
Friday, June 21, 2013

How to Make Tomato Powder

  I've noticed around the blog-o-sphere that some folks are already picking tomato's.  I'm jealous!  But not for long!  Tomato season will be here soon enough.  Last year I made a wonderful discovery.  Did you know that you that you can make your own tomato powder?   It's super simple too.

I came across an article on making tomato powder from tomato skins and was instantly intrigued. After seeing how simple making tomato powder is, I'm sorry I didn't start doing it sooner. I'm also thinking about all those skins I tossed to the chickens before I found this idea. I'm betting that won't happen again. The chickens might be disappointed but I'm sure not!

Why would you want tomato powder?  It's got so many uses. Sprinkle it liberally on meals like soups, stews, pasta sauces,taco mix, pizza toppings. Put some "zip" in your omelet or eggs. Shake it on veggies to add a bit of flavor.  It livens up all kinds of dishes.

The thing I wanted to do the most to do though was to be able to make tomato paste and tomato sauce.  I figured if it worked I wouldn't have to buy it in the can anymore.  I figured what the heck, I'll give it a shot and see. The worst thing that could happen was that the chickens would loose a snack. I've tried making tomato paste  on the stove and I have to tell you... It ain't as easy as it sounds. All that cooking time and stirring and hoping the whole time it doesn't burn, I didn't enjoy it at all.  Besides, it's just to hot in the kitchen during tomato season to do it.  So I decided to try this idea of making it from tomato skins. Now that I've done it I sure wish I had known about it sooner. It's awesome!

First thing you do is peel your tomato's and save the skins.  Lay them out on your dehydrator trays and wait it until the skins are dry.It doesn't take very long at all. They will be like brittle paper when they are done. 

 I laid some  straight on the trays and some on trays with screens. (For the life of me I can't figure out what I did with the rest of my screens.)  They both work fine, it'd just easier to remove the skins using the screens.

I took some of the dried skins and ground them up in my little coffee/spice grinder. That was it!  Tomato powder!

 To make tomato paste from it, just add a tablespoon of water (more or less) to each tablespoon of powder until you get the consistency you are looking for. 
 To make tomato sauce start with one tablespoon of tomato powder to two parts water. (more or less)  For tomato juice just add one tablespoon to 4 tablespoons of water.(more or less)  It's kind of a "feel" thing and not exact measurements.  Just add water until you get the consistency you want for whatever you are making.  
You can also make a mean tomato soup using tomato powder.  I think this will be an awesome addition to any food storage pantry.
I am forever running out of tomato paste. Not any more!  This will be a great thing to have in my food storage. I know I'm going to stock up on it!  Of course I'm not sure yet just how long it will last but I'm testing that now.  I decided not to grind all the skins and store them in jars until I need them.  I figured with the moisture content it would end up being hard as a brick in no time if I ground it all. So I put the skins in mason jars and vacuum sealed them. I'll just grind them as needed.  I know I'll be drying tomato skins from here on out. ...


  1. Awesome idea! I have dehydrated tomato slices but it never dawned on me that I could dry the skins as well. As my Momma always said, "Waste not - want not."

    1. Vicki,I saw this somewhere last year and just in time too. All my tomato's were coming in and I was able to dry a few quarts. I'm with your mama! I hate to toss things away.

  2. What a great idea! I am definitely giving this a try.

    1. I promise Mike, Try it you will like it! As long as I dry the skins I don't have a need to buy tomato paste or tomato sauce anymore. Oh and it tastes great too!

  3. I never thought to use the skins!

  4. The is an awesome idea! I always throw the skins in the compost - not that I've blanched tomatoes very often. This year I'm growing a tomato called 10 Fingers of Naples. It's a canning tomato. I plan to can as much as possible, so I'll be blanching a lot this year. I'm definitely going to try this! I'm pinning it so I don't forget. ;-) Thanks for posting the idea.

    1. I just love that I'm not composting them anymore. I've not heard of that particular tomato but it sounds interesting. I think you will be surprised at how well the skins work!

  5. Brilliant idea - thanks :) Now, all I need is for RMan to make me that ruddy solar dehydrator... LOL

    1. hehehe.... He best get on it. Tomato season is upon us! Thanks for stopping by Dani!

  6. No tomatoes yet, but great idea! I'd rather do that to some whole tomatoes, since I have to can outside. Too hot! I can set the dehydrator outside and do it that way. I love having paste on hand and that would fit the bill. Thanks!

    1. I've been drying whole tomato's for a couple of years now. They work well too, they just take longer to dry is all. I do my canning outside to, nancy. To danged hot to do it inside for sure. And drying tomato's is so much easier than canning them for sauce and paste. Hope it works well for ya!
