
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to Dehydrate Strawberries

Dehydrating Strawberries

 It is strawberry season!  The only thing I don't like is that the season is sooo short!  I just love strawberries!  They are one of my favorite fruits and my very favorite berry.  Shocking isn't it?  I really like other berries and hope to be growing some blueberries and blackberries soon.  But you can bet I am going to have to put in a strawberry bed too!  

I'm not lucky enough (yet) to be growing my own strawberries.  Lots of folks are in the same situation.  Even if you don't grow the dang things you sure can make good use of them.  Don't let folks tell you otherwise.  Watch for sales at your local grocery store or visit your farmer's market.  My plans are to pick up as many as I can afford.  I'll eat as many fresh as I possibly can , dry some to put on my cereals or whatever and make jelly with the rest. Lot's of folks freeze them but I try not to use my freezer for them.  Not that there is anything wrong with it, I just don't do it.

One of the ways I like to preserve them is to dehydrate them. It's super easy to do and even the prep time isn't all that bad.  Just core your strawberries and slice them evenly. (about  1/4 inch slices)  Place them on your dehydrator trays.  Don't let them touch, you want the air to circulate around them.   

   Kinda like having the kids in the car yelling "She's touching me- make her stop touching me!!" OK ... what was I sayin'?  Oh yeah,  Set your dehydrator at about 135 degrees and dry until they are dry to the touch and still a little pliable.  Let them cool and then store them in a canning jar or a zip-lock bag.  My suggestion for those of you who have a Vacuum Sealer is to vacuum seal them in a canning jar and store them in a cool dark place.

They are great to eat by the handful for a yummy snack.  They are also wonderful in oatmeal or your favorite cereal.  Try them in your baked goods too!  I made a yummy strawberry cake a while back with dried fruit.  Kids love them too so if you want to keep them around you might want to "hide" them somewhere!  LOL


  1. I tried dehydrating strawberries once, exactly as you said. However, it was all hard strawberry seed in my mouth. Eating them was not a pleasant experience. Where did I go wrong?

    1. Your berries may have been older berries. I've run into older berries with large seeds and they were not so tasty.

    2. Maybe I will try it again.

    3. Do you mean older like ones not picked soon enough? Or, do you mean picked and getting old in the refrigerator? Thanks.

  2. Hmmm... I'm not exactly sure Linda. Mine come out hard but with a "powdery" sort of texture. I like using them in my cereal's and oatmeal. They get a chance to re-hydrate a bit that way. Yummy!!

  3. SCI,

    I love dehydrating strawberries, I also place an oxygen absorber or two in the jar then pressure seal the jars. They are delicious.

    I have strawberry plants growing and they have produced all kinds a delicious berries. The family keeps stealing berries off the plants every time they pass by leaving me with very little to can.

    I find it's easier to plant the berries in pots, add straw around the base of the berries and place nets over the top. The straw helps get rid of slugs and snails, the netting birds. I don't water my berries to much because they don't like to much water and they thrive. Mine are sitting directly in the sun too.

    1. I still haven't planted any strawberries. My granddad used to grow them for us when we were kids. He really didn't like messing with them much though if I remember correctly. I like your using pots instead of in beds. Maybe next year!

  4. Sci...We are on the same wave length. Look what happened with my dehydrated strawberries.

    1. WOW! Like you, I never would have thought that those seeds would sprout. Now watch... I'll be gathering strawberry seeds and trying this!!!

  5. SCI,

    Are you guys okay??? I heard tornadoes were on the ground by you and I'm worried. Please post something on your blog or mine. Praying for ya'll.

  6. What a great idea on the strawberries! I have two large strawberry beds and a dehydrator, yet never thought of doing this. Look out when I get home :)

  7. I have a great strawberry salad recipe with romaine, walnuts, jack cheese, and a great dressing. After gun show weekend, I'll write it up and send it your way.
