
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Oklahoma Storms

Well it's been quite a week here in my neck of the woods.  We are ok here but many of my fellow Oklahoma neighbors have not been so lucky.  First there were 3 days (and nights) of horrible tornado weather, not to mention the torrential rains.  And now the floods are wrecking havoc on some folks.  My thoughts and prayers are with them all.

We fared pretty well through it all. We got some high wind gusts and several inches of rain but no damage.  It seems (so far anyway) that the range of foothills we live on have provided us with what I call a "rainshadow". (Sung to the tune of Moonshadow by Cat Stevens <wink> )  And although I know it's not "technically" correct it works for me. We've been here and for the most part  storms seem to be diverted to our east or west.  Not much, but enough so that many storms will veer around us and even sometimes reform again on the other side.  Let's hope it stays that way.  Going through these storms in an RV can be pretty nerve wracking to say the least.

In other news..... it seems that I've become really good at ticking folks off.  I really didn't mean to... it just sort of happened.  Email from one person this week asked that I read and post her article here.  While I understand where this person was coming from, the fight she's fighting isn't my fight.  That in itself offended her.  And although I respect anyone's opinion, just because I'm vocal about what I perceived to be tyranny doesn't mean I'll just take up any fight or cause.  Why is it that I'm suddenly supposed to?   Looking back now I suppose the best thing I could have done was just not answer the email.  I've ticked her off and am sure I've lost a reader over it.  It happens I suppose but I sure do hate it. I've been a bit quiet here about some of the outrageous things going on in this country and around the world.  If you want to see where I "vent" you are welcome to join me over on FaceBook.  Just hit the Facebook link on your left or search for me there as SciFi Chick.  Just don't do it if you are easily offended.  I lean way to the right on most issues and have a sometimes warped sense of  humor.  You have been warned.


  1. I'm glad you are ok.We've watched (and went thru) a few of the storms that went thru. We had 4 1/2 inches of rain from one and had flooding in our neighbor hood.
    The chickens didn't care for it at all!!! My tomato's bloomed thru it all.LOL
    Hey opinions are just that.everyone has one. I just take it with a grain of salt and go on. Just take care of yourself, that's whats important.

    1. Man, can you believe how much rain fell? Wow! We got a couple of inches on Wednesday, and then over 4 on Thursday, and Friday dumped another inch or so.
      My chicken's didn't care for it much either! And my tomato's took off during all of it. Gotta love that I only lost one squash plant through the whole thing.
      Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad to hear ya'll are ok!

  2. Well said! Glad to hear you are safe.

    1. It was sure an interesting few days for sure! Good to see you my friend!

  3. Very glad you are ok. And let those who don;t appreciate your posts float away! We like your posts! Thanks for all of them.

    1. Awww you are too sweet! Thank YOU for hanging around.

  4. Glad you are OK! If that is all it takes to tick somebody off, then it's their loss not yours.

    1. Thanks Ian! I see you've finally gone all "green" ;-) Isn't spring grand?

  5. The older I get, the pickier I get about what battles I fight. I'll check out your Facebook page.

    1. You know I think you might be right (even if it does remind me of how old I'm getting!)

  6. Glad to hear you are no worse for the wear with the weather. The little valley we sit in seems to offer some protection also, here in Kansas. Most of the really nasty stuff stays to the west of us.

    I'm like George, the older I get the pickier I get about which battles I wade into. Life can be an unforgiving teacher!

    1. Cool! I'm glad you have your own "rainshadow" Especially up there in Kansas.
      (I like that saying too. How true.

  7. This person can start their own blog and post whatever they want to. You don't have to promote anyone but you.
    If you lost a reader, oh well; but I understand how it can bother you.
    *hugs* ♥
    Glad to hear about the weather. It was that way in Muskegon, too. The tornadoes coming off the lake would usually hit the sand dunes and end up in Grand Rapids, or thereabouts.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. LindaG,thank you for your kind words. And also for coming and visiting! :-)

  8. You are entitled to your opinion as the other person is entitled to hers. If she's offended because you wouldn't post hers then she can go somewhere else and post it herself. Sounds more like she's lazy and wants someone else to do her work. Glad you came through the storms and hope the garden thrives.
