
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Real Life

  I try really hard not to get "down" this time of year.  It's been kind of hard this year for some reason.  We are just stretched so far that if the budget were any tighter it would snap and break.  Shoot, we're so broke that even Christmas cards and stamps were out of the question.  Along with the taxes being due, extra propane and the electric bill that has doubled with the cold weather there was the new battery we had to have for the car . With the little check we get by on that battery is our Christmas.  BUT I have so much to be thankful for.  Least of not which is our land.  We are just two more payments away from it being paid for!  We'll have a little bit more wiggle once that happens.

I've not said much of anything about the diesel truck I wrecked last Spring.  It's been harder here than you know without that dang truck on the road.  Mars is and always has been self employed and always needed a truck for the kind of work he does.  Fencing, welding, decks, small construction jobs.   Most all of those things require a pickup truck.  You have got to have something to haul the materials in. So the loss of the truck not only put us out of transportation for a bit (thanks to good folks we do have our little beater car!) but it has put him out of work for the most part. 

 Not to mention all the things that we've been unable to do around here without a truck.  It's hard to haul 8' or 1o' 2x4's in a little car. I swear I can't even look at Craigslist anymore.  I am always seeing free "stuff" that we could use around here for the house we will onc day build.   We just have no way to haul it. 

Geesh,  I don't know why I got off onto this subject.  It makes me sound ungrateful for all the things we do have.  I don't mean it to be. There are so many who are hurting worse than we are.   Once the land is paid for it will free up some money in our budget.  Then we can begin to tackle some  the problems that have been set before us.  We've just got to hang tight for now and know in our hearts that things happen for a reason. Even though we might not see it at the time.  

I hesitated sharing this, knowing full well that it is bound to open up conversations I don't really want to have.  I've pretty much always tried to see the positive and play down the negative here. I've tried to be honest though.  This is just the way things are.  This blog is as much for me to journal our travels and experiences in this new life that we have chosen, as it is to try in some small way to help others who are walking this path too.  Thanks for letting me rant for a bit.  I promise not to be such a Debbie Downer again this year. 


  1. I don't feel you're a Debbie Downer at all. You're realistic. Some years are better than others. Bad things happen to good people. Peace, joy and love to you and yours now are forever more.

    1. Bellen,
      Whew! I was so sure folks would find this post kind of "whiney". I'm glad it didn't do so with you. Thank you for your kind words. They mean more than you know.

  2. Overall I agree that this year has been tough. Dont feel bad... we just do the best we can.

    1. Lisa,
      Thank you. It is true. I'd like to think that most are doing the best they can. I sure know we are!

  3. The good times have been gone for awhile now and I have a feeling that more and more people are going to be in similar situations. I still have my old truck and I know what it would be like without it but it is 20 years old and goes through periods of having something wrong with it and off the road. I just need it to work when I start cutting firewood at the end of winter. I don't really complain but sometimes I have to tell it like it is. The TV news suddenly is telling how good the economy is again but it is just government propaganda as they have changed the reporting to tell lies. They want people to go out and spend on christmas as they know that it is not going well and bad sales numbers will cause the economy to start to collapse. But we just can't buy things like we used to.

    1. SF. I do feel that even while we are swimming upstream at times we are blessed with being able to see what reality is before us. It amazes me that the MSM really IS trying to whitewash what is really happening in this country. Folks are starting to understand just how messed up our government is. This country is in for a serious wake up call and folks are just now starting to see what you and I have been watching for years now. The economy cannot sustain the heavy spending of our government. The little guys are slowly being strangled and cannot understand why things aren't looking as rosy as the media plays it. Some are in for a very serious surprise very soon. I personally think that Ozero Care just might be the trigger. We'll see.
      Prep on,

  4. I've been reading 'Bacon & Eggs' for awhile now. I find your realism refreshing and thought provoking. It has raised my hopes that, yes, there is something I can do with and for my family to be better prepared and a better community member. So, that has been a gift from you. Thank you!

    I've come to believe that creating a website to mobilize even more people is something that I can do. So, that it was I have done. Two weeks ago I purchased a domain name and sat down to create something that I hope benefits a whole bunch of people, both awake people and those who are beginning to see through the fog of the reality we find ourselves in today.

    My new website, with links back to 'Bacon & Eggs' is called 'People Mobilization' and the mission chosen is "To offer hope, support, resistance and resources to awake people in the USA." Link here:

    My big point in this note though is to say thanks to you for keeping things real! Hang in there and know that you have a real positive impact in other people's lives.

    Wishing you, your family and readers are happy new year. And lots of smiles too!


    1. martino,
      Thank you for your kind words. I've never tried to sugar coat things either here or in my daily life. Things are what they are. It's how you deal with them that makes a difference.
      Good luck with your blog. It looks good.
      Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  5. Debbie,
    You are far from being a downer, realist just like me, who has her eyes wide open as well as her heart! We too are feeling the financial pinch, even being debt free. I too feel down, and figured out why just days ago, it was because I'd let myself forget all the daily blessing we have and instead get wrapped up and sucked into trying to keep up with the Jones's, so to speak. Our grandchildren are very spoiled and only know the Worldly ways, thus don't appreciate things that we enjoy giving, such as homemade gifts. I am making each their own stockings, from scrap materials I have( nothing purchased) and am filling them with homemade goodies and small crafty items and a special ornament for their 2013 year. I know they will not appreciate them and instead will be more excited with store bought tech toys and bobbles, but I have to remember that I enjoyed myself planning, making and designing each one, it's their loss if they don't appreciate the love and time spent on them. All the commercialization of these holidays has, for me made it difficult to truly appreciate or wish to even be involved in them. HUGS and Merry Christmas to you and yours, you are blessed as well as a blessing. Kelle from The Never Done Farm

    1. Kelle,
      I know just what you mean. The comments here on this post have been a big reminder that we have to remember to count our blessings. They are everywhere when we just take the time to look.
      I love that you are making your grandchildren stockings this year. Even though now they might not appreciate them, in the years to come I know that they will. I know it must be discouraging right now but just know that one day they will look back on these days and remember. I just love your dated ornament idea. I've done the same for my nieces and nephews in the past. They didn't really appreciate them at the time.but what's so funny is that now, when they go to their moms for the decorating the tree evening. (Its one of their traditions) They all want to hang their special ornament first. It makes my heart smile!
      Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  6. I don't think you are Debbie Downer. Everybody feels the pinch more at the holidays. Everybody I know except one of my brothers has to be counting pennies to get by. You've got a lot of company. Things seem to work out though. I just started reading your blog. I like it.

    1. Harry,
      I'm glad I didn't "down" ya! I know it's a tough time of the year for so many. I still feel blessed, sometimes it just takes someone to remind me. Thanks for reading! I've put a link to your site here this past week. I've just started reading your blog as well.
      Merry Christmas,

  7. Sci,

    You're not a Debbie Downer, this time of year is tight for us too. The heat has to increase because of the does that good old heating bill, and then we've dealt multiple medical issues with my side of the family. Any extra cash we had is no longer right now. We are not getting out any Christmas cards, and haven't even really decorated. I have one little tree with nothing on it. It smells pretty, and we are just great full for having each other this holiday season. Sending love to you and Mars. Hoping in a couple of months things will be better for all of us!!!

    1. Sandy,
      I can always count on you to find the good in things. It's one of the reasons I feel privileged to have you as a friend. You have had a tough year I know. {{{Hugs}} I bet your little tree is awesome. I just love that smell. (It's the falling needles that get me) I used to decorate BIG TIME but these days not so much. Most of my Christmas "stuff" was left back in Texas when we moved. If we had a bit more room here I would love to have a tree. But you know first hand how very limited our "extra space" is. LOL We can't even have "indoor company" but thats not going to last forever.
      Merry Christmas to you and BDM and Tank!!!!

  8. Like several others here, I feel your pain! However, it is so easy to be swamped feeling when you have so much on your plate as you and Mars do. You do offer so much info and encouragement to others here on your blog. I have learned so much about gardening and trying to plan ahead and just be more prepared for "anything" that may come down the pike. WE (our society/culture) have lost the ability to be appreciative of how many blessings we all have, and I know there have been many times I was reminded of that just by reading one of your posts. I hope that things do take an upward swing for you in the new year and I know I am going to try even harder to live life remembering that "less is more and simple is BEST" Merry Christmas to you and I hope the New Year brings blessings and health to us all!!
    Hang tough! Beth in Iowa

    1. Beth,
      It's so awesome to hear that you are working on being more prepared for the things that life tosses our way. Things are bound to get better! After all attitude is half the battle, right? lol
      Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  9. It won't make you feel any better for me to tell you i'm in basically the same boat, though I am. However, I hope it DOES make you feel better to know that I understnd what you're going through and that I'm rooting for you and praying for you. Maybe it will help to make your temporary mantra "JUST TWO MORE PAYMENTS!" I hope you and those you love have a sweet and memorable Christmas. May God bless you richly.

    1. Gorges,
      I am hereby claiming the mantra!!!! TWO MORE PAYMENTS! I hope things get better for all of us in the new year. (Hey, I can hope!)
      Thank you so much for your kind wishes.
      Merry Christmas,

  10. I've been a follower for a long time and I know when I come over, I can expect to hear both the good news and not so good. I love the fact that you don't try and sugar coat anything.

    Real life stories from real live folks! That's what makes me proud to be one of those that are pulling for ya !

    Peace and love to your house, my friend!

    1. Dear Jim,
      You have been around since the very beginning of this little blog. Your kind words have ment much to me over the years and this is no different. Shoot, you know I have a hard time with sugar coating stuff.
      I hope you have the very merriest of Christmas's
      PS Thanks for always knowing just the right thing to say!

  11. Gurl - git off yer butt and check your email....just sayin'!

    love to you and Mars, always! your friend,

    1. LOL kymber! you know just how to sweet talk me into checking the mail! hehehehee
      Love to you and Jaimie! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
      PS Thanks for the pretty pretty card.

  12. Sci, I am so impressed with all you have done in such a short time. Oh I know it doesn't seem short to you right now but you have come "along way Babe!"
    This was the year I made it over "the hump" though I'm not stopping as there is a lot to do and learn. But it seems as if I have climbed the first big hill of my journey and all I see ahead of me is a beautiful landscape of smaller hills and valleys.

    1. Wooo Hoooo Lets hear it for you!!! Over 'The hump" is a great place to be for sure. We both know that there will always be something new to learn and do. Our lives demand it. I'm so very happy for you.
      I hope your holidays are bright and shining as the hills and valleys.

  13. keep remembering the "reason for the season" and share that reason with all who will listen...i too have no money for "stuff" and must really be creative to afford the husband and i have discovered that our "wants" are really quite small when looked at with a different perspective. the things most important in our lives dont always come without some sacrifice along the way. you are almost at a most important goal of having your homestead paid for...make a copy of your deed, gather some of your dearest and closest friends/family, bake cookies or treats and then if it is legal to have a small bonfire you will be able to celebrate what we used to call a "mortgage burning".

    1. Anony,
      It is pretty amazing what folks can make do with if necessary. We, too, have found that our lives, while not perfect are just fine with us. This has been a lifelong dream of mine and I just love your idea of a "mortgage burning". Folks might be pretty amazed at just how little we get by on. Even so, we have been able to make this dream of our own land happen. Next on the list... a house .... with room enough for two people to walk at the same time! heheheee
      Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment.

  14. it is the time of year. we are all feeling it-- If you made it this far, you can hold on for two more months. Just keeping telling yourself that. You can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you will own your land. Such an accomplishment! some times people have to get through the bad patches, to get to the good ones.

    Here is one of my little mantras: "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade..but, you better add some sugar or that is going to be some icky lemonade" Capice?
    Christmas is what you make it, and I hope you and all your family has a very merry one.

    1. JUGM,
      I'm taking on the mantra that Gorges suggested clear thru to the new year. TWO MORE PAYMENTS! I am almost having to pinch myself every time I think of it like that. It's true, we all learn from the "bad patches" and if we don't well then.... karma will be sure we do the next time!
      I really wasn't trying to be a downer at Christmas time. Because we know the real reason for the season after all.
      Merry Christmas to you, Sr and the boys!!!

  15. Oh Sci you are fine. Some days i feel like i have not learned anything from my bad patches, I can't tell you how many times Senior and I have had a vehicle paid off..only a few months later go trade it in for something newer and yet another payment....owie! I think though I have finally learned a lesson on finances. Thrree years in a row that we have paid cash for ever thing at Christmas. So we don't worry about that January credit card statement. And I have not had a CC in years

  16. You do not sound like a downer. That's just the way life goes sometimes. There's hard times and easy times. I think of all the work you did this summer to preserve food and know that you know you are blessed on that score. I think it's just when Christmas comes around and we want to do something special that it hurts. Been there ... hated it ... survived. :-)

    The land will be paid of so soon! That's pretty darned exciting. I can't wait to celebrate THAT with you!

    1. Sue,
      Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for what this year has brought. I know I just about couldn't wait for summer to be over. Guess what we had for dinner last night? Our very own black-eyed peas and spinach and some broiled pork chops! Of course the pork was store bought but every thing else was from the garden. Oh and homemade bread of course.
      It's hard to believe that the land's going to be paid off in two months. Wow, the past three(ish) years have really flown by. Now if only the next three years will see us started on a home wouldn't that be something?
      Merry Christmas to you and Renoman,

  17. I know you are thankful for the things you do have, so a little whining never hurt. Here's hoping this coming year will see you with another truck and back on the downhill stretch again. Merry Christmas.
