
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Saturday Ya'll

  I keep forgetting that it's Saturday.  What with Thanksgiving and all  I've been having to remind myself that its not Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends.

  I'm happy to report that our Thanksgiving went wonderfully!  It's amazing what a little bit of planning and foresight can do to make things run smoothly. Neither of us care all that much for turkey so we usually have something else. No telling what usually, but the way I have it figured it's not so much the "what" you have but the "why" you have Thanksgiving in the first place. 

  I didn't get any pictures of dinner this year.  The rechargeable batteries I've been using in my camera don't seem to be charging as well as they used to.  I'll have them charged up and in the camera and try to take a picture and it already needs recharging again.  Do rechargeable batteries have an expiration date?  Anyway....  

  It was a pretty warm and sunny day here.  Mars fired up the pit.  Originally we were just going to smoke a chicken. Then he remembered the brisket I'd picked up on sale awhile back.  Nothing says yummy like a smoked brisket! ( Of course that might just be because I'm from Texas)  Our menu for the day might be a little off the traditional but we did have sweet potato's, Granny's Recipe Cornbread Dressing, pasta salad, fresh baked rolls and a Pumpkin Cheesecake for dessert.  I won't have to cook for a week!  LOL

    Other than that there's not much new to tell ya.  We are still working in the garden when we can.  All the irrigation tape has been taken up and properly stored till next spring.  We still have to come back with compost and manure once we finish weeding out as much of the Johnson grass as we can so as not to have so much come back in the spring.  I've got a feeling this is going to take awhile!


  1. Hooray for your great sounding meal! Ours went fine after I got the cat out of the already baked pumpkin pie that was cooling. Sigh. Always something. He currently is on my "short" list if you know what I mean.

    1. Oh NO! Not the pie!! Some things are better left unsaid hey?

  2. Those rechargeable batteries do take a memory. Through them in the freezer overnight, then into the charger. Usually, it puts them back to new status.

    1. Thanks Ian, you are the best. It seems I had heard that somewhere once. It didn't stick very well though did it? LOL

  3. Smoked brisket makes for a delicious Thanksgiving meal!!! I know where I'm going for left overs :-)

    1. Plenty left for company! Smoked brisket is good for what ails ya.

  4. Ian, I will tell Hubby about putting rechargeable batteries in the freezer overnight, thanks.

    I tried pumpkin cheesecake this year, also. I ended up adding the whole can of pumpkin (they are only 14 oz. now) and doubling the spices and still thought the cheesecake was pretty mild. Everyone liked but it was missing something.

    1. I noticed that the pumpkin was short too! It infuriates me that they raise the prices and lower the amounts like we won't notice. I'm a sucker for cheesecake though...

  5. We are always losing days here.
    Glad to hear your holiday was a good one. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. LOL LindaG Next time I loose one I'll be sure to ask you if you found it. We may be on to something here. I wonder if we saved up enough lost days we could take a vacation... hmmm....

  6. Smoked brisket is a winner anytime you have it!

  7. dang! that dinner sounds just great to me! i'll take any leftovers that you got - bahahahahahah!

    your friend,

  8. I can't cook a brisket if my life depended on it. :(

    I'm new here....the "meatloaf" on Pinterest caught my eye.

    Babs Mc

  9. Happy belated day. I had a sandwich, so Thanksgiving wasn't all that photogenic. It was good to read about your day. Big hug.

  10. Your dinner sounds fabulous! YUM. Speaking of "non traditional" meals my youngest has requested my homemade enchiladas [with my own refried beans on the side] for Christmas dinner. Thank goodness, because I hate ham and I am about turkey'd out. heehee Pork is great, as long as it is smoked, "baconised" or pulled. I just don't like ham, so I figure enchiladas are a great deal. :)

    Hope everything else is going well. I have been away and I find I have A LOT of catching up to do. Have a wonderful holiday season SFC.
