
Thursday, March 27, 2014

We're Debt Free!!!

I haven't mentioned anything about the land being paid off since I hinted at it last month.  I wanted to wait until I had the actual paperwork in my hands.  I've never really felt like it was truly ours and until I had the deed in my hand I knew I wouldn't.  I know we've been paying on it but someone else was holding the deed. I just never  really felt like it was ours.  I know that sounds kind of silly but that's the way I've felt for the past three years.

 Well, guess what came in the mail this week!  We officially own our place.  I am feeling like I'm on the top of the world every since we got the deed..  Even my back problems seem small today! I walk outside and look all around me and still think "Wow, this is OURS"  No one can take it from us.  A lifelong dream has been realized.   I've wanted a place to call home for most of my life.  No renting no mortgages. A place that was mine, that no one could ever take away. I walked around the property today in between rain showers and everything looks so different to me now.We owe nothing to anyone.  And we did it on  $11,000 a year and the preps we brought from Austin. We are officially LAND OWNERS!

Let the games begin!


  1. You so, so, so deserve this. I am so freaking happy for you right now. Someone said once "The best investment you can make is in land, because they aren't making anymore of it." And that's how I feel too. GOOD FOR YOU BOTH. You should be very proud of yourselves. I know we are!!!!

    1. Thank you so much. I did one of your "skippy dances" when I pulled the envelope out of the mail box and can't stop smiling. As for being proud, it's more like a burden has been lifted.I just wanted to get it paid off before SHTF. and we did!

  2. Congratulations!! Be proud of your accomplishment and grow, grow, grow those veggies.

    1. Thanks Momlady. Good advice too. Grow, grow, grow!

  3. Sci - i just doesn't seem real does it? i promise that there will be many days when you have a million projects to do in the garden and you will just sit down and look around and sigh. and you will get a fluttery feeling in your belly and you won't believe it's real. when that happens, i recommend you just take as long as you want, you just look around and breathe. and feel it. it is an amazing feeling and the weeds will still be there tomorrow - know what i mean? it's why jam and i try to spend some time every day just sitting and looking at all of the junk in the yard, all of the work that still needs to be done and just say screw it, get a cup of tea, sit out there in the yard looking at land. our land. i promise this will happen to you for the rest of your life. we still can't believe that this land is ours.

    i am so very proud of your resiliency and determination. your land didn't seem to come easy, but because of what you and Mars did, and the decisions you made - heck, seems like it came pretty easy now eh? there were many obstacles and lots of worry and stress - but now - wow! it's yours.

    i am proud that we started off together, shared our dreams and ideas, shared all of our successes and failures, shared everything. we both had the same dream - to own and work our own land.

    congratulations to you and Mars - this is when life really begins. it's yours, gurl - it's yours! i know exactly how you feel and i say - suck it dry! fill your lungs with it with every breath. it's yours. and i am so very happy for you both.

    much love, gurl. much love. your friend,

    1. kymber,
      Thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom. We've both been on the same path for so long They mean a lot when they are coming from you my friend. Somehow we made it. You in your beautiful slice of heaven on earth and me trying to follow in your footsteps. You've given me the encouragement I've needed at times. And I promise to stop and enjoy that feeling of freedom every chance I get.
      Much love to you and Jamie,

  4. A big Congratulations to you both! Oh, isn't it such a wonderful, uplifting and just darned awesome feeling to know that every step you take on that patch of dirt/grass/weeds is yours to do with as you wish, when you want, without anyone telling you "no"?! Keep that feeling going, just like Kymber said. IMO, the weight lifted after becoming TRUE home / land owners was one of the best feelings in the world. Do a happy dance, rain or not :)

    1. Thank you Carolyn. I'd have to say it's one of the most awesome feelings I've ever had. I truly understand what you are saying about the weight being lifted. All this time I've intellectually know that it was ours but man oh man I didn't realize just how awesome I would feel once the paper was in my hand. I've been doing a "skippy dance' and a Snoopy dance every time I walk on a piece of OUR land!! I wish someone could bottle this feeling. They would make millions!

  5. Hooray! That is a wonderful accomplishment and one to have a celebration for. I hope to be joining you in a few years down the road. A mortgage is all we have and we are laser focused on eliminating it as fast as we can. Again, kudos to the two of you for your dreams and dedication to reach them. Enjoy.

    1. JMD thank you!! It sounds like your focus on getting the mortgage done is going to be done before you know it!

  6. Congrats...You worked hard and sacrificed much...It is so worth it...we almost have our paid off as well.....We hold the deed on our place but it still doesn't really feel like ours so I get what your saying...I am so thrilled you got it paid off..Now go celebrate!!!!!

    1. Thanks! It is a wonderful feeling for sure. I think it's time for us to break out a nice steak and have a celebration dinner complete with things we've grown right here.
      The hardest part of getting this paid off for me were the last few months. It felt so close yet it just wasn't as good as having that paperwork!

  7. Hooray!!!! we paid off our land and home last year, it's such a great feeling knowing it's all yours!!!


    1. Congratulations to you as well. I've just got to ask... Do you still have this great feeling or does it fade a bit over time? I'm sort of hoping it never goes away!

  8. Hi Sci-Fi Chick! Wow! Congratulations to ya'll! What a wonderful accomplishment! Prayers that your back will feel well soon so you can really enjoy the place! Blessings from Bama!

    1. Thank you Felecia, it has been a goal for such a long time and now it's here!!!
      Thank you for your prayers on the back. If the next procedure works as well as the last one did, I'll be a happy camper for sure!

  9. You mean you live near Austin, tX? I live in dripping springs.

    1. dindin I lived in Manor and then moved to Georgetown. Then we took the leap and moved away. My grandparents used to live in Dripping Springs and I have a good friend that still lives there.

  10. Good for you, my friend! Sounds like party time to me!

    1. Thanks Jim, you've stuck with us the whole way. How's about I break out some Kahlua and we'll have some really nice coffee!

  11. Congratulations! May the Lord continue to bless and keep you in your homesteading adventure!


    1. Thank you Fern, as you know first hand there's always a new adventure around the corner.

  12. Now if we didn't have to continually pay rent to the government in the form of property taxes it would perfect.

    But gratz. It takes a load off that's for sure.

    1. You are so right. At least (for now anyway) our rent is pretty small. And boy it sure DOES take a load off!

  13. congratulations! most people don't actually own a cemetery plot. I am paying extra each month on my place and hope to get it paid off in the next 5 years! or less. Good job.

    1. Thank you Rat. Good luck with the early payoff of your place.It sounds like you are focused on getting it done.

  14. Congratulations. You have much to be proud of - your fugality that has paid off big time, your land that will serve you well and knowing that the best is yet to come.

    1. Thank you so much Bellen. And I'm most certainly looking forward to the future.

  15. That's truly an amazing accomplishment. I know how you feel, how liberating it is. It makes me feel good when someone actually puts philosophy into practice. It's rare these days in my experience.

    1. Harry, thank you so much. It's like a big weight off my shoulders, even though I knew we could do it. And you are right when you say that many folks don't "practice what they preach." I'm just glad to have this part of our journey over with.

  16. :D Yay!! Congratulations to you and Mars.

    I knew you could do it, ever since you shared that picture so long ago of the tree that looked like it was pointing toward the heavens. I am so happy and proud of you both, you accomplished one of your goals, it's not something many people can do. I am happy dancing over here with tears of happiness in my eyes.

    Love and Hugs to you both
    ps...can I join you and Uncle Hermit for that Kahlua & coffee? :)

    1. Fel, Thank you so much. You've been with us from the start so you know all sorts of "stuff" that others don't. I still think that tree is pretty awesome. It hints of things to come and a reminder that some wishes DO come true.
      You must join us in a Kahulua and coffee, How could I not enjoy a drink with one of my best friends? I want to say thank you for always being there for me. And just think...we have years and years ahead of us!
      Love to you, Catman, and B's,

  17. Sci,

    Freedom!!!! It's nice to have the deed in your hands, now you can just open the door and yell out it's ours!!!

    Congratulations my friend, I know you and Mars have worked hard to get your place paid off and exactly the way you want it.

    Bulldog Man and I love your place, it's nice and quiet with all kinds of beautiful tree's, flowers, and yes that big vegetable garden (can you tell I'm jealous???).

    Much happiness to both of you. Sending hugs to you and Mars...........................time to light up the smoker, and toast a drink.
    Love you guys,

    1. Sandy,
      It's a new and wonderful feeling. There are still tons of things to do, but now I can say it's ours to do with as we will. It's not a big place but it's quite enough for us. Don't you worry, you guys will find your place and you will know it when you see it!
      You know you are welcome any time. And we should fire up the pit and have a few beers! That's an awesome idea.
      Love to You, BDM and Tank!

  18. A heart felt congratulations! Another 3 days and we too will have made our last payment and will own our place outright after 18 1/2 years of paying a mortgage. (We knocked a year and a half off the original 20 year mortgage by paying a little more each month than the actual monthly payment required.)

    1. Thank you so much Paul. And congratulations to you too! It's an amazing feeling!

  19. Congratulations! When I paid my mortgage off, I was so happy and felt unfettered. Here in AL, because I am over 60, I get a homestead exemption and do not have to pay property taxes ever again. I just have to sign my name each year to get the exemption. Does your state have that? If you are like I was, it will seem like muscles relax because the place is yours. By the way, homestead exemption of also for a house on a lot in town, which is what I have.

    1. Thanks Linda! It does seem like a weight being lifted off our shoulders. I'll definitely have to look into the homestead exemptions. It would tickle me to not have to pay the governmental rent. Thanks for reminding me that I should look into it..

  20. Isn't it an amazing feeling? We have a mortgage, which we are paying off as quickly as possible, but we own our land.

    PioneerPreppy's right, property taxes make renters of us all. But it is still wonderful knowing that aside from those taxes, we owe no one for the land. If the bank foreclosed on our house, we could move into the shed. :)

    And we are 19 months into owning our land, and the feeling hasn't even lost its shine yet!


    1. Miss M,
      Thanks. (And don't let PP know I agreed with him. Last time I did that we almost got caught.... oops nm.) *snork* If your land happiness is still going strong 19 months later then I have high hopes for ours to last as well.

  21. Sci, It's been a bit brutal here at "casa de chaos" but I'm so happy for you and your victory of getting debt free! Just wait until next month and no bill comes in the mail and you will be on your way! How dare you stop playing the game? LOL
    I'm so happy for you my friend!

    1. You never fail to make me smile! Keep on keeping on, it's tough but I have total faith in you!
      Thanks for hanging out with me all these years.

      P.S. I'll give you my game piece if you want it *wink*
      And thanks for your kind words.

  22. Congratulations!!! That is glorious news! What better feeling can there be. Well done!

    1. Much thanks Leigh,
      It doesn't get much better than this (for now) I'm trying to follow in your footsteps. *wink*

  23. With no land payment you have more income to spend on GMO seeds!

  24. Awesome! Awesome! And congratulations! That is phenomenal news. I hope we 're not far behind you ;).

    1. Thanks Wendy! the time actually went by faster than I thought it would.

  25. Well thank you very much! Poke around some. There are all kinds of things to see here.

  26. Can't beat that!!! So proud of both of you!!!!

  27. Congrats!! Very happy for you!

  28. CONGRATS!!!! I'm so thrilled for you! I can only imagine what it must feel like.

  29. I know it's been a few days, and I'm obviously at the end of a long list of well-wishers. I specifically made a point to come back to your post to do the very same thing. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you. It can sure be a rocky road. We are working to owe $0 to anybody - at all. What a feeling that must be. You have done something that might not necessarily be considered extraordinary by some, but to many out here, you have unknowingly provided a source of hope and inspiration. It is possible, and if they can do it, so can we. And for that I not only congratulate you, but also thank you. I wish you every blessing in 'your new home.'

  30. Wow! Can I say how impressed I am!! I can only imagine how good you must feel! Congrats!

  31., lotsa comments...God Bless y'all, welcome to the real world, i'll be there as soon as i find my hunk of land, cash for it when i find it, passed on a couple so far...seeing them for sale thru four seasons helped...drainage sucked on both

    ...sorry, drifting, anyway Congratulations, you guys earned it...
