
Friday, February 4, 2011

Deleting Blogs - Can It Really Be Done?

     I've spent a good part of the day catching up on reading blogs that I follow. I keep thinking that I should kind of "pare down" the list but the problem is... where in the world would I start? Not an easy question for me. I happen to think that each of them are wonderful in their own right. I just can't seem to hit that "delete" button.  In fact, I just keep finding more!  Please tell me that I am not the only one who, when reading a blog, has to occasionally click one of the links to blogs they are following. Heck that's part of the fun.  See what things others are reading. Finding a new "diamond".  The thing is... sometimes when I do that I can't remember where I started!  Kind of like a treasure hunt. 
     Anyway... back to what I was trying to say. (see how easily I am pulled from thought to thought. LOL)  I feel that many of the blogger's  I follow are kind of like "family".  I have been following some of you guys for years.  How in the world could  I just delete you from my life?  It's truly like a family in a way. And my "family" just keeps growing and growing.  I suppose I could delete some who have  not  posted anything in awhile.  But then I think.... what if they come back?  What if something has happened to them and they just weren't able to check in and let us know?   It's happened before. 
     Someone won't post for a few months and it turns out that there has been some big "thing" that has been going on. Or they weren't able to access a computer for awhile.  I would feel just terrible to have deleted them out of my "blogger life".   The only thing that I have come up with is to delete those who haven't posted in over a year.  I know.... I should have a firmer rule of thumb.  But its the only one that I feel comfortable with. I figure that if after a year you haven't written anything then you have probably moved on to bigger and better things.  At least in my mind!  
    Now you would think (or I do anyway) that following all those blogs would be quite enough.  Heck, to be honest, sometimes I just don't have the time to keep up with it all. Inevitably, when that happens, I find that someone has had some disaster happen and I just feel terrible about not at least saying a prayer for them when it was needed.   That may sound silly to some of you but.... hey...that's just the way I am.  Hmmm.. what was I talking about?  Oh yes.... I remember now.
     I once again tried to cut down on some of "my" blogs and  once again it was quite impossible for me to hit the delete button.  Not only that, while trying to make those decisions, I found a couple more of them to follow.  STOP LAUGHING.  Can I help it if I like all these folks?   
    I give up.  Who am I trying to kid?  I could no more hit the delete button on most of you any more than I could just give up on someone in my own family.  
                              ~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...~~~


  1. Understood here, very well understood. Yes, I click the links on blogs to look at other blogs, often until my screen is covered with little screens. And I also copy blog lists off of blogs, paste the list into an email and send it to myself to look at those blogs later, as a reward for getting something done. We sure could have worse vices!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I keep finding new blogs to follow and when I am MIA for more then a few days I log in a see that I have missed so much. Luckily, I think all of us have come to understand the ebbs and flows of living life and keeping a blog. When someone drops off the radar I know that life has taken priority and hope that they are well and just busy. I feel like I have posted nothing significant on my blog for months now but can't seem to give it up for fear of losing touch with all of the friends I have come to appreciate. So I say enjoy, you never know what new friend you might make.

  3. We are exactly alike. I have Tadpoles on my blogroll that I can't delete even though they haven't posted in forever. My blog roll is there for me and I hope that those that read me pop over to my friends. They have been my friends for over 5 years and I can't bear to let them go, but it does make my roll so long, as to be unmanageable.

    Still, they stay. Then I go and find more great blogs and friends and add...and it is fabulous! But now when I add I am a little more circumspect then I was then I was with my first blog.

    And I agree with Laura, enjoy - you never know what is around the corner - or next mouse click.

  4. Hoo boy, can I relate! I actually sat down a while back to clean out my list of 52 blogs, and at the end of the day I had 89.

  5. I can relate too. Seems like I find a new, fantastic blog to follow every day or so. Truthfully, some days I spend so much time reading other folks' blogs that I have no time to post to my own. Sigh!

  6. I am totally addicted and I say you can never have too many friends :)

  7. Whew I was feeling the pressure, of keeping my posts exciting enough to say in your Favorite Blog list *wink*

    I can totally relate and I have a few that I need to delete, no posts in a year or longer.

    The ONLY way I've found to find new blogs is by looking at other blogs favorites lists. I can so relate to finding more to follow or keep up with.

    You are like family here, in fact Cortney loves your blog because of the recipes you share and I like your sense of humor and shared knowledge.

  8. I am constantly searching for new blogs,and yes I go to other bloggers links,think it's just part of being a blogger! And yes I follow too many. But I enjoy them all. Blessings jane

  9. Dozens of blogs. Find a "new" one only to discover I'd subscribed to it some time ago. Folders full of files backed up in 3-4 places. Knots, recipes, solar, cabins, etc, printed out and read here and there. You're not alone. I keep them all.

  10. Yup! I have the same "problem". I keep finding more and more blogs to follow by checking out links on blogs. I have yet to delete a single one. When I get behind I read the snippet and decide if I need to try and catch up. I try to not get so far behind that I have to just skip some posts but it happens.

  11. You're not alone ;). I've found myself doing the same thing. Even worse, I have a list of "favorites" saved on my computer, and I visit each of those blogs each day, too. So many blogs ... so little time ;).

  12. to me it is just pure entertainment and does not really cost anything except our internet connection...pretty cheap when you thing about it. I have my main 10 or so but lots that I check in on every week. And I do check out other peoples blog roll...just to see

  13. I delete if there is no post for 30 days. Otherwise, I just find myself checking them over and over again.

  14. You sound exactly like me. I try to delete and then end up finding more to follow.
