
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday Is In The Books

Well Black Friday is over. What a spectacle. I cannot believe what some people will do for  cheap crap from China. Things that they probably don't even need and really can't afford. I watched the Black Friday crowds standing in long lines and almost all of them had their heads down playing on their iphones.  Interaction with those around them seemed to be minimal.   I watched them turn into savages as the doors opened.  Pushing and shoving. screaming and cussing and running over each other for a TV they probably don't even need.  I watched as fights nearly broke out over a set of POTS AND PANS.  Pots and pans? I suppose they need something to cook their GMO laden processed foods in.

You saw how people acted when their food stamp cards suddenly wouldn't work. It took no time at all for all hell to break out once they all jumped on their obammaphones and called all their friends and relatives to come to Wal-Mart for the free goodies. Again, no cares as to the consequences of their actions. 

You've probably heard about the Knockout Game.   Gangs   will roam the street looking for a white victim.   Innocent people just walking down the street are picked out and suddenly sucker punched squarely in the face with the intent to knock the victim out. And then they all laugh and hoot and give high fives.  I figure that one day soon they'll pick  the wrong person to mess with and someones going to get killed.

 What the hell has happened to this society?  It seems a majority of people no longer have any sort of moral compass at all.   The "me first" attitude has grown people who only care about themselves. People who will do just about anything anymore with no thought of the consequences of their actions and certainly no empathy for their fellow human beings.

Why should they though when even the POTUS is given to lying and only caring about his own personal agenda. I watch as each generation seeming to loose more and more of their inhibitions and human compassion.  There  has become a sort of a no give a shit attitude in this country. It's all about "me" with absolutely no care at all for others. If called out on it they will invariably try to put the blame on someone else's shoulders. Why not! It's what their illustrious leader does.

Can you just imagine just how bad it will be if those same people didn't have food on their table?  When there is nothing left in the stores except empty shelves?  Have you any doubt that chaos would soon follow?



  1. I fully agree with you that things are going too far. Hopefully, you are laying up a good larder of edibles. When it happens, it's going to happen fast! Watch out just before election time that potus doesn't set himself up as Supreme Dictator for life!

  2. I'd have to agree. I think it will happen fast. It seems to me that all the signs are there. He's finally achieved "a fundamental change in America". It's funny (well not really) but there are quite folks tossing around the Supreme Dictator idea.
    Prep on!

  3. I am of the baby boomer generation, and I can tell you that this America bears no resemblance to the one I grew up in. My parents would have starved before taking a government handout. They taught me that if I wanted it, I had better work for it. And if I messed up, it was my own fault and I had better find a way to make it right. Lately I feel a fear that I have never experienced before - fear of what my government can and will do to its people. All I can think to do is continue to prep and pray.

    1. Sounds like you were raised with values and a moral compass, unlike that usurper in the White House. His one intention from the very start was to destroy the way of life of the American people. With Ozerocare he has closed the lid of the coffin and is just waiting to nail the lid shut.
      I figure using the fear that might hold you back and turn it into a positive thing with which to fight all the harder would be the ticket at this point. "Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes"

  4. I think it can get a whole lot worse before the final fall. The various groups that make up the Progressive/Femocrat alliance have not really begun to turn on each other yet as they are still convinced there is something left to loot from the target group. They have finally reached a point that the never ending hunger is beginning to effect those who were once protected. I have over heard more than a few State employees and teachers complaining this holiday season.

    Eventually they run out of other people's money.

    1. You raise some interesting points. I just figure once they've extracted all they can from us they'll pull the plug on the whole mess. I hadn't given much thought to them turning on each other although that makes perfect sense. They'll milk that cow until hey have used up every drop and then kill the cow because it is of no further use to them.
      Does it sound horrible that I hope I can watch as they knock each other off their high and mighty perches?

    2. SciFi - Of course it has already been happening. What once was a program built specifically to loot the wealth of middle and upper class White Males is now targeting just the middle and upper class White, Black, Male, Female as a whole and also expanded to go after anyone who owns property. Eventually as the pie shrinks other groups will be moved from the benefit groups into the looted.

      Nixon knew the Liberals and he commented on how eventually they turned on each other. He was right back then before FIAT money decoupled us from realistic resource and wealth. For the last 50 years there simply hasn't really been a pie for the Liberal/Femocrat conglomerate to fight over. Those days are changing.

  5. men shall become lovers of themselves.
    it is the tip of the prophesied iceberg.
    only God can help us.
    deb h.

    1. But doesn't God helps those who help themselves?

    2. Exactly. Confusing. Because people without a moral compass take that to mean they can help themselves to whatever they can take.
      But I know what you both mean.
      God bless.

  6. You hit the nail on the head. Thank goodness my children aren't like that. Guess I raised them right. Black Friday is crazy and I'll have no part in it. The big box stores won't see me until after 1/1. I shop during the year and try to support local small businesses.

    1. That's becauseou raised them right Momlady! Kids these days, for the most part, are just about to far gone to even try to change. They've been given over to the state when most were in day care. And most certainly by the time they are in grade school. Kids who are being home schooled, like your grandson are the real hope for America.
      As for the holiday shopping, I'm not going to be joining the ranks. Even if I had the

  7. Being trapped in the big city is a position that I hate! I can't even get my mother to consider moving, even though it would be so much safer! As her main caregiver, I have no choice but to stay and do the best I can to protect her home!

    God help us all!

    1. I hate that you are in such an overpopulated place. Did I ever tell you my dad lives down there? At least you have a reason to have to be there! Your mom needs you. My dad stayed for the same reason. To take care of him mom.The trouble is he's still there and my grandmothers been gone a couple of years now. My brother and I are trying to get him to make a move but...

  8. I've been following your blog for over a year now and love your views (the ones I understand at least) but I do wonder why Americans are against Obama's health care? I come from a fairly uneducated -in -politics point of view but we have health care in Canada and we are all glad we do. We have higher taxes than the US but our economy is fairly stable and people get healthcare for free. So I'm wondering why Obama care will be bad for Americans? I'm not saying this point of view against Obamacare is wrong, I just don't know why it is and would love to read in layman terms why people think it's wrong. Often I wonder if our Canadian healthcare isn't abused by the people because we take it for granted. I think that abuse costs us a lot but otherwise in Canada healthcare works for us. I respectfully request enlightenment on the argument against Obamacare. :)

    1. Canada's immigration and welfare numbers are a mere drop in the bucket compared to the US's. Nationalized healthcare can work as long as the producers are not over whelmed by the takers. Not saying it is right even under those circumstances but it is doable. Also other countries such as yours have been riding the coat tails of US capitalistic healthcare research for decades. Take that away and the entire world will suffer.

    2. The very first thing that Obamacare has done/will do continue to do is to damage the economic structure. Many folks are getting or have already received their walking papers from their jobs. Any company with more than 50 full time employees (over 30 hours) will have to carry insurance for their employees. This additional burden has many companies cutting the hours of their employees to under 30 hours. Therefore pushing more folks into part-time work rather than their full time jobs. The economic impact will just add fuel to an already crippled workforce.
      I'm sorry but a quick answer isn't possible Trish. This is just one aspect of whats wrong with Obamacare. there are many others. Just do a search on it. You will surely find the answers you might be looking for.

    3. Trish, I prepare for hard times and have done so since the 80's. This hyperventilating about "Obamacare"s just that. Those "Obamaphones" wer Reagan phones when he started this program to get phones in the rural areas. It saddens me to have people generalizing about the state of our country., the sky is not failing , the president is not a socialist. Are therew thugs and realy ignorant people about, yes sir! As a small busisness person, with individual healthcare, I welcome the paradigm shift in our healthcare. I got on the site without problem the secon week. We make too much for subsidies, but even with an increase cost of 200-300 dollars we are getting far superior coverage with no questions asks. The president didnt lie, he over-simplified. The majority of those insured are un-affected by these changes. How about let's give this program time that we gave Medicare part D, which was a great deal of stress on our personal business(pharmacy) and stress on our elderly customers. Good grief.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I had a long tirade written but thought better of it. This is not something I feel the need to argue about. You will never agree with me and I will never agree with you. . I don't drink from the main stream media's cup. PERIOD

    6. Just like a Liberal. Comparing a subsidy put in place to build rural phones lines the customers had to then pay for to handing out free cell phones. Then pretending a $300.00 a month health insurance increase is just fine and dandy. Bottom line they are THIEVES.

    7. Anonymous 1:32pm, The more time we give medicare part D, the more debt accrues as there was no legislation written to pay for it. And the potus did lie. "Anyone that wishes to keep their insurance. can." Anyone wishing to keep their doctor, can." YMMV. As far as the socialist part goes, perhaps you're right. Communist comes to mind. Hell, medicare is a socialist program. Just as a curiosity, when I typed in medicare and potus without capitals, spell check red underlined to let me know I was iffy. But when I typed in the potus last name, it corrected and capitalized it automatically. Curious, no? Jeff

    8. Anonymous(Jeff). If you are saying Medicart part D was not paid or alloted for in Pres Bush's bill you would be correct. Hence, the burdgeoning debt to the legacy of debt his administration left this president. ACA, is paid for. I got to keep my present policy, as I was informed in summer of 2010 by Blue Cross. I am choosing to IMPROVE my coverage by paying for a much better coverage instead the catastrophic coverage, I have. I have not been able to do so prior to now because I am a cancer survivor. Communism does not come to mind, but capitalism, since this insurance program is a boom for the private insurances that are seeing more customers who are paying for their new insurance, like me. This very program is based on the Heritage Foundations's alternative to the Clinton healthcare plan back in the nineties. This "communist" president has shown steady improvement in job growth, a steady growth in stock market, including IRA, 401k, etc. Of course all of this could change with catastrophe, mismanagement, both governmental and personal, that is why we prep. "Iffy" comment? Ironic if what you think occurs,happens,otherwise it is just that, curious.

    9. Here is a story about the origin of the "Obamaphone" from a conservative view: 07, 2012 · A viral video flying around the Internet in the last week of September introduced America to the “Obama Phone Lady,” an angry woman with a shrill voice ...


  9. This is almost exactly what I said to my husband this weekend. I just look at our country and shake my head wondering how in the world we let this happen.

    1. Sadly I would imagine there are many of us having this conversation these days.

  10. I agree with what you say about "Grey Thursday" and "Black Friday". They certainly have become black with the disregard for the holiday of thankfulness. But I have to wonder why ANYONE who honors what Thanksgiving stands for even goes out on Thanksgiving or the Friday following! You can get hurt or endanger your family!

    Running to the store for this or that little item was never an option when I was growing up. Stores were closed down tight on holidays (and Holy days), and people had sense enough to plan ahead, borrow a cup of sugar from their neighbor, or just do without.

    People go out to stores on "Black Friday" and now "Grey Thursday" not to shop, I'm convinced, but to either be a fighter in or a spectator to the "Roman games".

  11. Living out in the country has advantages. I don't go to town often and when I do, it is to a small town. Recreational shopping is not an interest of mine. I can't imagine fighting over an item in a store. I don't run to town for a sale until I factor in the cost of fuel to get me there. Yes, this world has changed a whole lot since I was a kid...

    1. Yup! You and I are alike on that for sure. Recreational shopping isn't a real interest. I have finally gotten to where I only go to Little Big Town once a month and that's because I refuse to buy from the feed store in our little Tiny Town. And I NEVER go to the big city unless I have to go to my back doctor. Of course while I'm in the Big City I like to hit the "Discount Groceries" in the area. Does that count as recreational shopping?

    2. Heck no - that is good planning and use of time. You have to stock up on the bargains when you can. Family members tease me because of my home "grocery store". But it is my comfort level that really matters!

  12. In Indiana I had THE PERFECT bug in location fully stockpiled. And the best location? I had an empty cistern! Food stayed forever cool and no one knew of its existence. It also connected directly to my cellar. How did I get to my cellar? A TRAPDOOR in the floor!

    Now, no basement. No cistern. No fields between me and humanity.

    And the very people who cause terror and run rampant on the streets will be the first to riot, and NOT because they're in need of food, but because all they want is an EXCUSE to riot.

    1. It sure sounds like you did have the Perfect BOL. I would have loved to have seen that sweet little set up. I'm sure that had to be hard to leave behind. But hey... you have great winters now!

  13. I live a pretty sheltered life, Scifi. I didn't know about Obammaphones, the 'game' knockout and we don't have Black Friday in Canada. Although I do see Black Friday sales creeping into the weekly flyers with the American franchises that are setting up shop in Canada. I don't think very many Canadians 'get' it. Obviously, most enlightened Americans, like you, don't either.

    1. LOL Sue, some things are better off not being known. Except of course if it is your own country that it is happening in. *wink*

  14. Yes, I do imagine what will happen when these folks don't have food on their table. They will think nothing of stealing what others have.

    I did stop by for another purpose! Please come check out my blog for why I'm so excited! Plus, perhaps I can entice you to enter my book giveaway. :)

    1. Thanks Leigh, and Congrats on your book!! Very cool.

  15. I'm sure I have observed that one of Obama's "personal agenda items" is affordable health care for all of us. Sure, there have been great hiccups along the way, but we are on the way to providing health care to all of our citizens, rich or poor, like so many other countries.

    1. Well I most certainly find myself disagreeing with you. Hiccups? You aren't serious are you? In every country this socialist healthcare has been implemented it has been a horrible mess. Ask England how they like theirs? Hiccups? A website which cost over 600 million of our dollars to implement and which has been nothing but a disaster from the start, with all sorts of ways for hackers to use ALL your personal information. This same website that Michelle Obama's college best friend was given the contract for? Hiccups? Like the lies the Imposter in Chief has said over and over again? IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR PLAN YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN. YOU LIKE YOUR DOCTOR? YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR. I don't understand how people can be so gullible as to still believe this man. When his lips are moving... He's lying.
