
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What a storm!  One for the record books across the country.  We broke several records here too. The most snow in 24 hours. The most snow on this date and for the month of February. It also broke a record for having snowed in one day as much as it does in a year. I think there were a couple of others but those are the ones that readily come to mind.  The next few days are supposed to be clear and cold.  Like REALLY cold for me around here. We won't be getting above 13 degrees for a few days. AND they are calling for a low of  -7 Thursday morning.  Brrrrrrr

Around here we just hung out, spent the day reading, knitting, surfing the net and messing around in the house.  I did have a few laughs watching the dogs checking out the snow.  I wasn't the only one who had never been in a snow storm before. Neither had BB.   I DID get the distinct impression she was NOT impressed. Not with the snow up to her belly or my laughing at her. Of course Miss Kitty did her best to stay in any lap she could find today.  I'm one of those who don't mind a cat in their lap sometimes.  They make great lap warmers and the purring is relaxing and serves as a mini-vibrator too!  I took a few pictures of the snow and sure was happy to be wearing the new long-johns my friend Felinae sent me for my birthday! (Thanks again Fel)  I think that's about the coolest warmest gift I could have received! They sure were appreciated today!  LOL    We had left over beef stew for  dinner and I made a big batch of oatmeal cookies for munchies!  Just another day in paradise!

I got to do some catching up on my blog reading while waiting for the storm to pass. I haven't really been keeping up with them here lately and so there was all manner of things to get caught up on.    It looks like Angela, over at Adventures in Self Reliance is moving her blog and is doing a giveaway to celebrate over at her new place - Food Storage and Survival  Stop in and tell her Scifichick sent ya! (I'm still trying to win something what with all the giveaways going on!)  I got to see some beautiful baby pictures at Shade and Sweetwater  and My Song . Congratulations to Kyddryn and Cygnus on your brand new baby. Here's to a  full night's sleep in the near future!!   Jen over at the Double Nickle Farm has a post up.  I sure am glad to see her posting again. I've truly missed her adventures in prepping in the New Mexico desert.  And of course everyone is ready for winter to be done with.  The sooner the better as far as most of us are concerned!

  One thing I thought was odd about the day was that the mailman didn't run his appointed rounds.  Apparently they have given up on the old  "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"  Nope, things just aren't the way they used to be.  I'll bet there were more than one or two folks upset about that.  It's the first of the month and  I know that alot of people barely scrape by and are waiting on that check to come in.  Who knew that mailmen got snowdays!?!  

Anyway, in reading back over what I've written here it seems that I haven't done much except waste a little of your time.... Sorry about that,  I will try to do better on the next round!  :D
Stay warm and stay off the roads if you can.... There are crazy people out there.
                        ~~~ Hey I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~


  1. Be fair to the mailmen - you got record snows and no one should expect them to show up. I know people count on those checks but do they think the banks are going to be open or they could even get out to cash them and/or spend them. They are telling everyone to stay off the roads - even if the mail could get there what would they do with the checks - risk their lives [and others] for naught.

    [And doesn't the saying say "rain, sleet and gloom of night" hee - no snow]

    We had two blizzards last year [24 inches plus both times] which is rare for our region but they eventually plowed us out and life moved forward. It will happen. No worries.

    Certainly wasn't a waste of a post - it is nice to know you guys are safe and sound and warm.

  2. I can't believe you sent all that snow over to the Small-Hold. Burrrrrr.

    I could write a book on the adventures we had here yesterday and it ain't over yet. I still have to find the owners of two of the three refugee cars abandoned in the driveway.

    I just hope my girls survived.

  3. Snow here, too and VERY cold...supposed to get down to 4 degrees tonight. For some odd reason, my chickens started laying up a storm the past few days and today, too! Guess I'll have plenty of omelets the next week!
