
Friday, May 24, 2013

This, That and The Other

I've had to make a little change in the way comments are posted here.  I hate to do it and have tried many different ways to avoid having to restrict comments here.  I know there are folks out there who refuse to "sign up" to any of the reader programs.  I understand your reasons for it and I respect that.  Unfortunately I just can't keep this option open anymore.  Be sure to tell your favorite spammer "Thanks for Nothing".

Look on the bright side though.  At least I don't have that stupid word verification set up.  That thing will keep me from commenting on blogs that I love. (Not that I comment much anyway.) 

The sun is finally out here again.  Here it is the end of May and it feels more like April.  I'm itching to get out in the garden but it's still to wet to do anything out there.  So I sit and watch the weeds grow.  Boy do they grow!  Hopefully the rain will stay away for a couple of days so it can dry out some.  There is much to be done out there when it does.  The bugs don't seem to mind the mud at all and the whole garden needs to be sprayed.  I've got my handy dandy sprayer filled with my pepper/soap mixture standing by.  Maybe it will dry out enough in the next couple of days and I can get out there and take care of business!

I'm happy to say that we've been eating salads from the garden!  Well, lettuce anyway.  More stuff on the way.  I've become somewhat of a snob regarding store bought tomato's.  I refuse to buy them.  My grandmother used to call them "plastic" tomato's.  I'll wait for mine to come in.  Till then I just add what ever comes to mind for a quick salad. Onions, celery, carrots...etc but NO PLASTIC TOMATO'S!  

And speaking of tomato's I need to try and start some for the fall.  It takes them a couple of months more or less to be ready to plant.  From the looks of things around here I'm really going to have to try for a productive fall garden to make up for the lost time this spring.   I'll try to get some broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and stuff started as well.  I'm also wanting to start some more pepper plants.  I've had some bad luck with getting them up and going in the past.  Then I learned that they have to be planted in warm soil.  As in 75 degrees. I have a feeling that's where my problem lays. I also learned that peppers planted in containers and protected during the winter will produce for a couple of years.  So now that we've got the greenhouse I just might be able to keep some growing. 

  I don't know exactly what I did differently in planting the spinach this year. Whatever it is I need to do it again. It's growing like gangbusters for the first time!   We've had spinach for a couple of meals so far.  I'm looking forward to more.  Lot's more! Once things dry up around here I want to start some more.  Around here you just can't get enough spinach. The flavor of fresh spinach is a true joy and nothing out of a can can come close to touching it.

My brother and his wife are coming to visit in a couple of weeks! I'm so excited!!!  I haven't seen them since before she was deployed to Japan.  She's a Doctor in the Navy.  I'm so proud of  what she's accomplished in the past few years.  Believe it or not she has worked her way up through the ranks, starting as a Corpsman and now is an officer.  They've only got a couple of years left before she will be able to retire with full benefits. Pretty cool, yes? 

It's hard to believe it's already Memorial Day weekend.  We don't have any plans to do anything special really.  We'll fire up the pit and do a little BBQ.  Probably chicken... maybe some ribs or a pork loin.  We'll play it by ear.


  1. Just trying out how you got rid of the spam. I might have to do it someday.

    1. I've refused to block anon's comments for years. I have lots of folks who just flat refuse to sign up with google or open id or any of those. I've just finally had enough of the spam. Hopefully this will work. I would hate to have to go to monitoring all comments.

  2. Sci,

    I hear you on the gardening, ours is just as wet. I worry about root rot.

    The anonymous posts were becoming a pain in the butt with nasty comments and weird sites. I had no choice but to refuse any anonymous comments. It sure made a difference on the garbage posts.

    Glad to hear you have family coming to town. This will be a great visit.

    Enjoy our BBQing, we maybe doing a little of that ourselves in between helping the victims of Shawnee and Moore.

    Hey what type of tomatoes do you plan on planting?

    1. Hey Sandy,
      Are you as overwhelmed as I am about the wonderful way fellow Okies are standing up and helping out their neighbors. A beautiful thing.

      I ended up going with Better Boy tomato's this year. Only because hardly any of mine actually made it to the garden.
      Have a Super Weekend!

  3. Glad you've got some family visiting, enjoy the visit :)

    I love spinach too, but have you tried eating Lamb's Quarters? I like it as much, if not more, than spinach, and I never have to plant it! Buggers just come up out of nowhere.....although every year it's someplace else. Just keeps me guessing I suppose :)

    1. I've heard you talking about lambs quarter before. I didn't realize it was much the same as spinach. I guess I need to look at some pics to see exactly what it looks like. There well may be some growing around here!

  4. What a pretty picture of your homestead. Everything looks so lush and green!

    I agree with your Grandma...I hate those plastic tomatoes too.

    1. Grandma knew best! BTW I got your package today! That is some fantastic honey!!! Thanks again for hosting such a great give-away!

  5. Boy, I'm already ready for winter! This humidity is trying to kill us!
    My brother had to go to word verification because of all the spam he got.
    Good luck with your garden and have a blessed weekend! ♥

    1. Hush your mouth girl! We've not even HAD much of a spring here. I'm in no way ready to dive into winter yet!!!

      Have yourself a Super Weekend.

  6. And works on smartphones too ;) ... oh, yeah, pogo

    1. LOL!!! Arggggg Wolfe you crack me up! pog.... oh darnmmit!!!!!!!!!

  7. I got spammed too, until I eliminated the anon comments. Oh well....

    1. Nancy, I've got my fingers crossed that it will work. I just really hated to have to do it. I can think of at least 5 people that I'm sure will no longer comment here. Sometimes ya just can't win.

  8. Please tell your sister thank you for her service. I'm with you on word verification thing. I could hardly ever figure it out. Don't blame you getting rid of spammers. I've been far. Best of luck with the garden.

    1. Good Morning Momlady! I can't read those things about 3/4 of the time. Why do they run the letters together so it looks like it "could be" another letter? geesh....

      I hope you guys are drying out some up there. Ya'lll sure have been getting your fair share of rain.

  9. What beautiful property you have. we finally dried out enough to get the garden in. Had a few high 80 days and most of my spinach bolted 8-/ Every year its something right? So glad to hear you have family coming to visit, you must be so excited!
    Meh! Store bought tomato's eww, I caved and bought a few and they were spoiled within 24 hrs. Just as well they had no flavor at all. I'll stick with my roma's!

    1. Your spinach has bolted already??? Bummer, for sure. But you are right, it's always something. I hear ya on the tomato's.... I haven't done it this year (maybe I've finally learned) but I've been known to buy one to dress up a salad. I'm always sorry afterwards though, it seems.

      Good Luck with your garden! Is it to late to try a second planting on that spinach?
