
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Morning!

Good Morning from Boo and the girls! I don't know why I started calling him that, but I kinda like it.  Boo the Roo!

Look what I found growing in the yard.  Pretty awesome.  This is Mullein. It's an amazing herb and I'm so excited to have found that some bird must have pooped a couple of plants.;-)
Here's a shot of the lower garden. The first row is onions.  The other two rows have onions on both ends as well.  The second row is spinach starting to take off.  The back row is chard, romaine and leaf lettuce, and some turnips.
This area used to be so overgrown you couldn't see through it, much less walk through there.  One of the things we've been working on around here.  Our property sits on almost on top of a good size hill.  This is a shot from "the top" of the property.  You can't even see either of the gardens from here.
My "ET" clothesline and birdhouse have new residents this spring. Of course when you want a picture of a bird they are never around!  There's a new nest in there though, I promise.
Did you know cilantro can overwinter in many place?  I had no idea until last fall.  I planted a couple of seeds and pretty much forgot about it. We've had fresh cilantro since late February and it's now going to seed. Time to plant more for the upcoming salsa season.
I love chives.
Here's a shot of the old grapevine on the left, my garlic patch in the back a bit of lettuce in the middle and some mint in the bucket.
Good Neighbors! I'm seeing more and more lady bugs every year.  Gotta love it
This is a plant called Rocket.  It comes from the mustard family.  Last year there were only two of these pretty plants.  Again I'm not sure where they came from but I'm thinking it might have been the birds again.  It will re-seed itself (obviously) and the bees love it.  I want to gather up the seeds and plant some in that area around and under those trees in the picture up top. Some say it's invasive. I guess it's a matter of what YOU call invasive. I love it.
 Coco say's "Have a Super Day, Now FEED ME!"


  1. HAHA feed me.

    I can never get cilantro to grow at all. Not sure why but I haven't really looked into it yet. What kinda of birds do you have nesting?

    1. PP I have always had pretty bad luck with herbs. I must be getting better at it though cause I've got a few things up and growing. Now if I can just keep them alive!

      (The birds are larks, btw)

  2. yippee - pics of the garden! i love pics, especially pics of gardens - teehee! your gardens are looking great and i your grounds are really coming along. we loooooooove fresh cilantro around here - you just can't get enough. anyway - love seeing the pics - be sure to keep taking more. in fact, take us for a walk-about around your land so that we can see what is where.

    your friend,

    1. I'm glad you like garden pics cause it seems around here that's where I always am. lol
      You notice there aren't any of the upper garden yet. Not much to show but.... soon.

      You know that is a great idea, a homestead walk-about. I'll try to work on that one. You know how blogger just loves pics though

  3. Love the pics. Coco blends in very nicely with the fence, almost as if he's a carving on top of the post!

    1. LOL I guess he does kinda look like a statue. He likes having his picture taken I think. I'm always getting great shots of him. We've had MissKitty for years now and I might have been able to snap two good pics of her in all this time.

  4. Looking good around your place! The garden area looks great!

    1. Thank you my friend! Spring is always such a joy after being cooped up all winter, for sure.

  5. Mullein plants always reminded me of tobacco plants.

    1. You can smoke mullein too. It's good for congestion, chest colds and breathing problems along with a whole slew of other ills.

  6. SCI,

    Hurry up and Feed Me!!!! I'm hungry says Coco :-)

    I love Boo the Roo's coloring, he's beautiful. Strutting his stuff in front of the girls, he's telling them whose boss, lol.....

    Your onions, chard, spinach, turnips are looking really healthy.
    How are your tomatoes coming along?

    1. Hey Sandy,
      Yeah ol' Boo is quite the ladies man for sure.
      My tomato plants are starting to grow but aren't nearly as far along as I would have hoped what with it being the middle of May already.
      Have a Super Day!

  7. Love the picture of your garden ... and the cat has such a serious look on its face

    1. Thanks Mike! Yeah he's an "interesting" cat and I swear he likes having his picture taken. He's one year old this month, can you imagine what the future holds!

  8. Not sure what happened there, I was typing and it just went "poof", so I might be repeating myself, but love the new blog background photo. Thanks for sharing your colorful world with us.

    1. I hate when that happens. Freakin' blogger. And you know better than most how tricky posting pictures can be.
      Thanks for noticing the "change". You're the first person to say anything at all about it. I'll keep trying to put up pictures in hopes that one day I'll be as good at it as you are!! I just love your photography.
