
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

TSA Shooting

The TSA shooting last week is still in the news and very much on my mind.  I know a bunch of you will probably see what I'm thinking.  I also know there will be those who will call folks like me a twisted conspiracy theorist. (again)  At this stage in the game I don't think it matters much to me.  Call me what you will.  I'll still get up in the morning and go do my chores and do all the other mundane things that life requires of folks. A theory is a theory, a fact is a fact.

 But you just watch what is about to unfold. Because of that TSA shooting they will start clamoring to be armed.  It's bad enough they are already moving out of the "airport" realm and out on our streets. Of course they want guns.   Maybe some of those  BILLION bullets that the DHS purchased will help out the TSA.

Do you remember this?  Cause I sure do.  It rings in my ear each time I hear of all the alphabet agencies stepping up and stomping our personal liberties all in the name of safety.

In July of 2008, presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama stated that Americans could no longer “…continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Let me just repeat that last line... We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” 

I'm pretty sure we are well on the way.

And if that's not enough to send me over the edge 

... Check this one out and consider the consequences.

Last US lead smelter closing in Missouri; 145 jobs lost

Let that sink in for just a minute...


  1. I did an article a while back on the real reason the "environmental" folks want to ban lead. Guess I'm a bit twisted, myself.

    1. Gorges,
      I guess we can be twisted together! Agenda 21 is alive and well and apparently gaining massive "forward" support. I just can't believe the support that this green development is getting.

  2. The government is preparing for the economic collapse that is coming, they are probably a bit scared as they are all located in cities.

    1. They have every reason to be scared. I'm just sayin.'.....

  3. And then there's that "congress" woman calling for martial law. Glad I grew up when I did. Would hate to have to raise children today.

    1. Momlady,
      I almost "missied" the good old days but not by much. It must be an awful scary thing raising children in this mess.

  4. Sci- You are not the only person thinking of a conspiracy theory...I swear there is "something" going on. And it is all geared towards the complete confiscation of firearms. There have been just too many of these mass shootings in just a year and half for something wonky not to be going on.
    Last night on our news, was the TSA story as well, and one person all ready saying to arm them. Wait a sec ! They can arm federal workers, but God forbid we arm school teachers?
    I watched BO on TV here in Florida when he made that statement, it was a campaign stop in Orlando. I was stunned and it has never left my mind, I think over the past couple of years I have even put in comments on other blog posts about it. It really resonated with me, and scared the living crap out of me.
    he is systimatically tearing down our military, and quietly arming federal employees...
    This morning the thing that is on my mind is how Virginia elected a Dem. Governor. Havent the people learned anything yet from the Obamacare fiasco? I guess not. I know that just as much voted for the Republican...but still it shows that Americans have not learned a lesson and that a stiffer doese of reality needs to be injected.

    1. JUGM,
      They have been laying the groundwork for years to come after our guns. I do not look forward to what will happen if they try to confiscate them. And saying that, I will also say that I will not back down either. Why is it that all of the sudden this surge in mass shootings?? Why so much "coverup" surrounding most of them? I know you heard about that shooter in the mall in N,J, the other day. Hide and watch whats coming to a mall near you soon. Just a feeling but every since that horrible mall shooting overseas, I've been feeling "antsy", just waiting for something like that to happen here. Then they can move their ARMED TSA workers to every mall and shopping center.
      I totally agree with you about not allowing teachers who are certified to carry in schools. But I can't see this happening with all those on the left who freak out at even a freaking hot pink water pistol. Kids these days can't even point their fingers at another child without the administrators wanting to medicated them.
      Everything that ovomett does is done to tear down the USA and unfortunately for those of us who love our country and our freedoms he really has "fundamentally" changed America.
      Girl, I'm going to stop now cause I could keep going on and on. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I've got a feeling if we were to get together for coffee and a chat we'd be meeting for morning coffee and look up and see its time for afternoon ice tea! lol

  5. More ugly times ahead for all of us, I'm afraid!

  6. It's just a matter of time. And, it is getting short. I also "feel" that there is something on the wind. I've seen a lot of traffic around the Fema office, at the Federal center, near our house.

    1. Flier,
      Interesting info about the traffic but I don't envy you and yours living so close. I don't know what else we can do but do what we have been doing for awhile now. Heads up and eyes open... We prep for disasters and the current events are most certainly things to watch.
      Keep your powder dry,

  7. Sci- Senior and I have been talking about not only the Mall shooter but the TSA one. mark the calander on this one..but pretty soon you will see security Outside of the entrance to the airport. before you can even check bags, or get your tickets- You will have to go through a screening. The same will be for malls. The one that i scratch my head on is the naval base shooter..that is the one that does not add up for me. How convenient it happens right in D.C.

    Yes we could have lots to talk about over coffee, and even afternoon tea... would be a fun time indeed.

    1. A couple of glasses of iced tea on the porch sounds pretty good to me. Is it wrong that I'm happy to hear about those discussions ya'll have been having? Thing is, we are talking about them here as well.

    2. Its because I am suspicious of the government and I read way too much of the writings of Matthew Bracken. He wrote the "Enemies Foreign and Domestic " series. Parallels greatly to current events.
