
Thursday, November 14, 2013


I've seen around the blogosphere that some folks are doing this 30 Days of Thanksgiving.  Or something like that. Am I the only one who would start doing this and a few days later think  "Oh man.... I need to catch up on that" .  Only to find yourself thinking it of it again while you are stuffing the Thanksgiving turkey?  That's me.

I don't say it nearly enough but one of the things I'm thankful for are you guys.  It amazes me that there are so many wonderful folks all around the country that stop by here.  I'd like to say thanks to you guys who have recently hit that button up there. And an even bigger thanks for those of you who have been along for the ride for awhile. I didn't know what I was doing back then and I sure don't know what I'm doing now.  So I just want to say thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to stop by!


  1. Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. Back at you Stephanie! I've still got my fingers crossed for you and yours. We're still waiting to hear your news! Thanks for coming by today!

  2. Replies
    1. Why Thank you so much. The door's always open and there's coffee in the pot. Just make yourself comfy!

  3. Well, I am behind. 30 Days of Thanksgiving? Is that what the numbered posts are all about? I confess I tend to not gear my posts toward holidays. But I do try to be thankful every day and in every situation. On a homestead, we all know things can get tough. Still, just being thankful to be able to do it, also for like-minded folks. That's something to keep in mind every day.

    1. LOL Leigh! Now you know what that numbered thing is! I so hear you about thankfulness every day. I wake up every morning thankful that I have been blessed to be the steward of this little acre of ours. I'm with you on being thankful just to be able to do it. Four years ago this was all still a dream. I'm so very lucky to be able to share my little adventures with you guys, no matter how boring they are, they are all a part of this journey I find myself on. It's good to know we are not alone on this path.

  4. I so enjoy your site. I didn't do the 30 days of thanks for precisely the same reason, I would forget then stress trying to play catch up.

    1. DFW, See!!! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one. I'd find myself stressing if I ended up starting the 30 days thing. For exactly the reason as you. Like we don't have enough to stress over this time of year??? hahahahahaaa
      Have a Super Day!

  5. SCI,

    Your not the only one who didn't get going on the 30 days of Thanksgiving.

    Keep warm, it's always a pleasure to stop by your blog.

    1. Sandy,
      You could probably pull off the 30 day thing. You are much more organized than I am. Shoot, it seems half the time I can't even remember to post a picture with a post, much less be asked to do 30 days of something. Although on the other hand, I haven't forgotten to feed the critters every day. Of course sometimes they have to remind me! Haahahahaaa
      Hugs to you and yours,
      P.S. The weather's supposed to be nice this weekend. How are your peas doing?

  6. Well, count me in the "hugh??" for the 30 days thing. But I am thankful for all my blogging buddies.

    1. LOL! I do love my blogging buddies too. Some of my bestest (it is TOO a word!) buddies are you guys!

  7. You have a very informative blog and I read it all the time, even if I am lax at commenting. What button are we suppose to push?

    1. Well thank you for the kind words DD. I happen to think the same of your blog. As for commenting, I'm terrible at it. Mostly because I stay on "time out" with my internet provider.... That's a whole other story. The button? OH the "Follow" button.
      Thanks for hitting the comments today!

  8. It's a nice place to stop by for a visit. Thank you for being such a gracious hostess!


    1. Well thank you. And thank you for being such a gracious guest.

  9. Aways a good read! Take care Darlin!

  10. awwww I like your little piece of the world too. I learn so much from your site, especially bread making.
    I did that 30 days thing before, and forget half way through the month, so you are not the lone ranger on that one.

    1. I never did hear how that second batch of "HUGE HUNKA DOUGH came out. LOL!!!
      As for the 30 day thing.... yeah...I ride at midnight! *snork*

  11. you can never have too many friends...and i am glad you are one of mine and that you are here to share info and knowledge with

  12. You are so right. A person can never have to many friends. Thanks for letting me know you actually come to my humble abode.

  13. Awwww. You and your story and terrific ideas are the reasons we come here and keep coming back for more. xoxo

    1. Sue,
      You are too kind. More often than not I struggle to find something to write about. When that happens I tend to ramble about the mundane. But it is nice to know that folks from all across the country stop by. It's especially nice when they leave a comment!
      I hope your day is full of sunshine. A big "howdy" to the hubster too ok?

  14. The best way to take blessings out of a situation is to be obligated to list them. If I have to do something I WANT to do, suddenly it's not fun. As for readers, tonight I had two different people comment on how they feel so much love from my readers for me. So there's a grand blessing and it has nothing to do with any holiday.

    1. I'm with you. For some reason, once I start trying to do something I really don't want to do it just gets harder and harder to do it.
      Isn't it wonderful to have blogger buddies!! You have some wonderful readers too. I just love reading the comments. We ARE blessed every day of the year to have such awesome readers!

  15. I was picking some of the last greens from our garden today while the laundry dried on the clothesline. It was a beautiful fall day but the air has a "change" to it. I found myself thinking of all I have to be thankful for. 30 days of thankfulness as an organized event is too ahhhhh.... well does forced sound right? You will find the right times to be thankful.

    1. Fiona,
      It sounds like you had a wonderful day. And I'm with you about finding the right times to be thankful.
