
Monday, March 10, 2014

Free Seed Catalogs

I love it when my seed catalogs start coming in!   Many of them have some wonderful tips and information that's new to me. I think I could spend hours reading them.  Well I realized a few weeks ago that with moving out to the Hillside Homestead I wasn't going to get any catalogs if I didn't order them.  So while I was poking around the net I compiled a list of Free Seed Catalogs from companies that carry heirloom and open pollinated seeds.  I thought I would share some of the ones I found and some that have been favorites of mine for a long time. Oh and did I mention they are Free?  I just love that word!  

 Free Catalog List  ( heirloom/open-pollinated seeds)

Abundant Life 
Baker Creek
Bountiful Gardens  

Heirloom Acres Seeds  
Johnny's Selected Seeds  
Potato Garden 
 R.H. Shumway's
Sandhill Preservation Center 
Seeds of Change  

Seed Savers Exchange 

This is in no way a complete list. It's just a start.   If you have some that are your favorites, please share them with us!!  I just love reading them.  There is something I find wonderful about being able to hold them and flip the pages... I can make notes and use a highlighter too when I come across something "cool".  ( Don't tell anyone but I even "ohhh and ahhh" over some of the things I want to try)
I've also found an excellent source of seed catalogs by the state from Mother Earth News. 
                             ~~~~~~  Hey... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. I love getting mine as well. I get bountiful gardens and heirloom acres... makes me know it is spring time.

    1. I love the catalogs as well as the seeds. There is so much information in some of them and it seems that every year I'm learning something new

  2. Heirloom Acres Seeds comes up "This website is for sale" :-{

  3. I get several of those but I am loyal to baker creek. I order from them every year. Have always gotten wonderful seeds with an extremely high germination rate.

    1. I'd have to agree. Baker Creek is awesome. I've got a friend that lives just down the road from there who sent me some awesome seeds that I had put on a wish list. ( Thanks Mapdude and Jewels) This year's seed catalog is totally awesome and I'm sure I'll be ordering something from them. I have every since!

  4. Seeds of Change is now owned by one of the big gmo companies. I refuse to do business with them. It would take me some digging to find my chart of companies owned by others.

    I think Baker Creek is one of the best. And if you live out west Territorial Seed is also very good.


    1. Winston,
      I hadn't heard about Seeds of Change being bought out. That really really sucks.

  5. I feel the same way about gun catalogs. When I walk all the way down the mountain to the mailbox, it's always with the hope there will be a new Sportsmans Guide, or Southern Ohio Guns, or Cheaper than Dirt. But alas, more and more of the good catalogs are no longer in print, you have to download them and it isn't the same.

  6. I love gardening, so you really gave me Spring fever. So glad to see you here blogging, so many deserted blogs these days. Thanks for letting me visit.
