
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Self Sustained Living

 Way back before many had even heard of preppers I stumbled into the company of some folks who would become some of my dearest friends.  I was honored to be among them even if I was the new kid and had much to learn.  One of these folks was my friend Kat.  I'm sure some of you probably know her already as MMPaints of Self- Sustained Living.  I can't begin to tell you all the things I've learned from this woman.  Sometimes I would be so embarrassed to have to ask a "simple" question, because she was just so very much more knowledgeable.  She'd just laugh and tell me "What good is it to wonder about something and never ask?"  So ask I did.  A LOT!  And there was never a time she didn't stop and answer me. 

MM is a tough girl.  She's pretty much single handedly worked her homestead for years.  She's been through many a tough time and somehow has always been able to pull herself up by her bootstraps.  She's got through droughts, driven a hay baler from morning till way after midnight for fear the rains would come, played nursemaid to goats, chickens, calves, rabbits and any other critter that needed her.  Raises most all her own groceries, grows her own tobacco and coffee beans, makes cheese, works on the old farm truck AND the tractors, builds fences, animal pens,  and does repairs around the homestead. I've even been lucky enough to try some of her cheeses. (Awesome stuff!) She's one of my prepper hero's and I'm happy to be able to call her a friend.

Right now my friend is finding herself in a bad place.  I could say much about the situation she's in   as I once was a victim of domestic violence.  You can read about it HERE in her own words.  I can read between the lines.  I know how crushed she must feel.  But I also know just how tough she is. After all the blood,sweat and tears she has shed on her homestead these past years, she's now about to loose it all,   In the midst of all the chaos she has figured out a business plan that would help her keep from loosing her homestead.  HERE'S what she has in mind.  RIght now she just needs a hand up. And folks I'd like to ask that if you can see to do it, if you could try and hit her donate button.  Even a dollar would help.  I know things are tough for many of us right now so if you can't donate money, I totally understand.  If you have a blog, I'd like to ask if you could pass the word along to your readers.  I'll be doing the same on Facebook.  Maybe you could stop by and let her know that folks really do care.

Life sometimes has a way of knocking you to your knees.  A single incident can change your entire world.  I should know.  It was just over a year ago since that very thing happened to me.  I thought everything that we had struggled for was about to come to an end, before it really even got started good.  It was then, when I was feeling helpless and hopeless, that I found I had much to be thankful for.  The kindness of friends who I've never even met helped me get up off  my knees and dusted the dirt off, so that I could stand again.  I made myself a promise that if there were some way I could pay all that love and kindness forward I would do just that.  So if there is any way that you could see to reach out to her and lend her a hand up I would be so very thankful. 


  1. ugh. crap. i got tears in my eyes reading this. you are a really good friend. and you know what it is like to feel your world crashing down around you. but it was through your sincerity and willingness to help others years ago that people showed up when you were down. we both know that mm will get through this. but if she could be surrounded with love, and some help while she is down - it will make a world of difference.

    thanks for being such a good friend.
    u no hoo

    1. Awww kymber. You are such a sweet sweet lady. We go back to "the days" and sure learned a lot together! I just hope MM will be able to pull this off. She has worked so hard to have it a crumble underneath her now.
      And Thank YOU for being such a good friend!

  2. I have not "known" her for as long, but I am continually amazed at what she can do. There is no way I could ever do the kinds of things she does. And, I could not work as long and steadily. She deserves to have a chance at this new business. Of course, I have never tasted her cheese.

    1. And, I have put out the word on my blog.

    2. Linda, I know what you mean. Her ability to keep doing what she does is something all in itself. I know you understand when I call her one of my personal hero's.

      I just happened to be at the right place at the right time once to share a sample plate of her cheeses. She sure knows what she's doing. I wish I could remember what all was tasted. One was an herbed creamy type cheese, farmer's cheese, cheddar and... dang... I just can't remember.

      Thanks so much for putting out the word, girl. You're awesome.

  3. I've been there. I just made a donation, thanks for posting this.

    1. Oh nancy, you are a doll. Thanks so much! It's funny just how many of us have been through this sort of hell, and that so many of us have found a way out. (( hugs ))
