
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Three Strikes and You're Out?

I've been being quiet about the things going on in Washington these past few days (months).  It seems that most of my blogger friends have been doing the same.  The horror of  what happened in Benghazi haunts me.  It has haunted me since the day it happened.  I knew within a week of the 9/11 attack that something was terribly wrong with the story being told by the White House.  How could top officials just sit back and allow this attack to happen while watching in real time?  I think I know.  As a matter of fact I think I know a lot more than most of the folks who depend on  TV for their news.  It's a horrible story and it just might actually finally get the attention it deserves. 

Then we have the IRS scandal.  That one kind of came up out of the blue.  When the IRS actually apologizes for something it's done there HAS to be more to the story.  If they are targeting Tea Party, We the People, Patriot folks, then it's obvious to me that others are bound to be targets of the IRS as well.  We'll see how that all comes out in the wash.

And last but certainly not least we have this breaking story of the Associated Press being wire tapped for two months without their knowledge.  They are outraged.  I can't say I blame them.  Now the very press that has covered up and covered for this administration is calling foul.  Don't get me wrong here. I KNOW how precious our rights are and what lines were crossed, but I do get to chuckle a bit that their darling Leader has stabbed them in the back.  THAT is who is running our country.

I almost feel like I'm waiting on Christmas.  I would love nothing better than to see this entire administration taken out of office and charges filed against everyone who knew anything about any of the above incidentsand ESPECIALLY Benghazi.  From Obummer and Billary Clinton right down the line.  Hanging them would be too good for the likes of them. 


  1. The saddest thing about this (well, one of them) is that we've become accustomed to politicians being liars, thieves and generally Constitution stomping scumbags and we just shrug our shoulders and say "that's just how it is". The fact that we EXPECT our "leaders" and other elected politicians to behave this way is a sorry statement. It is PAST time we start holding them PERSONALLY responsible for their acts. No more hiding behind government departments, no more saying it was the fault of the ABC Dept., no more just being "demoted", they need to be legally, personally and financially responsible for illegal acts.

    Until the people start holding these scumbags responsible, they continue to abuse the law.

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself!

  3. Well said! You gotta wonder what it is going to take for folks to wake up and take notice of what is going on right under their noses. Me, I will continue to prep and pray.

    1. I've been wondering the same thing for years now. Prep on my friend. It might just save your family in days to come.

  4. Amen. Here's hoping and praying.

  5. I sure do agree with every thing you said. Just let's you know how dumb the average citizen is. After one term they all should have known better than to re-elect.

    1. Well, with some of the news coming out now.... who really knows who would have won in the first place. This Admin is wicked bad and will pull Chicago style politics everywhere they can. Just sayin' ....

  6. Ok, I keep hearing about how bad these guys are, and i don't doubt it, but when does the rubber hit the road and somebody starts the impeachment process?

    1. Good Question Ian, I am asking the same thing myself. I'm not sure there are any patriots left in CONgress. Everyone wants to point fingers ... and do the Eric Holder dance.
      " I don't know" "I don't know" " I don't know"

  7. Silence has never been my forte, so I've griping from the git-go. I totally agree about the irony of the brown-nosing press getting whacked by their own hero.

  8. Sci,

    I'm sick over the Benghazi incident, we lost a friend.

    All the covering up just doesn't cut it, I say prosecute those involved and impeach.

  9. I think that there have been more than three events. Take a look at Thursday May 16 and look for the article with the title that begins America's Sheeple.

    How many times have people reading this blog called or emailed their Congress critters to let them know how they feel? Our state's only person in the House of Representatives is on the committee investigating the Benghazi incident. What is your congress person doing?

  10. Retirement or resignation should not be an option...Particularly not when some of the key figures lied to Congress and were retiring fat pension checks for you, you traitors.

    ...these folks are criminals and deserve to be treated that a minimum, the IRS folks are guilty of Deprivation of Civil Rights under Color of Law, Malfeasance, and should be individually subject to both civil and criminal action.


    1. Well I'm not going to hold my breath on seeing any actual justice done. I'm not sure wth happened to this country. I'm thinking more like tall tree-short rope.

  11. Bye, I'll not be back. Nothing but a bunch of self pity grippers.

    1. You most certainly have that right sir. I'm sorry you only stuck around for 3-4 days and were somehow offended. As for the self-pity?? I think you got that all wrong. Folks are concerned about what is happening and need to vocalize it from time to time.
      You take care now!
