks for letting me know. I can get lost just looking at all the goodies they have. Have you ever checked out They have a huge selection and their shipping is like $7 an order, no matter what it is you want. I've used them a couple of times this past year and really like their products..

  17. I am like you do NOT like going into town and I refuse to shop on weekends unless its life or death...LOL...we have one inky dinky town 7 miles from here....not a grocery stores...a small (like used to be) evil empire(does not carry groceries) and we have to drive 35 minutes to a grocery store...we do have an Aldi's and I do most of my shopping there...We are fortunate that here at Rocky Oak we raise alot of what we eat, so my grocery budget is really used to 'stock up'...I agree grocery prices are not going down anytime soon and with the drought in Cali. I really wonder what folks are gonna do...We tripled our garden size this year...canner and dehydrators will be going full force this year :)

    1. I still need to learn to can. Wish I had an old canner, but I'll have to get a new one. (Will be worth it, I'm sure.)
      Any suggestions on what to buy or a good place to look for ratings/reviews?

    2. Homestead Lady,
      Our Tiny Town has everything that the super stores do except of course the things I need. Its great that you can raise most of what you eat. I'm still not there yet but I'm working on it. The reason I went on a Saturday was that I was totally out of rabbit feed. (someday I'd like to raise most of their food) And I have baby bunnies that are pretty much weaned. I figured that while I was there I could fill the propane tanks save a trip and run the gauntlet. They have a "real" superstore i Little Big Town as well. I don't think groceries (or anything else for that matter) to go down in price. Just about the only thing I see that actually goes down in price is gasoline. We are adding an additional 300 feet to our garden this year. And you are so right! I can see my canners and dehydrators going as often as I can get them filled.

    3. LindaG.
      If you are willing to go all out the All American Canners are the top of the line. One really nice thing about them is that they don't use gaskets. That's a bit out of my $$ range. Lots and lots of folks use Preto Canners. They are well made and do the job. I think I paid about $50 on my 16 qt. I caught it on sale and got lucky with free shipping. Presto's can be found all over the place. That's the size that The Evil Empire carries too. I found my second canner at a garage sale. It's a bit larger but works like a champ. That baby only set me back #10 and a new gasket! You might try using the water bath canning first to sort of give you an idea of how things need to be done. It doesn't take a canner to do it either. A tall and big pot is all you need to process a lot of items. I would recommend checking out this site. It is basically free canning class and answers tons of things you might want to know. This is the class kymber and I took together!.(little bit of trivia there :-) If there's anything you would like to ask I'll do my best to answer. Shoot! Most any "canner" would probably be able to answer!

    4. OH!! I forgot to tell you if you go to that site the free classes are down around the bottom of the page.

  18. Your comments about the propane tanks made me smile. Several years ago a storm was going to hit late in the day so I took the empty tank and some small gas cans with me. I got the tank and cans filled and the attendant very carefully put the little gas cans around the propane tank with the idea that it would help the propane tank stay upright in the back of my truck. I continued on and got some work done but I miss judged the time and the storm hit before I got home. As I was driving home the car ahead of me slammed on their breaks to avoid something blowing onto the road which resulted in my having to do the same. Of course that sent everything in the bed of the truck sliding and I heard that propane tank hit the front of the bed. I was still 20 minutes away from home and had no safe place to pull over to right anything (actually saw corrugated metal blowing across the 2 lane highway during that storm). Made it home safely but I now get my propane in my home town and take it directly home.
