
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ramblings of a Mad Woman

I cannot begin to tell you just how hard it has become to even sit down and try to put "pen to paper" lately.  I have good intentions, but when I sit down  and try to come up with something.... anything to write about I've just been getting stuck.  It happens occasionally I know, but it makes it no easier to write. 

  I think much of it is due to the current conditions on this Big Blue Marble we call home.  Tension can be felt everywhere it seems.  Much of it is out of my control but I still feel that knot in my stomach.  I've had to come to some serious conclusions concerning the land we live in and the people who are in control of it now.  I'm afraid we are watching America die a slow and painful death.  This incremental destruction of our liberties is maddening.  All the smoke and mirrors, the lies and the liars, the haves and the have not's.  Let's not say so though... Political Correctness has become a monster that we all fight. Oh dear!! We wouldn't want to hurt someones feelings' now would we?

I've come to believe that Americans will accept just about anything.  Repeat a lie often enough and it will become the truth.  I'm becoming jaded and cynical and I don't really want to be.  I find myself wanting to scream at the top of my lungs "WHY CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOUR COUNTRY!!!!!!"   Oh, wait.... the people spoke on election day.  And what they said was that they like the Nanny State and whatever "ism" you want to call this mess.  Facisim, Socialism, Communism....I won't argue the semantics. It's hard to watch and even harder to live among people who would argue the point. 

Have you ever had one of those moments when everything just comes together in your mind?  Things just "click" and finally you see the whole picture?  I've had one of those recently. It took watching that movie 2016: Obama's America for me to suddenly understand just what the hell is going on, and worse,  I can see exactly where this man would like to see us.  I'd recomend the movie to everyone,  but like the movie.... you will have to make your own mind up.  I came away with a deeper understanding of just how far that tyranny has come and just where we are headed. I also wonder if we have already been complacent to long.

I've never been so sure that we are headed to some sort of  eruption.  The government obviously feels the same way.  Why else are they stockpiling over 1.4 BILLION rounds of ammunition to be used by the varying agencies INSIDE the United States.  They are preparing for an event yet unknown to us.  Unfortunately I think that we are going to find out sooner than we would like just what they have planned.

  The intrusions into our lives has already begun. One good example would be the TSA moving from airport terminals to the streets.  Just this week the head guy of the TSA told CONgress that he would NOT meet and testify before them and CONgress has NO jurisdiction over them.  Sound Stazi to you? 
    Drones will be flying our skies by 2015 in all states.  They have already been used against a farmer up North over a cattle dispute.  How long will it take before they start taking out the riff-raff that would dare to argue with them?.  Ask those folks in Syria just how much safer they feel now.

   These are just a couple of things that have been on my mind lately.  There are more. Lot's more.  Someone asked me once if I could help them to understand some of the things l talk about.  The only thing I could say (and I still feel bad about it) was that I don't want to be the one who shows you just how bad things are.   Of course there is more to the story than that.  There are reasons I didn't want to be the one to  bring this "knowing" to her. Purely selfish reasons. Because once you start on the path to the truth you cannot turn back.  You can't put the genie back in the bottle. You can not un-know things. I'll guarantee a few sleepless nights as well.  I'll be the first to admit that I WANT people to wake up and smell the commie coffee for what it is, but in this case I didn't want to know that I was the one to bring this ugly mess to her.  She has her own personal struggles and I just felt that all this "negative" energy was something she does not need. Of course I may be wrong, but I will accept that.  I only hope that I didn't loose her friendship over my decision. 

  I know what happens when you open Pandora's Box.......


  1. Been thinking the same thing myself. Makes you wonder if it would be easier just not knowing.

    1. You know, I've thought about that quite a bit. I finally decided that I'd rather know what is coming and face it head on than have it creep up and ambush me.

    2. SciFi that's how I feel too! I like to know what the enemy is up to so I can make the needed changes to adapt and overcome :)

  2. I fear that we are all in for a rude awakening very soon!

    It would be hard to explain to folks that haven't already seen the writing on the wall!

    1. I'm thinking its not for the faint of heart....

    2. Even those of us who've seen the writting on the wall, it's still scarey as heck! It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop and trying to figure how quick it will all be coming down!

  3. I had so much more was going to type, but I got in the middle of it and I couldn't figure out how to put it together so it made sense. LOL so... I'll just say, really great post, my friend. :)

    Love & Hugs

    1. Awwww.... I totally understand. Thank you for brightening up my day!

  4. SCI Fi,dang girl for someone with nothing to say,I think you said it rather eloquently! That about sums up my feelings too!


    1. What China said.

      But leader and the deliverers of bad news have always had a heavy burden to carry. If someone wants to know.... tell them.

      "For you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

    2. Thank you China. That means alot coming from you! :)

      Matt, I understand what you are saying. The circumstances sometimes don't work in my favor though. I'll usually jump right up on my soap box if given the chance. :)

  5. You rarely go on one of your "mad rants" without me agreeing. Actually, I'm not sure there has been even a single one I haven't agreed with.
    I go back & forth; being so angry I could just (insert bad thing here) and wanting to cry because SOOO many people WANT this kind of country. Like you said, they told us so in the last election. But I still wonder and hope that there are those that mistakenly voted that way because they honestly did NOT know the evil they were bringing (keeping) in. Those people need to be shown the truth behind all the smoke & mirrors. As for the others that voted for their free money, handouts and slavery KNOWING that they were being dishonest thieves and tyrannical despots, I hope there's an extra warm spot in hell for them. And I don't apologize for that statement.

  6. Carolyn I think we just might be sisters from another mother sometimes. LOL
    As for apologizing..... I don't think I will either! Karma can be a b*tch.

  7. America has turned her back on God. He alone knows what it will take to get people on their knees and start crying out to Him. We are looking at 40 years of darkness. It will actually make you feel better to get real close to Him and start trusting Him, than ranting and raving. Practice trusting Him then peace will come. He is the ONLY one that can see you through this, not even yourself can see you through this.

  8. I shut-up in public several years ago because the messenger usually receives the brunt of the abuse. I do the best I can, day-to-day, to live my life as I think I should live it and try to let others do the same.

    I've started doing a few things to slow down the feeding of the Beast from my spot in the sun. One, I don't make as much money as I would like; less money earned, less taxes paid. Two, I spend the bare minimum in stores; less money spent, less taxes paid. Three, I've started writing in "None of the above" on ballots, withdrawing my consent to be governed, so to speak, by the choices being offered. Sort of like going to the grocery store reading labels and putting whatever back on the shelf because you don't want to ingest some of the ingredients.

    As best I can see, that's about all I can do as an individual, "useless-eating, little-people" without having a visit from one of the ABC soup thugs sanctioned by the Beast.

    1. Judy, I totally understand where you are coming from. Like you, I am trying to starving the Beast as much as doing so is possible. To be honest, I have cut things to bare bones spending but then I really don't have a choice. I HAVE to do these things.Living on a limited income makes things "interesting" at times.

      As far as the ABC agencies, I'm sure I'm already on their list, I'm just not sure exactly which one will eventually show up!

  9. It is amazing how people do not see it, I am surrounded by people who believe the economy will magically improve, home prices soar, full employment,national debt magically disappear...add to the list as you feel appropriate. They simply cannot see it and no amount of explaining it is going to cover it. We just keep on trying to survive and improve our situation. Cut costs, lower consumption, blah..blah.

    1. The folks you are talking about will NEVER see what is happening, they can't comprehend that their government lies, and does so with amazing reliability. Ask those poor folks up in NY all about how well their government came to the rescue. It was/is the folks who were prepared who have turned out to be the ones that were of the most help to others. That much, at least gives me some hope for humanity in general.
      I sure do understand about the cost cutting and all. We run bare bones minimum we can get away with here. It's not always pretty, but then, neither is life!

  10. As far as I can see, all of the comments are spot on. The wife and I saw "2016, several month's ago. We both didn't sleep for like three nights. It scares the crap out of her. My Dad, talked of all of this, back in the sixties. When I was a kid. He saw it coming then. Course, he didn't know of Bam-Bam back then. But all these years later, and before he passed. He would look at me, and say, It's all going to come down around us. Unless we can get others to see whats going on. And then he would shake his head. And then ask, where, and how, do we start to makes things better?

    I've been asking myself the same question.

    1. I've got a confession to make... that "2016" gave me some sleepless nights too. I'm not sure that I'm not still reeling from it. Your Dad was a wise man. I wish I knew the answer. It almost seems like the only thing that would work is a do=over. Do you remember as a kid calling for a do-over? I just wish it would be as easy as it was back then.

      You take care and hug that wonderful wife of yours!

  11. I used to ask the Lord to hold off the rapture because of all the souls yet unsaved. I'm beginning to be too selfish to pray that way.

    1. It's hard to know exactly what to do anymore. In the end, all we can do is pray for the best. I almost laughed when I read your comment because I've been guilty of the same thoughts.

  12. Sad but true.
    The Nazis are at the door.

    We know how you feel. All I can say is *hugs*.
    Revelation really might be at hand.

    Try and have a good weekend. (?) We all understand if you can't bring yourself to update.

    1. Thanks LindaG. Hugs are always welcome here!

  13. Oh, SO TRUE, Sci....Sad, but true.

    1. Hey Sharon! Thanks for stopping by. Hey, is that a new profile picture? Love the gun!

  14. Sci,

    I fully agree with you.
    You're spot on Sweetie.

    God Bless America!

    1. Hey Sandy, thanks for stopping by. Isn't this weather we are having weird? It's supposed to be in the high 70's tomorrow here. Some rain would be nice though!
      Give Bulldog hugs for me and you guys have a great weekend.

    2. Hey Sci,
      I gave Bulldog Man a hug from ya'll, please give Mars a hug from us. The weekend is okay, the weather is very strange here too. Our son is getting ready for more surgery on his hand and were waiting to hear what's going on with my Dad's health.
      Have a great evening.

  15. Well said, dear. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, so I'll just say "Yep." :)

    1. LOL MamaTea! Yep, sometimes that's ALL I have to say.

  16. I discovered your site not long ago and realized that we live in the same neck of the woods. Its good to know that someone who thinks like me is out there. I have given up trying to help people see the light. If they dont see it by now, they are blind and may be beyond help. I pray for my family and my country everyday and hope that God is listening. Those of us who see and hear the truth, prepare and pray will be a blessing to someone at some point. I have not watched 2016 yet as I'm not sure I can take anymore. This president scares the crap out me and makes me fearful for the future of my kids. Anyway, thank you for your bold words and your willingness to speak the truth even when its not politically correct.

  17. Welcome FarmGirl. I'm glad you found my neck of the woods!
    The world seems to be changing before our eyes. At least we know what is looming ahead. I'd sure hate to be one of those who wakes up right before the SHTF! There are going to be some ticked off people I think.


  18. If you are speaking of who I think you are speaking of I can whole heartedly assure you that you have not lost her friendship. I can only say she has been MIA for awhile because her health is giving her fits [again]. Like I said, if we are talking of the same person.

    I value your opinion and as I have said before, we may not always agree, but you always are informed [and informative] and respectful in your presentation of your beliefs. I appreciate that.

    Hope all is well otherwise, in your neck of the woods and your Christmas brings you a bit of peace [and quiet]. You deserve it. Hugs to you my friend. :D
