
Friday, August 23, 2013

Yeah, I Said That

I know some of you who have been hanging out with me for awhile must be wondering why I've not bee addressing some of the things happening in the news lately.  It's not that I haven't been keeping up with the real news and even listening to the B.S. MainStreetMedia via the radio.  It's times just like these that make me even more thankful that we don't have a television in the house.  I actually feel sorry for people who ONLY listen to the TV news.   I've grown tired of shouting from the rooftop to folks who are to lazy and complacent about what is happening in this country. 

  With the Obama Administration apparently doing just about anything they want with no oversight and no respect for the constitution, the NSA spying on every single American, the IRS, Benghazi, Obama Care, the NDAA , the unconstitutional Executive Orders being written and signed by the POTUS , drones in the skies of the US by 2015, TSA on the streets and are soon to be armed  I don't see the America I grew up in anymore.  (How's that for a run on sentence?)

  Now the White House won't make a stand on Syria.  I think the reason for that is because we've been funding Al CIAda.  Remember them?  We went to the Middle East and bombed the hell out of Iraq fighting them.  Now our government has embraced them and are funding them.  When did Al Qaida become our friends?
Then there is the matter of 400 surface to air missiles that just went missing.  And who's hands do you think are on them. Call me crazy but those missiles can take down aircraft. Do you really think they won't use them?

  I've always been called a conspiracy theorist. I've also been right about many of the things others thought were just a crazy conspiracy theory. That makes them a conspiracy not a theory at all.  There is much more to the situation in the Middle East.  And the US has it's fingerprints all over much of it.  This President has an agenda and he told us straight up back in 2008 what he had planned to do.  People cheered when he told them he would fundamentally change America.  I think he's doing one hell of a job.


  1. As we know, unfortunately, change isn't always progress.

  2. I have never been optimistic about our chances of changing anything for the better. As long as ignorance and prejudice and fear keep the sheep distracted the wolves will continue to circle the flock. I admire the blog you have here and joined as soon as I discovered it. Please don't be discouraged. You do what you can do. that's it.

    1. I suppose I've tried to be as optimistic as I can. I hate thinking of what the other possibility would be.At least it can be said "we live in interesting times". Now THAT can't be said by everyone! Sometimes I have to take a break from thinking about the road ahead as we continue down this path. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. I know people who think Obama is great and has not don't anything wrong, the economy is coming back.... I don't talk to them much anymore.

    1. OK I have to admit I spewed my coffee when I read your last line! Thanks for the giggle, even if I DID have to clean up the keyboard!

  4. Sci,

    He's done one hell of a job alright, so has this complete administration. There has always been an agenda and we all know what that is.

    1. Sandy
      Sadly, you are right. I only wish there were enough folks who understand what's going on... If we don't stop the insanity soon Americas future looks mighty bleak.

  5. The smell on the hilltops is coming up from the valley. There are a great many people whose opinions seem to matter more than taxpayers.

    For instance: What former AMERICAN would have raised a ruckus over having to show their I.D. in order to vote?

    Now, it's totally possible to vote if you're not an American, and only at the polls to insure your government handout.

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself. It is good to know just how many people can see through the lies and deceptions. It's also sad to know how many cannot. T

    2. AND, dear SciFi, what is worse is the ones who DO see through the smoke and mirrors can do NOTHING about the idiocy! Due to our blogs, we are surrounded by others who feel as we do. But OUT THERE, are a lot MORE blogs calling every law racist and eradicating common sense.
