
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Checking In

Hey Susan... kymber....  See the weeds now?
I know I've not kept up with the blog lately but like lots of other folks the garden is keeping me busy.  And I mean 12 hour days every day.  Well almost every day since it rained like crazy a few days ago and that always gives me sort of some time off.  Except that there are also tons of things that tend to get neglected when the garden starts coming in.

I'll just run down yesterday to give you an idea of what I've been up to.  Since it had rained a couple of days before weeding is much easier to do.  They tend to come loose (the weeds) without tools.  The intention when I went out there was to pick squash and cucumbers to get ready to do some canning.  When I get out in the garden for some reason I can't help but pull weeds.  Heck I was in town the other day and saw some weeds growing along the sidewalk.  I actually had to stop myself from bending over and pulling them.  Does this happen to anyone else? 

So for those who think my garden looks so "weedless" trust me it doesn't happen by itself and is still overrun in many places.  I actually took some pictures of some of my weeds for Susan and kymber! lol  When you have control of the camera you have control of what you shoot.

I spent the early morning dealing with the rabbits, washing some clothes and hanging them out.  I'm still way behind but at least it's a start.  Then I walked the garden to see what all was coming in.  It seems like most everything is coming on at the same time.  So as I picked squash and cucumbers I weeded where I was picking.  Believe it or not I spent the entire day doing that so I could get the pickles worked up this morning. They are on ice and I'll get them canned tomorrow morning.  Then I washed a bunch of dishes, cooked dinner and sat down about 9 to eat.  While we were watching our evening movie I was shelling peas.

Speaking of shelling peas, I picked 3 six gallon buckets and one 3 gallon one of peas.  The way I get them done is to shell them is that I shell them when I'm sitting down to rest up and cool off.  I shell peas instead of reading in the evening like I normally do.  I shell peas while we watch our evening movie.... well heck, you get the idea.  Any sit down time is spent with peas until I get done with them. So far we've shelled a one gallon freezer bag full.  Not enough to fire up the canner yet. Soon though, really soon.

The tomatoes are starting to turn red.  There are a bunch out there but nothing like the huge amounts last year.  The weather has them real confused and right now there are only a few blooms on them.  We'll see how they do once it cools down a bit.  I just need enough to make my salsa and the homemade Ro-tel's.  I've got my fingers crossed.

This week we also butchered dispatched the 6 rabbits that should have been offed a couple of weeks ago.  Our feed bill was getting ridiculous and to be honest I was glad to get it done.

 Now I can officially be called The Rabbit Killer.  Those of you who have been hanging around with me awhile will understand that one!  lol At least this time it's true.  But this morning I had a real scary moment.  What with the rabbits and all the freezer is over full.  As in there isn't any tiny little space left.  So I had to move some things around to get to the ice bucket.  I can't start the morning without my ice tea.  After that I can get my coffee fix.  So I was pulling things out and all the sudden a big package wrapped in butcher paper (read rabbit here) This big package falls out of the freezer and hits me in the shin.  

Well there was a sharp part of bone that clipped me right in that main vein that runs right up the leg.  I started bleeding profusely.  Lots and lots of blood was just pouring out.  I'll admit I was scared.  Mars was outside and there was no way I could holler loud enough for him to hear me.  Still flooding the kitchen floor with pools of blood first I grabbed a chunk of paper towels that only worked for maybe thirty seconds.  I had sat down on the floor to take any pressure off the leg.  I was able to get to the dish towel drawer and grab a towel and sort of tried making a tourniquet out of it.
 All I could think was apply pressure and oh my God there was a  LOT of blood.  The towel and the pressure made everything slow down and before long the bleeding stopped.  You talk about scared!  WOW I was truly scared.  I don't think I've mentioned it before but I have really thin skin and some sort of blood thing that I can never remember the name of. Thromb something.... Anyway, I bleed real easy.  I've now got a good dent in my lower shin that will be needing daily care but I'm still above ground. 
All this to say that the rabbit got me back from the "grave" as it were.  So the Rabbit Killer was attacked by the very  rabbits that were butchered dispatched.  Kind of funny when you think about it. Revenge from the grave freezer. 

I guess that's as good a place as any to wrap this up.  Lots of canning is in my immediate future.  The green beans, Cherokee beans, Limas, peppers, tomatoes.... Well you get the idea.This time of year is what we work for all season long.  I'll just keep repeating it to myself.

Have yourself a great weekend and I'll try to get back to you soon. 


  1. Take care of that leg. Super glue works great. Our garden is just getting going. Tomatoes like crazy, but all still green.
    Keep well.

    1. Lady Locust,
      Thanks for the Super Glue tip. It should be in every First Aid Kit. My SIL is a Navy Doctor and she says they stock it in the first aid kits on ships.
      I say I'm starting to get tomatoes come in but around here I have to pull then as soon as they start to turn pink to keep them from the grasshoppers and other critters. It won't be long and you will have all sorts of goodies fresh from your garden!

  2. It sounds like lots of work you have done. That rabbit falling and making you bleed frightened me! I's glad you got the bleeding stopped. I could not imagine how the rabbit got an artery, and then you explained the thin skin and bleeding problem. whew. One blogger/gardener said she did not have many tomatoes, but the dog was eating the blossoms. All your garden food put up will be good this winter.

    1. Linda,
      I've been working as hard as I can. You know better than many that those of us who move slow have to work longer hours to even stay even.
      Girl, I was FREAKED OUT for the first few seconds or so. Time kinda slowed so I don't know how long it actually was before I went into overdrive. The butchered rabbit legs leave a real sharp bone(s) and that's what got me. The dang thing fell out of the freezer before I could even see it falling. I have to try and be more careful than most folks because I do tend to bleed easily and freely.
      LOL@ the dog eating the blossoms! I've not heard that one before. We've just had such weird weather here that everything out there seems to be a bit confused. And you betcha! It's all worth it come winter!
      Take care,

  3. Thrombocytopenia?

    I actually had a dispatched rabbit open my hand up once, because the hind legs were still thrashing. No lights on, but nobody told the legs. I've never had one lash out at me after it was cleaned, though, much less frozen!

    Hope you heal up quickly... my mom's on blood thinner, so I know how it is trying to stop bleeding in someone whose clotting is impaired!

    I need to get my rear in gear and go spend some quality time in my garden. Things are getting way out of hand out there! I'm ashamed of myself, reading how hard you've been working in yours!

    1. Miss M,
      Oh wow! You were attacked by a frozen rabbit too? Is this something we've not been told about? " Revenge of the Rabbits... coming to a freezer near you"
      I have to shy away from all blood thinners as well as aspirin (which sucks) and just be careful. Which in itself is pretty hard for a me. My granddad used to call me Grace and trust me he was being sarcastic.

      Things DO get out of hand seemingly overnight in the garden sometimes. Like I was telling Linda, I can't work hard like I used to so I just have to make up for it with longer hours. No need to be ashamed, at least you HAVE a garden! That's more than lots of folks can say!!!

  4. For future info - always raise a bleeding injury higher than your heart - it lowers / helps to stem blood flow as blood battles to flow upwards. Next time you cut your leg, lie down and raise your leg.

    Glad you're OK

    1. Dani,
      I wish I had thought of that! I did manage to sit down without busting my butt in blood. Hopefully this has taught me a lesson in what to do in a similar scenario. I really didn't want to lay down in all that blood either!
      Thanks for reminding me emergencies happen at the drop of a hat and we really need to know what the proper thing to do is.

  5. Sorry you got hurt. Seems like accidents get everybody at one point or other.

    1. Thank you Harry. You are so right. None of us are immune to accidents. Even Dead Bunny Attacks! :-)

  6. I am sorry you got hurt. I am glad you are okay.

    I remember my Grandma shelling beans every time she sat down to rest. I haven't ever had that many peas/beans in my garden yet. I am hoping this is the year. :)

    1. Cristy,
      Thanks for your concern.
      We decided this year we wanted to shoot for enough peas to make it till next year. I'm not sure if we'll make it but we are dang sure trying!

  7. Our tomatoes are weird this year too! The last two years were amazing for maters, don't know what's up with this one :/
    We butchered two rabbits last week (ran out of daylight) and have five more to do. They are WAY over due. I'm thinking Wednesday will be a good day since it's going to cool off :) My freezer is packed, so I've been thawing out birds and rabbits for supper.
    Hope your leg heals up quick. I bruise easy and have thin skin too it's scary when us homesteading ladies get hurt, who's going to get our work done?

    1. Kelly,
      It really is a weird year for the maters. I can understand at this point not having bloom set because it's just been to warm at night. Maybe next week we can trick them into blooming again what with that Polar Vortex in the forecast. We've got one rabbit that's really just a useless eater. It's been with us since we moved in here. Talk about tough! lollll... I bet you thought I was going to say how much I "loved" him. Nope! He needs to go. Everyone has to pull their weight around here.
      Isn't it awful having thin skin and brusiing? Most of the time I look like I've been in a battle and didn't fare well. lol It's true though us homestead ladies aren't supposed to ever ever get hurt. And forget about getting sick.... lol Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Attack of the dead rabbit! Sounds like a scifi movie to me! Seems you need to can some of the tough old rabbits to me.It will open up some freezer space and soften up that tough meat too.
    As for the bleeding and thin skin,some of our medications we take causes it! Cortisone shots can cause it too.The Dr's don't always tell us of side affects of our meds.....
    I'm glad your garden is producing, The tomato's here are splitting and bugs are having a blast. Afternoon showers are causing a lot of this. I hope summer gets with it so things will get back to "normal". Take care of yourself and good luck with your canning!!

    1. Donna,
      Girl I cannot believe I didn't think of canning the dang rabbits! Thanks for that. smh

      As for the meds and the bleeding my doc's (both of them) and I keep a close watch on that. No one wants to be the one to help me bleed out! lol It was the strangest injury I think I've ever had so far. It just slid right out of the freezer and before it hit the floor the sharp leg bone caught me right on the shin. Immediate blood gush as it hit the vein. Once I got my senses about me I grabbed a towel and applied pressure. The bleeding stopped almost immediately. I do have a dent in the leg but it's only about an inch long and really not even sore today. Weird huh?

      Girl I'm happy about the garden too. It sometimes overwhelms me because Mars has made it so dang big. But I'll admit this week he's been helping out with the stuff he used to leave to me. It's made it much easier.

      Last year we had problems with splitting tomatoes too. We would water because it was dry and it seems once we did it would bring on the rain. So far this year I've not had that problem. The bugs are partying here too! Acting like they are in New Orleans during Marti Gras! I hope things get back to a more normal pace for you soon. And good luck to you as well. And the garden too!1

  9. I am so glad you were okay, I hope it heals fast. Your garden is wonderful. I am having such fun canning. I think last year you mentioned about getting addicting to canning food, and I thought about it and as that is all I have done for weeks and weeks I do think you do. It is such fun and I am loving watching my pantry fill up.
    I took today off though. Next week it will be canning something every day. Your garden looks huge filled with wonderful things.
    Bye for now,

    1. Farm Girl,
      Thanks for the well wishes. It seems to be doing fine and I'm taking care of it as best I can. I usually have a good time canning, it's the prep before hand that kills me. :-) I want to thank you for letting me know that I might have helped someone. It means a lot to me.
      Isn't it wonderful watching the shiny jars in the pantry just growing and growing. I love to look at the fruits of our labor here.
      I hope you enjoy your day off. Sometimes it's just necessary. Right now I don't get a day off until the Fall season. I've been learning to enjoy winter just because I have time to do other things I like to do. Like knitting or crocheting or just messing around all day doing whatever I want. This life seems to have made me truly enjoy ALL the seasons!
      I'll be canning all week too as most everything is starting to come in. And I have to star planting for the Fall garden as well.
      Thanks for stopping in. It's good to hear from you!

  10. Wow, what a terrible thing to go through. I bet it left you a lot whiter than you where. Take it easy until your blood supply builds up again. Of course you will get the last laugh when you eat those killer rabbits and they wind up inside the rabbit killer (grin).

    1. Dizzy thanks for the full out belly laugh! I never thought about how much whiter I probably looked through all that.
      hehehe @ the last laugh! I'm going to have to come up with something really special for that killer bunny. I'll show him that I'M THE RABBIT KILLER TWICE!!!
      You are too funny!

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Brigid, as they say "It was only a flesh wound". I suppose it could have been worse but it wasn't so it's all good.

  12. SCI,

    I see the rabbit got back at you for dispatching his little hiney!!!! I'm not laughing as I type this either....Rabbit bones are great bones to make tools out of, the bones there strong and at times powerful.
    I'm glad to hear you're doing better with your leg injury, keep an eye on that open wound.

    Several of my tomato plants are massive, especially the pineapple tomatoes.
    I just harvested more cucumbers, and celery. My pea's are coming up nicely. The first time planting the pea's, I ended up transplanting them because they weren't doing well. I say you have a very large harvest of peas to shell.

    Take care of yourself, sending hugs to you and Mars.

    1. Sandy,
      I laughed reading that one and so should you! lol karma comes in all sizes doesn't it? hehehe
      I never thought about rabbit bones as being tools. But you are right, they ARE super strong. I'll have to store that one in my notebook!

      The wound is looking ok and it's weird but it really hasn't bothered me much once I got the bleeding stopped. I'm doctoring it every day and I'll have the doc look at it at my appointment this week.

      Killer tomatoes huh? Sweet! The ones here are basically medium in size and only a few have turned red so far. What with all the bugs and such I pick them as soon as they start to "pink up". and let them ripen somewhere safe. It sounds like your garden is doing great! I'm happy to hear that. How is your straw bale experiment going?

      I can't believe it but Mars sat down the last two days and got ALL the peas shelled. His shoulder has been bothering him so he's taking it easy for a few days.
      Hugs to you and the clan (and scrithces to the Bean)

  13. Replies
    1. Much thanks MEM I was thinking about your hot tub and how nice it must be to start the day with bubbles!!

  14. Sci-

    There is something called Quick clot. You can get it at Walgreens or on Amazon. There is powder and gauze. It stops bleeding very quickly. It might be worth checking out for your first aid kit. We added it to ours because my mom is on heavy blood thinners because of her blood clots.

    Sounds like the garden is really coming in! I love shelling peas. Just something very relaxing about it! Hope you heal well & quickly!

    1. Sarah,
      What a good idea. I've seen it but never "snapped" that it would be pretty good to have with my "problem". I'll be adding it to the first aid kit for sure.

      I never met anyone else who didn't mind shelling peas! It's almost as relaxing as having yarn in my hands.
      Here's to a wonderful week,

  15. Replies
    1. lmaoooooo I guess she did now that you mention it!

  16. I'm reminded of a quote in the bible.....or maybe it was MAD Magazine, but "he who liveth by the bunny shall dieth by the bunny". But seriously, I do not have a clotting factor and you truly NEED to buy yourself a roll of QUIK CLOT. It is a combat field dressing. I buy it from GRUNT GEAR out of Virginia. You can find him through Amazon, and his products have a long shelf life (3 to 4 years). It's a MUST and will stop an arterial bleed (pumping) within minutes until you can get to a hospital. DO NOT buy the powder. (it causes serious burns) Buy the gauze and you have to pack it INTO the wound. woops. I just read Sarah's comment, but at least you've been told TWICE.

    1. Thanks girl,
      better told twice than not at all. And thanks for the info on where to get it. I'll be adding it to my first aid kit asap.
