
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


First things first.  I want to apologize for not responding to your comments the past couple of posts.I wasn't trying to be rude or anything.   I find myself yet again in "Time-Out" with Wildblue Sux.  My internet speed has once again been throttled back enough to make dial-up seem fast.  Annoying to say the least but I've come to expect it.

 Did you know that not only is tomorrow is a New Moon but it's only the third time in 300 years that the New Moon has fallen on the first day of the new year?  AND it's called a Super New Moon because it is the closest the moon will be to earth all year!  

Out with the old and in with the new!  I've got a feeling 2014 is going to be an interesting year. It's sure starting out that way.  This is also the only time in my lifetime my birthday will be 1-14-14.

I want to wish each and every one of you a Very Happy New Year!  If you go out to celebrate please find yourself a designated driver.  Cops will most definitely be out and looking for any excuse to pull you over and that could get really expensive really fast.  I'll have to tell you I can't remember the last time we actually went "out" on New Year's Eve. Let me parrot what my friend Jerry over at MDR... Leave it to the rookies to go out and party, we pro's stay home.  (paraphrased of course)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy New Year! Many blessings to you and yours.


  2. Happy New Year too! We stay home as well, and don't drink much ever anyway. And happy Super New Moon :)

  3. Happy New Year. As for 2014 being "interesting," I'm afraid it will, indeed, be exactly that. ;-)

  4. Happy New Year Frank and Fern!!

    Little H in Boise- Ya'll have yourself a wonderful New Year and a Happy Super New Moon to you as well! lol

    Gorges- I've got a feeling it's going to be a year for the records for sure!. Happy New Year, yeah?

  5. Happy New Year to you and yours, Scifi. Yes, I too feel something special is going to happen with the New, Super, New Year's Day moon. All those adjectives must (I hope) be there for a good reason! :-)

  6. Have a blessed New Year, and certainly enjoy yourself on that upcoming birthday!

  7. 2014 is gonna be a doozie and i hope and pray that we are all prepared for it as best as we can. but being prepared and at the ready for anything to happen should not suck all of the joy out of life no matter how simple or humble our life might be at this time or in the future. take knowledge and pleasure from wherever you can.

  8. Too bad the closest new moon is nothing that we can observe. The ultimate undocumentable observation, eh?

  9. Excuse me? Undocumentable observation? Tell ya what. There are over 70 million searchable websites that come up just from googling it. Here's just one of those. . How many others would you like a link to?

  10. Sue Happy New Year to you and Renoman. I hope the coming year treats us all well!

    Brigid - Thank you my friend. Right back atcahl.

    Anony # 1 I feel blessed most every day just to be alive in these most interesting times.
