
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tastey Tuesday

 Now I know what you are probably thinking.  That's one ugly cake.  Sometimes though, you can find the most amazing things underneath the surface, if only you can look past the outer appearance. This holds true in all of life's experience.  This sure holds true with this cake.  Pudding cakes were really popular back in the 80's.  I'm not sure what happened but they kind of just faded out of the "foodie" crowd.  It's a shame too because man oh man this is one good slice of chocolate heaven.  

Chocolate Fudge Pudding Cake

   1 cup all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    2/3 cup white sugar
   5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
   1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup milk
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
    1 cup brown sugar
    1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 1/2 cups boiling water
    Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x9 pan.
    Whisk the flour, baking powder, white sugar, 5 tablespoons cocoa powder, and the salt together in a large bowl. Mix in the milk, oil, and vanilla extract. Stir in nuts if you want and pour the batter into your prepared baking dish.
    Mix brown sugar and remaining 1/4 cup cocoa powder together; and sprinkle over the batter in your baking dish. Pour the boiling water slowly over the top of the batter and topping.
    Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. The top of the cake will be set and the bottom will be soft. Spoon into individual serving bowls.  To send this one over the edge top it with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I doubled the recipe and made it in a 9x13 pan.  I'm sure glad I did too because even with just the two of us here it was gone in under 3 days!  
I was a bit nervous when I first made this.  The final step of pouring the water over the top of the mix made it look like a soupy mess and I kept thinking.... I'm not really sure I did this right.  Don't worry though.  It all comes out great after it's time in the oven.  A nice brownie-type layer  on top hides a rich gooey sauce with the consistency of a kind of pudding underneath it.

Now this cake isn't served the ordinary way.  You can't just slice it and serve it up.  You have to scoop it out of the pan and flip it over on its "back" so to speak. (kind of like a cobbler)  It's great like it is, but to really make this one a standout hit, serve it hot with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream or a good dollop of whipped cream. 


  1. I should have known you would have something on here to start my tummy growling!

    Man, that cake sure looks good! Definitely gonna have to try it!

    Thanks for sharing that recipe with us!

  2. i'll take mine with some fresh-made whipped cream please!

    your friend,

  3. That does look TASTY. Yum. I can't believe you guys ate it all in three days, but I can see it happening here too. Thanks for the recipe. :)

  4. Tasty Tuesday.......
    Yes ma'am, that sure looks tasty. In my house with one 18 year old son, the cake would be gone in one sitting. Forget about mom and dad getting any, the boy eats us out of house and home :-)
    I will be trying this recipe soon, thanks for sharing.

  5. I've been using this recipe for 40+ years and I've never had anyone not like it alot. I've given the recipe to well over 100 people including my 3 grown sons who have made it themselves many times.

    To change it up a little use leftover coffee instead of the boiling water and use cinnamon whipped cream on top. I've also made it without cocoa powder in the cake part - lack of checking on ingredients - and with the chocolate pudding layer it was still really good. One of my boys doesn't like nuts so he adds mini chocolate chips or peanut butter chips - both really good.

  6. Jim, I had to tempt you with something! I might need to borrow a cup of coffee from ya next time! Bellen's idea about coffee sounds like a winner!

    Kymber You got it my friend!

    Skippy around here we are merciless about desserts, especially when there is chocolate involved :D

    Sandy, you might have to double the recipe so someone else can get a shot at it!

    Dizzy it IS real sweet but ohhh so good!

    Bellen, I sure am glad I came across it. This one is a keeper for sure! I'll have to try some of your tricks for it. They ALL sound good to me.

    Thanks for stopping by ya'll!!!

  7. Just stumbled upon your blog... oh and on the perfect post too it seems! That looks and sounds scrumptious!! Must try it out soon!!


  8. I just found your Blog and Amanda is right! The Perfect Post! I made the cake last night (doubled the recipe!) and I could not wait until after dinner to try it (see my last post!)
    I desided that it was too good for Mark and Terri! And I should keep it all to myself (But I didn't, They loved it too!)
    I like that I can take a portion or more with me to work and pop it into the microwave!
    I will be making this a lot!
    Thanks so much!

  9. Thanks Ya'll. I'm telling you you can't go wrong with this one! Thanks for stopping by.
