
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Time Out (Again)

We got a ton of rain this week.  May is usually a rainy month (or so they tell me)  I think we got an entire month's rain in just a couple of days. 

The garden seems to have loved it.  Things are growing like crazy.  Today I was able to get out there and try to work on the weeds because apparently they loved all the rain too.  

I'm just now able to get out there and get some weeding done.   

So what does it do late this afternoon?  Yup, rained like crazy for about 15 minutes.  It'll be a few more days before I'm able to walk out there again.
I've been reseeding places where things didn't come up.  The turnips didn't make much of an appearance so I'll need to re-plant those along with a couple of other things. I've been wanting to plant herbs in some of the bald spots but that's going to have to wait until it dries out some too.

Everything  is looking good for the most part except for the squash bugs. Yeah, they are back.  I can't tell you how much I'm beginning to hate them.  I've also been trying to keep close eyes on them.  The dreaded squash bug has found its target.  I've been checking all the leaves and scraping off eggs, smashing the dang bugs and laying down some more Eight.  It's a merry go round with the dang things. Sometimes I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle but I will keep trying till I get some dang squash! Only problem now is that it's to wet to get to them without having my shoes sucked off my feet by the mud.  We really need to get some kind of mulch down, at least something in the walk paths.  It's tough not having a truck though.  I can only get two bales of straw/hay in the car at a time.  We need much more than that!

I've had to rearrange the rabbits to accommodate the babies.  The first litter will be ready for butchering in the next week or so. 

I need the space for at least one more litter before it gets too hot. The last litter started at 12 and we are down to 4 babies left. Something like diarrhea struck and it struck hard on this litter. Not to mention the ones that got squished.  I need to get something to have on hand should it happen again. I cleaned out the cage and the nesting box real good and put in fresh straw after I scrubbed everything down. The remaining four seem to be doing ok. 
  Since I've never had any luck OR any babies to deal with I'm still a raw rookie.  I refuse to give up on them.  They are generally easy to raise and easy to butcher.  Besides, I like rabbits!

With food prices skyrocketing and forecast to rise  dramatically  this year it's so very important to try to somehow stay afloat.   Do a search on food price increases over the next couple of months and you will find all kinds of articles on what lays ahead.  We are already feeling it here.  This is a big reason for raising the rabbits, as well as the garden.

And then there's the chickens....
The four hens and the Roo are driving me nuts.  We just went through them molting and then two went broody.  We started getting two eggs a day for awhile.  Now the ones that were laying are back to being broody as well as the "loner" .  She's the low hen on the totem pole and hasn't moved off her nest in weeks.  I'm about ready to start all over again.  It ticks me off that I'm still having to buy eggs AND buy feed for them.  It's always something....  lol

I am the perfect example of a rookie trying to become more self reliant.  At least I am learning.  Just think if/when SHTF and I was starting from scratch how far behind the eight ball I'd be!

Prep on folks, what you learn now might keep you from starving one day. Add to that what you purchase today I guarantee will only be higher in the coming months.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup, cause if you wait until it's imperative, you WILL lose the whole thing.

  2. I hate it when it rains and you can't get out there and take care of the garden. The weeds grow so fast and just laugh at you while you send violent thoughts at them.

    Luckily I can get plenty of mulch out there it just takes forever. I can get about 10% of the garden weeded and mulched a day right now as long as it is dry enough to runt he wheel barrow to where it needs to go.

    I saw my first squash bug yesterday and killed it. Eventually the squash bugs always win out no matter how much I attack them but usually by that time I am sick of squash and zucchini anyway... along with all the neighbors and relatives being sick of it as well. :)

    1. lol@ sending violent thoughts!! I swear if we could have that as a superhero power gardening would sure be a whole lot easier!
      I still don't have a resource for mulch and like I was saying, it's so hard to try and get even a couple of bales of straw/hay into the car. It looks like since the rain last afternoon that I might be able to work around the edges. Then again, they don't really need weeding yet!
      As for those *^%#* squash bugs we have yet to have enough squash to be able to put up yet. Much less enough to get sick of it yet! We don't care much for zucchini here and so we just don't grow it. My (only close) neighbor get's to where she wouldn't even answer the door last year for more tomatoes ... to bad I can't say the same for the squash! lolllzzz

  3. A peppers life is a learning curve is it not?? Good luck with all the rain. We here in Mn are in the same boat. The farmers have been going bat crap crazy racing to plant. T-storms here the next 3 days. Hopefully not many fields will get washed out.

    1. Hey Rob! Good to see ya. I love that first line! I might have to "borrow" it from you and add it to my wall of quotes if that's ok with you!.
      Isn't it funny that we are all so far apart and yet all are trying to get the same things done. This is the latest we have been in getting everything in the ground since we've been here. Every year we are dealt a brand new hand and every year the Big Guy laughs and laughs.

    2. No issues here. At my age, 54 I am still learning about things in life.

  4. it is great that you never give up. Sometimes I am sure that thought has crossed your mind like so many do....But keepin on is the only way to go.

    1. Shoot M.E. I wouldn't have anything to fill my days if I were to give up! When things happen, which seems to be often, sometimes I'm real close to just tossing up my hands. Then I start thinking about what my Granny would think of me just giving up. She wouldn't say a thing out loud but I can just see her shaking her head, hands on her hips, and doing that mmmhhhmmm noise she used to make!!
      Seriously though, we do this stuff because we want to. Failure just happens to be a part of it I think. But I'm seriously rethinking how to go about the dang chicken problem!
      Take care and thanks for stopping by

  5. I know you can do it! I would love to have me some fresh squash! Garden is looking pretty good in spite of all the rain! Maybe the squash bugs will drown.

    1. Hi Jim, thanks for the positive energy!! I wonder, do you have any local Farmer's Market's down there anywhere close to you?
      As for the ^#*&# squash bugs I hope they all drown!!!!

  6. Ahh, I am jealous. I love rabbit, but I hate rabbits. Never had the patience for them. But keep up the good work. I personally get to loaf this year as the garden is going to stay fallow for a year with lots of soil amendments and some rest.

    1. I detect a bit of a love hate relationship. lolllzzz That's the difference though I like messing with rabbits. They are pretty easy to keep. I should know, I've still got an original buck that should have been butchered a long time ago. Not to mention the psycho demon rabbit from hell. I may have to learn to butcher them myself if I have to wait on Mars to do the deed.
      Enjoy your fallow garden. Kind of like a summer vacation I bet.
      Mars is wanting to have a soil test done that includes natural trace minerals and stuff. He's also wanting to see what sort of aluminum, barium and serontin (?) Then he will do what he can to correct any problems.
      I'm rambling again aren't I? lol

  7. Times being what they are we increased our veggie garden, planted another fruit tree last year, and I bought 4 pullets this time, instead of 2. Our food prices are going up gradually in some things. Other things, like some meats, are flat. Maybe it just hasn't hit as hard here. I'm still filling the pantry and freezer, drying and canning (soon) more....

    1. Nancy,
      That's one of the biggest things on my mind here lately. I want to get as much done as possible while there's still a bit of wiggle room. Buying pullets might be an answer to my chicken problems! We are seeing big jumps in meat prices here. Its hard to pay almost $4 a lb here, not to mention the pork prices. Chicken seems to be staying the same for now. Odds and ends are creeping up though.
      It sounds like you have everything all mapped out, which is a great thing! Getting stuff while the getting's good.
      Take care,

  8. I have the same problem with hens going broody. My next hens will be white leghorns for eggs and maybe just one or two hens that are prone to going broody for baby chicks.

    1. Anony,
      If I had some other type chickens AND the broody ones that would be a really neat thing. I still don't know what I'm going to do yet though.
      It sounds like you know what you want. Me, I get all wishy washy about it. I'll learn though. One way or another!!

  9. SCI,

    I've had enough rain for a while. Expecting more though tomorrow night.
    Several items in my garden have just be placed in the compost pile due to rot from to much rain.

    Your rabbits are adorable, I wish I knew more about rabbits to help on the problems with rabbits.
    I can see your freezer getting full with rabbits and chicken soon.

    No problems with squash bugs yet, it's just a matter of time. I hate those things too!
    I hope the squash bugs.....bug off Bahahahahaha!!!!! I know that was a tacky joke.
    Just trying to make you laugh about the insect.
    Sending hugs to you and Mars.
    P.S. sent you an e-mail.

    1. Sandy,
      I hear the radio weather and a couple of weather web sites. They all have a different forecast. So I guess I'll do like they do in Missouri. Stick my head out the window and see what its doing.
      You should start raising some rabbits! If things go well around here for a change I could set you up with a starter set! lolllzzzz
      I was out there today fighting those nasty squash bugs. It's been so wet I've not been able to get to some of them, just the ones about the edges of the rows. It should be better tomorrow and the war will once again commence.
      Girl it's so hard to laugh about those *^%* bugs. They can decimate a plant in just a couple of days.
      Hugs to you and yours (and a scritch for beenie weenie) Got the email. I'll try to actually write a response tomorrow.
      Later Tater,

  10. Lots of rain here in the Blue Ridge mountains. Much more than usual. We could expect a brief thunderstorm in the afternoon some years ago, but then they stopped. Now, suddenly, we get the afternoon thunderstorms and night long drizzle as well. It complicates things.

    1. I find it strange that the weather is mostly unusual this year. We watched the storms last week on satellite and neither of us could believe the way it was moving in. It was coming at us from Texas, but the weird thing was it was moving from east to west. Almost like a hurricane pattern, counterclockwise. It kind of puts up my tin foil hat a bit. lol

  11. hey there Gurl...i read through your post and then read all of the comments and now i am not sure what to write - bahahahahaha! but it's late in the afternoon, i've been bitten to death by black flies (do you have those there?) and feeling like crap. your garden does look beautiful and i am sorry about the squash bugs but you get out there and squash them!!! (even tho i would probably transplant them to a new little home or something but i'm fruity that way eh?). as for chickens and rabbits, we decided long ago that we would not take on the responsibility of trying to raise animals until we had the gardening thing nailed. right now we get wild rabbit from our friend - like dozens of them! as for eggs, they are all from local farms so we don't need the extra frazzle of taking care of chickens. but you seem to be doing ok and i know that you like raising your rabbits and chickens so keep on keepin' on.

    i think this year is a good year for you guys and for us. and yes, some people think that if a collapse happens they will just toss some seeds from their 10yr old seed vault and start feeding themselves. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!

    congrats on how good your garden is doing and good luck with the chickens and bunnies! much love to you and Mars always! your friend,

    1. kymber you can ALWAYS find something to talk about. I think it's just your nature. :-)
      We don't have black flies around here, once in awhile there comes a horse fly invasion but that's because our neighbors down the hill have horses. You take care of yourself being bitten like that. It's definitely the wrong time of year to be getting sick!''
      I was out there in the squash scrunching them as I saw them. I was able to get that insect repellant down. With the resent rains it had washed it all away.
      I can see your point with the critter raising. And it's true, even with all the headaches and mistakes I've made I'm still liking it though sometimes I think about a big ol' butchering day! oops... sorry. I know you're sensitive about that. ;-)

      I agree, seed vaults aren't really a good bet as some seed might last for several years, others are only viable for a year or two. Folks don't factor in all sorts of things that could happen. I've been hollering for years PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Book knowledge has it's place but you need hands on experience. And that's not just for gardening but a myriad of other skills. ( OK I'm off my soap box) lollllzzzz
      Thanks as always for the encouragement. It's really helped me a lot over the years!
      Love and hugs to you and Jam (and scritches for the kitties)

  12. many of the farm ecquipment/garden centers that sell things like mulch, trees etc...along with dog and rabbit food etc...will deliver for a small fee everything that you need and sometimes the delivery is free if you live within certain miles or other deliveries from same truck are being made. it is always worth asking about.

    1. Anony,
      Unfortunately we live too far out in the country for anyone to deliver. I could check with Tractor supply. It's only about 20 miles away, but I don't think they have delivery trucks. It's a great idea though and I will call them and see.
      Thanks for your reply,

  13. Ah yes. I come here for a sweet little visit with my old know, just to say "hi", and the first words I read are BUTCHERING BABY BUNNIES. At least they seemed like the first words....since I can't get them out of my mind now. Next you'll be telling me you eat baby chickens......oh, that's EGGS. Okay then. Carry on.

    1. Sushhhhhh kymber might hear you. To be honest though it never crossed my mind about just how bad that sounded until you mentioned it! Now I've gone and given countless readers a look into the horrors of little bunnies marching to their deaths. I suppose I should try and find a gentler, more kind way of talking about that particular part of homesteading. Hey, you are good with words. Any ideas?
      How about The Killing Fields? Ahhh that won't work it's been used already. Any help would be considered.I apparently don't have a clue as to how to write about it now! lolllzzzz

  14. "Bacon and Eggs" has been included in Sites To See #375. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  15. I admit, I have a hard time with killing bunnies Turkeys, Deer, Elk, Chickens no problem, but can't do the bunnies. But they are truly a great source of clean, lean protein, for those willing to put forth the efforts.

    1. Brigid, if you weren't so dang far away we could definitely do some bartering! Thanks for stopping by. It's always good to hear from one of my very favorite writers on the internet! (no joke just fact)

  16. Surprise! I stopped by and have been catching up.

    You are NOT kidding about food prices. I do worry and if my health was better we would be able to do more, but for now. . .there isn't a lot of choice for us.

    In the meantime. . .we have cut way back. To the point I basically fed the family vegetarian for over a month. Not a problem for me - I am a pretty good cook and don't mind - but with Pooldad he finally said "I would kind of like a little meat." I can't blame him. He works hard and he deserves some chicken or a roast once and a while. But meat and dairy prices blow me down.

    You are always a great read and an inspiration. I am STILL looking for a dehydrator [with your wonderful ideas] luck.

    Take care my friend. It is always wonderful to *see* you. And I will keep you in my prayers for your back. Hugs and love.

    1. Oh Skippy <3,
      It is so good to see you!!!! I've thought of you and all yours over and over and you have been in my prayers. And my "smile of the day" is seeing you drop in.
      Things are getting tough for lots of folks all over the country. We are no exceptions.*sigh*
      Poor Pooldad. Men and their meats, huh. You need to go splurge on some beef for the man! He's such a sweetie I'm sure if he could have some beef or chicken once in awhile he'd be ok.
      I hate that you can't find a dehydrator. Garage sales and flea markets and thrift stores don't seem to have ANYTHING that relates to food storage.
      That rings an alarm for me. Folks are slowly becoming more aware that times are getting hard because it's hitting them in the wallet at the grocery store. Maybe Santa or your birthday will find a dehydrator for you. A brand like my Nesco is about $65 bucks. Or it was the last time I checked.
      (oh and thanks You've given me an idea for another blog post. And you know that's a big thing with us bloggers!)

      You are in my prayers daily and have been since I first "met" you. Thank you for the prayers for the back. It's needed for sure.
      Anyway.... I've got to get a move on things since it takes me almost twice as long to do most things than it takes others.
      Hugs to you and yours. I hope you won't be a stranger.
