
Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'll Be Back

Sorry for the silence.  I'm recuperating from another back procedure and honestly haven't felt much like doing anything.  Even though I knew they told me that this "procedure" wouldn't be as easy as the last couple I never expected to be in this much pain. Walking is a major problem as is any sort of bending, standing, sitting or for that matter much of anything else. 

I'll be back soon.


  1. sorry to hear the healing isn't coming as fast as before. Just keep resting, and kicking Sandy's rat-dog-thing occasionally and you will get better :)

    1. PP I do tend to get fussy and impatient when things aren't going my way. BUT I'll get over it eventually. Maybe some Beanie Weinie's? It's not trout but....

  2. Hope your healing goes into overtime! Get rest though if you need it, out too early & it will be worse.

    1. Thanks Carolyn. At this point I'm thinking all I actually CAN do is rest! And I know you're right. One of the reasons to get this over with so I'd be healed up by the first part of April Our last freeze date is April 15th. *wink* Of course with the weather we've been having who knows what's in store for spring.

  3. Praying for a quick recovery Sci.

    1. Thank you so much Mamma Bear. I'm sending some up for The Marine as well.

  4. May the Lord bless you will peace, comfort and healing.


  5. So sorry that you're having a hard time healing. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way. Hopefully you have some good books or something else to help pass the time. Also I've got to tell you when I saw the title of this post I instantly read it in my Arnold Terminator voice. Hopefully I'm not the only one!

    1. Awww thanks Sarah. And I do have some books and some knitting that can be done.
      Funny you mention The Terminator.... I heard it in MY head as I was writing it! hahahaa

  6. Wow, well let's just say, "Backs can be a pain in the rear." Might try not eating wheat too. (It's a natural inflammatory.) Listen to your Dr. and your body & heal well.

    1. Hmmm... I didn't know that about wheat. Very interesting. The doctor warned me before hand it wasn't going to be as easy to recover as the last time. I suppose I was just hoping he'd be wrong this time.

  7. *hugs* God Bless. Take your time and heal. We'll be here when you feel well enough to come back. ♥

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. I knew I'd be out of commission for a bit, I'm just always in a hurry and hate hate hate dealing with pain. I'm a bit of a sissy sometimes.

  8. Oh Sci, having been the recipient of a spinal fusion, I know how you feel! Rest up the best you can and give it time to heal! Hugs in the meantime.....

  9. Sci: This sucks going into spring. Though I can't think of a really good time to have surgery! If you need stuff to occupy your mind you might check out studying for your Ham radio Lic. Technician level. I have a few links on my site and has a great study guide. Having good coomunications is critical when you are living miles from nowhere or actually in nowhere. Electricity and electronics are basically a mix of chemistry and physics and a lot like cooking and baking though the formulas are a bit different ;)

    1. I've always had a problem wrapping my mind around electricity. And math... I suck at that too! I've just been doing a lot of reading (think fiction here) and truly try to take it easy. Even so, I feel "obligated" to do the feeding and watering of the barn critters. Truth be told though I've not missed a day in the past three years making sure the rabbits and chickens are taken care of. Well, that time I broke two toes I missed a couple of days. lol Still, I figure they'll miss me if someone else were to take care of them!

  10. I'm sorry to hear that. I've had back issues from time to time, usually from lifting feed sacks. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    1. It's a good thing I don't have to load/unload feed cause I sure wouldn't be able to do it right now. Thanks for the well wishes.

  11. Hope you have a quick recovery. Sending healing thoughts your way. back problems are a b***h.

    1. Thanks Momlady, I'm sure there are other things worse but right now I just can't think of even one! :-)

  12. Sorry to hear about your back problems.I 've had back issues most of my life.I know it's no fun at all and rest is the best medicine for now. Once you get the ok for rehab you'll feel your better.Good luck.

    1. Thanks Will. I think my problem is I have no patience for feeling bad. Back problems have always been a problem for me too. And resting..... resting is hard when there are seeds that can be sown. I know you're right though, rest and recouping are the only ticket right now.

  13. Oh, I need back surgery, so I am taking great interest in your problems here. I hope you get better soon as is possible.

    1. Linda, this is something I've been dealing with for years, but never had the surgery they advised. So when I went to the doctor before this one he told me I only had two choices. Surgery (spinal fusion) or pain management. That struck me like a 2x4 between the eyes. There had to be another option. And then I found a doctor that agreed. These procedures are fairly new but so far...effective to a degree. I just wasn't really prepared to be out of commission this long this time, even though I was warned it wouldn't be nearly as easy as the last couple. I've got severe scoliosis (over 70%) which could have been treated when I was a kid but that's a whole other tale but I was NOT ready to give up just yet. I guess we'll see how it goes.

  14. I will be praying for a speedy and complete recovery for you. I've had my share of back problems and I know some of that misery first hand.


    1. Back problems are sure no fun. Thanks so much for your prayers.

  15. gurl - i'll be sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. and like everyone has already said - get lots of rest! and stop kicking Sandy's little Beans - i mean it - bahahahahah!

    your friend,

    1. Thanks lady for the healing thoughts, your mojo is pretty good so I should be up and around soon.
      I NEVER kicked Beanie Weenie ...errr..... I mean Beans. And it was sorta like all PP's fault!
      (sorry PP but I'm tossing you under the bus!) lolllllllllllllzzzz

  16. Man I hope you feel better soon! It's just about planting time!!!!

  17. I've been thru my back issues, and it stinks. I found acupuncture very helpful with pain management...

  18. *hugs* I hope you feel better soon. At least you have the seed catalogs to entertain and inspire you.

  19. Ugh! Sorry to hear it, Scifi. Sending prayers of healing your way. Hang in there. xo

  20. I have a special blogger friend of TEN YEARS with compressed discs in her lower spine. She was advised to have a new procedure where they insert cement between the discs. HORRORS! The cement leaked out and caused nerve damage.

    So I found a surgeon in her area willing to try two things: One was to anesthetize the individual nerves causing the most pain. Three sessions, with one shot per session. She went and got her first shot, with the second one coming up in two weeks.

    If that doesn't help, he's going to do a "nerve ablation", where he will literally zap, and kill, the offending nerves from the compressed discs.

    Whew. TMI? But she's in so much pain I HAD to do something!! Until you're better, you'll be missed, but not forgotten.
