
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Ramblings

I had this big ol' post all written this morning and thought I had saved it.  Yeah, that didn't work!  So here we go again.  The weather here has been all over the place this past week.  We had snow, temps down to 18 and up to 70. Sunshine and clouds, and even winds that blew gusts over 40mph.  So we did what anyone would do.... Roll with it! 
Mars has been working on the fence off and on and it's really looking good. 
He and the neighbor have decided to rebuild our adjoining fence line as his wire needs to be re-stretched and some reinforcements done on it.

I'll take pictures as that gets done.  They have decided to put in a gate between our properties as well.  It will make it so much easier for everyone if we don't have to walk down the hill and around to his property.  I'm just glad we have some good neighbors as they are the only ones within a quarter mile or so and are pretty much in our back yard!  

Mars needs some more fence posts and so we spent a couple of days clearing brush and he cut down two of the dead cedar trees.  They make awesome corner posts!  It's also nice to have the area clear of (well almost) all that brush. 

  We burned a huge pile of brush and branches one day when the wind had stopped blowing.   
It's amazing how much more area it opened up. It looks totally different now. 

OH!!  I never told you about our amazing Christmas present from my Mom and Step-dad.  Mainly because we weren't sure what the plan was.  Check this out! Pretty cool, yes?

They didn't know that we had bought a niceTroy-Bilt  tiller last year. No worries though.  We now have a plan!  We are keeping this Bad Boy and will sell the Troy-Bilt in a couple of months. Spring is always a good time to put one out there on Craigslist.  We are going to use the $$ from the sale to purchase the parts and materials necessary for installing a drip line irrigation system for the gardens.  So in a way Mom got us a new tiller AND an irrigation system.  Pretty cool.

 This is what we have been up to this weekend.  Trying to water a garden area as large as this one by hand would take all day every day to do. 

The picture at the top of this post is the same area. I'm SO excited.  
And of course there is the other garden area up the hill.
We will be tilling this up too. I don't know if you can see it here but there are three large rows that were done last spring.  The bit of green still there are turnips. 

 So how was your weekend?


  1. Looks like you have been busy,not much here,still waiting for spring! Oh, I like the tiller,very nice! Blessings Jane

  2. Nice, nice garden. My weekend was peaceful and other words, boring.

  3. It was definitely much quieter than yours. Plowed snow (about 8 inches)and tried to get warm as winter finally hit. It went down to -26C, and that will likely be our high for the next two weeks. Lows are expected to be -28 to -31C. With the wind chill, it puts us in the -40 to -45C range. I envy your garden, and slight dusting of snow! Cheers!

  4. There is nothing better than a Christmas gift that helps make life so much easier in the yard. Keep up the good work with the fence and garden. I'm still planning ours.

  5. Wow, you sure will have a huge garden; a supermarket in your yard.

  6. Jane, believe it or not when we are working out here we don't bust our butts all the time. Lots of breaks and no deadlines are both SO cool. It might take us twice as long sometimes but it all seems to get done eventually.

    Stephen, you deserve a boring weekend once in awhile my friend. Sometimes you work entirely too much!

    IanH OMG I think I would just about DIE with temps that cold. I'm as far north as I want to get. This ol' Texas gal can't handle that kind of cold!

    Sandy, you are so right. My mom is really good about gifts that give back and make life more enjoyable. Thanks for stopping by.

    Dizzy, as usual you make me laugh. But I DO kinda like the idea of a supermarket! Mars told me that even if we don't have good luck with some things in the garden we are bound to get SOMETHING out of it this year! LOL

  7. SciFi - you guys are doing an amazing job! i can't believe how much land has been cleared and your beautiful garden! we won't start tilling our raised beds and tire gardens until mid-march but until then we have seaweed, sand and manure to collect weekly to add to our dirt until tilling time! ya gotta love free seaweed, free sand (both from the beach) and free manure (from a horse farmer up the road!)!

    i love the pics - please keep posting pics as progress develops. it is always so nice to be inspired by what other people are doing!

    2012 is rockin' so far!
    your friend,

  8. Looking good! Before you know it spring will be here and then it is off to planting and then voila...fresh produce! By the looks of your garden it is going to be a big one.

  9. That sounds very similar to our weather, 18 one day, almost sixty the next. Be thankful for the land to clear, I'm still looking at something to buy but with all the zoning laws and farming, it's hard to buy less than 100 acres.

  10. Kymber, we just try to do at least one thing a day out here and things seem to work out. Sounds like you are going to have all kinds of good stuff to "feed" your garden! We got lucky here too but nothing so fancy as your seaweed. Just a huge pile of horse poop! LOL

    Coley, I can hardly wait for spring. I had to keep reminding myself all week that it's still just January! We are trying to get things ready to go by the end of February since that's when the cool weather stuff goes in around here.

    Brigid, its crazy I tell ya. I never know if I should break out the shorts or the long johns from day to day! Just keep looking girl, I know you will find the perfect place for Barkley to roam!
