
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday Check In

Like most everyone across the country,  we are getting our share of snow and cold cold temps. The low last night was  right at 3 *.  We've warmed up to 9* here now .  Now that's some pretty cold weather.  We got about 6"  of snow and it looks like it's not going to melt much anytime soon. 

 The trailer isn't very warm but we are managing.  The heater runs constantly though and I can only imagine how high our electric bill is going to be after all this. Layers of clothes, hats and gloves are still required though.  I'm thankful I have a pair of fingerless gloves.  They really are coming in handy.  

One of the things on "The Eternally Growing List" is to make some heavier curtains for the windows.  They really loose the heat.  I'm sure wishing I had bumped it up a bit higher on the list. Hindsight's 20/20 though!   There have just been things that were more important and I've just not had the funds for the material.

The critters are all ok.  I've been breaking ice out of the water for the chickens three times a day for the past couple of days.  The rabbits don't seem phased much by the weather.  We move them into the barn in late fall and they overwinter there. Mars had the foresight to fill a big cooler full of water and set it in the greenhouse for critter water. We've got a little heater in there for the few plants that we are trying to overwinter and it's nice and warm in there. 

  I'm sorry about no pictures lately. My camera has some sort of problem where the  batteries go in.  It's not making a "connection" for some reason. It breaks my heart because I like to take photo's of things around here for future reference.  Besides I just love taking pictures!  Mars hasn't taken a look at the camera yet.  I'm hoping he'll be able to figure something out. We've added a new critter to the mix and I wanted to show you how cute he is. 

Ya'll all take care and stay warm.  Be sure to check on your neighbors and especially  the elderly to make sure they are ok too.


  1. Hmmmm. I wonder if I could make some sort of "greenhouse" for the water buckets? One that the goats wouldn't step on, climb on, or chew on. Guess that answers my question.

    1. LOL Good luck. Goats are.... well.... goats!

  2. I can remember the old folks in our area putting quilts up over doors and windows in really cold weather.

    1. Funny you say that. I've got some of them covered up just like that.

  3. My wife still complains that I only put on sale comforters over the windows instead of curtains before she arrived.

    Hey it worked.

    1. Amen to that. I've got afghans and blankets on some of the windows right now!!

  4. Sci,

    It's cold over here too. I'm no looking forward to the winter if it remains this cold!!!
    You have a new critter, interesting. I can't wait to hear what type of critter you have.

    The chickens and rabbits must enjoy being in the barn.

  5. It's hot cocoa time for sure. Makes you wonder if we might see a white Christmas.
    The critters all seem to be handling it pretty well..We've got a path made through the snow beat down.
    I' m going to try and get the camera to work (sometimes when I shake it it will take a pic) so I can show you the new critter.
    I'm so sorry about your dad. He had to be a wonderful guy to raise a daughter as sweet and savvy. I'm glad you are home safe and sound. (And cold)

  6. sending warm wishes my dear Sci, we only got a dusting of snow, but did get some ice, never lost power...y'all take it easy till it warms up some, i'm finding it that my 'stuff' is taking the cold weather better than

    1. Awwww thank you for the warm wishes. I've never been a fan of cold weather but I'm trying to be open minded now that we live where there are actually seasons. I'm not sure it's working though! lol
      Thanks for stopping by. Stay warm, you know springs only about three months away.

  7. Try bubble wrap. you just spray it with water and it sticks to the panes. I am going to cut mine to fit over the the cracks by the windows, too. it is expensive, but so is electricity. I would not buy fabric except maybe sheets/fleece at the thrift store. Anyway, blankets will be warmer than curtains over the windows. I am freezing, too, and using a lot of electricity.

    Fingerless gloves? Scissors make any gloves

    I am publishing a new post about being warmer when I sleep.

  8. Hi Linda,
    You know, I've seen that trick with the bubble wrap. I think there's a little bit out in the barn somewhere. I might have to go look for it. I don't know if it works or not but it's worth a shot.
    As for material I'll probably try to find some sort of fleece. I wish we had thrift stores closer than having to go to T Town. I miss thrift store gleaning.
    I'll be sure to look for your warm sleep post. Thanks for popping in.

  9. Back home in Indiana, during the ice storms, there was a constant "breeze" that especially hit me around the neck when I was sitting on the couch. To save on heating, I had two eye-hooks on either side of the archway into the kitchen. I'd attach a heavy quilt, shutting the kitchen off from the rest of the house to keep down heating cost. God I remember walking into that kitchen and could not believe how COLD it was in there.

    So, I also had to keep the cabinet doors open and a trickle of water running so the pipes didn't freeze under the sink. It's hard to get people to understand, who haven't lived like that.

    1. Redneck? Well, I, too, have to stay warm. I call it warm in here when the temp reaches 50 F. okay, I have given up on warm or comfortable. I just don't want to suffer so much. I have many rooms blocked with doors closed and blankets over those. I have 40 windows in this house, and all but 12 are in rooms with doors closed.

  10. There is nothing worse than being cold .I live in Fl and its cold here sometimes.
    I get cold and it could be 80 degrees outside and I have on socks.
    I have a small heater and I turn that on and it could be in the 50s here and
    I jump in my hot tub once you get cold it is very hard to get warm until summer.
    I have often blocked off rooms to stay warm.I have a mattress warmer and they are great if you could get one of those at least you bed would be warm.
    Good luck on staying warm.

  11. Like I said, SciFi and Practical Parsimony, people don't really know what true COLD is unless they have had to keep the INDOOR plumbing from freezing.

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  13. Sure do hope your weather warms up soon. We are sure glad that we got snow here before the super cold hit - it helps insulate things. Tonight our temperature is going to be 9 degrees - a heat wave after the minus 25 degree temps of the last couple of nights. Last night we took turns getting up to put wood on the fire in the wood cook stove. While we love that old stove, it is a lot of work!

  14. I remember the first winter in this house. It was freezing! I would sit in front of the wood stove about a foot away from it and my back was still cold. Our water pipes under the kitchen sink did freeze that year and broke - ice formed from the spray. I don' think I was ever so glad to see spring. lol

  15. Oh man, sorry you are getting those horrid temps. One tip I can give for the windows....if you can find some quilts or thick blankets/bedspreads, they work great for keeping the heat in and the cold out. I have done this many times.

    Stay warm!

  16. I'm making blinds with old flannel sheets - sort of quilty-type things. Fabric is pretty expensive and not on my shopping list, either. I ended up finding some old flannel sheets at the Goodwill and they are coming in pretty handy. Keep warm!
