With the recent and even the not so recent scandals rocking this country I find myself saddened on the eve of the 4th of July. Although it may still seem to some we still have "freedom and justice for all" we are moving down a hellish path. Our individual liberties are being taken, one by one, under the guise of security. And at what cost? Do you feel safer now?
I've been called all sorts of names for my views over the years. I was a conspiracy theorist for believing that our government was spying on us. Now it seems my views are not so much conspiracy theory as they are conspiracy facts. We ARE being watched, tracked, and targeted by agencies for our beliefs. We are being manipulated and our hands tied through fear and ignorance on our part.
The recent discovery that the NSA and other alphabet agencies are watching most everything we do should cause alarm in us all. The problem I see is that many folks these days have the attention span of a gnat. It seems we have forgotten all about things like the killing of our ambassador to Libya. The horror of what happened in Benghazi haunts me. It has haunted me since the day it happened. I knew within a week of the 9/11 attack that something was terribly wrong with the story being told by the White House. How could top officials just sit back and allow this attack to happen while watching in real time? I think I know. As a matter of fact I think I know a lot more than most of the folks who depend on TV for their news. It's a horrible story and I really thought that we would finally see just how corrupt our government has become. But then a new story came along and folks just seemed to forget that WE killed those men. Not some mob gone crazy. Not some stupid YouTube video.
The press seemed, just for a moment, outraged when they found that they had been wiretapped for months without their knowledge. They were shocked then and yet there is little coverage of that now. I'm sure it's because of the fear of reprisals by the government. What has become of us that we are now afraid of government reprisals.
Then we have the IRS scandal. That one kind of came up out of the blue. When the IRS actually apologizes for something it's done there HAS to be more to the story. If they are targeting Tea Party, We the People, Patriot folks, and veterans then it's obvious to me that others are bound to be targets of the IRS as well.
You were shocked for all of a few days. And then the news breaks that the NSA is watching everything we do. Our emails, our phone calls, what we say and do on the internet, all are being monitored. As a matter of fact they are collecting so much information on everything about us that they have built a huge complex up in Utah to be able to store it all. And for what? Your safety? When the government is afraid of it's people there is liberty. When the people are afraid of the government there is tyranny. Anyone ever heard that before? We are being dictated by a tyrannical government and apparently there aren't that many who even give a flying rats @#*.
By 2015 there will be drones flying across the entire United States. Do you really think that they won't be used against us? And don't give me that "I don't care because I have nothing to hide" crap. That is the comment of the uneducated and uninformed and it just makes you look stupid. Everyone has something that they would rather not have others know about them.
I have never been very quiet about my opinions and what I see to be facts. I've known for years that "they" are watching what we say and do. Do you have a blog? Do you post on Face Book, Twitter, or another social media site? Do you use Google? Do you have a Yahoo account? Do you have a cell phone? These and many more are all being watched and recorded. I was saying this when I first started this blog and I'm still saying it. They ARE watching you.
The recent unveiling of the NSA's spying on US citizens has made some terrified to speak out anymore. I've got news for you. They have been watching for years. And they are gathering your information for the possibility that in the future you might do something. Did you see the movie "Minority Report"? Basically, it was about thought crimes/future crimes. Even thinking something would bring the government down on you. Guess what, that is just about here now.
I recently got a message from someone on Face Book that was pretty telling of just how scared some people are about being a target. The message was a bit long but the main thing I took from it was how fearful we are becoming. This person told me he likes the things that I post to Face Book but is afraid to click on most of the links. Why? Because he is afraid that someday someone will look at what he has done in the future and where he has been on his computer. He is fearful about future reprisals. I think that is pretty telling of what our nation is becoming.
I have a newsflash for you. You ARE being watched. Not only that you have been being spied on for years. And as for me? Oh yeah, you can bet I'm on a list, probably several. The Department of Defense has been visiting this blog for quite some time now. Why? Because I tend to speak out that's why. If they are monitoring this little blog I can pretty much guarantee they will someday try to use my very words and thoughts against me at some point. Not much I could do about it either. Even if today I decided to never speak out again, I can't undo what has been said in the past. Neither can you. My dad used to say "Your damned if you do and damned if you don't". That pretty much sums it up. So I figure I'll just keep doing what I do. Think about it. Once you have seen what has happened to our freedom you can't just UNsee it. It isn't possible.

It's a sad day that on the eve of the 4th of July I find myself thinking
of the loss of our freedoms rather than feeling the need to celebrate
the birth of this nation. Some may think that we are still a free
nation. I am not among them.