
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Winter Days Wanderings

The days are starting to get a little longer.  Which means that even though we are still in the midst of winter, spring is around the corner. It amazes me how quickly time seems to pass these days.  One day it's the dead of winter and the next thing you know it will be spring.  Of course living in Oklahoma sometimes that could happen twice in the same week.  ;o)

I've finally got my seed inventory done. I have no idea why it took me so long to sit down and do it.  I'm happy to say that I don't really have a whole bunch of "holes" there this year.  Herbs on the other hand are a totally different story.  I'd really like to have a dedicated herb garden. It's something I've been wanting to do for a long long time.  And of course having been looking through the seed catalogs, my wish list is long.  I have most of the basic cooking herb seed.  Sweet Basil, Cilantro, Greek Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley and Sage. That's a good start I suppose.  I planted chives last year so I'm hoping they'll winter well and we can have fresh chives again. I think I'm going to start some more of them too.  I'd like to have some dried chives in my spice cabinet.

I got tomato seeds started today.  I've tried a new DIY seed starter tray with them.  I'll take some pictures and show ya'll how to make a great seed tray complete with watering trays on the cheap! (I'm charging the batteries AGAIN for the camera)  It seems to work well so we'll see.   I still need to get peppers, broccoli and cabbage started tomorrow. I'm going to try my hand (one more time) to get some cauliflower started.  I've not had much luck with it the past two years and I'm not sure why or what I might be doing wrong.  I can get them started just fine, they just don't "do"  anything.

That's about all I've got for now.  I've been keeping busy around the place but it's a winter sort of busy.  I've been trying to figure out just how many jars of vegetables I should be aiming for.  But in the end I guess it all comes down to what all grows. I'm still trying to find some time to work on my first afghan.  It's still a work in progress.  I'm still loving the Kindle Fire.  I've found a couple of awesome places to to be able to search for hundreds of free books offered daily.  I really really like this one that someone left in comments a few days ago.  Its called Ereader IQ. It's got a customizable search engine that works great. Pretty cool!!

Mars is working on an awesome project right now.  I'm taking pictures as it comes along and you can bet I'll share it all with you guys when it's done.  I can barely contain my excitement!!  This is a good one....


  1. Sci,

    The weather in Oklahoma has always been strange, one day it's hot and feels like summer, the next it feels like winter.

    You've already started planting your seeds? Are you working with heat lamps or a warming pad?
    I can't wait to get started on planting and producing vegetables and fruit for canning.

    Do you think maybe the cauliflowers seeds are the problem and reason there not growing? I had several packages of seeds last season that didn't grow properly. I tossed out the remaining seeds, and made a mental note never to buy seeds from this place again.

    Sweet, I can't wait to hear and see pictures of this awesome project Mars is working on.

    Have a wonderful week, and give Mars a hug.

    1. LOL Sandy, you aren't kidding about the weather. Wait a few and it will change. I went ahead and started some seed and am using the two window shelves and heating pad. It may or may not work bout I'll know in a few days. By then it will really really be time to start some! It's already the end of January so "technically" we are about 10 weeks from the last frost.

      Hugs delivered!
      Have a great day

  2. Will be trying my luck with a garden this year. It'll be small since it's just me. Will like seeing how yours does.

    1. Glad to hear you'll be tinkering in the dirt this year! Shoot a couple of tomato plants and a little of this and that.... You'll be eating good for sure! I can't wait to hear about what you decide to plant.

  3. Why do you live that you can start seeds already? I bet it is warmer than here in Ohio! :) I think I need to wait at least another month before starting seeds indoors, though I am getting mighty impatient.

    1. Denise, I'm just going to try and see if I can get them to come up. If they do, I'll have 10 week old plants come April. I hope you are keeping warm. You guys are getting hammered this year with the weather.

  4. I'd like to do herbs, but I never learned to use them. I am a very basic cook.
    I'd like to learn how to use them, but hubby says to leave well enough alone, haha!

    I like your "If you're not outraged you're not paying attention"; sadly, if they're not outraged, they're probably the ones getting the free ride!

    Blessings to you and yours. ♥

    1. Sounds like "If it ain't broke don't fix it" LOL~! I'm still learning my way around cooking with some of them, but others, like basil,parsley, cilantro, oregano etc...I use all the time. I'm trying to learn to like rosemary. My folks cooked basic foods too so lots of this I've learned on my own. My grandmother figured salt pepper and maybe some garlic were fine by her.

    2. Exactly! Though I have added a bit of chili powder or cayenne pepper for some things.
      Have a great weekend! :o)

  5. We've been unusually cold with an inversion in our valley. -1 yesterday, I'm ready for spring! Looking forward to your seed starters!

    1. Ok Nancy po ... that's freaking COLD!!! When we made the move from Texas both of us wanted to go north just far enough to be able to enjoy four actual seasons but not so far that I'd freeze all winter.
      I'll be sure to show you pictures of the seed starters.

  6. I am so glad to be back online and to see you. It's nice to have you to follow along with since I am so new to this gardening thing. I know when to do certain things, although our grow zones are slightly different, our weather seems to be similar. I wanted to start some seeds this year because I truly want this garden to be free. Since it is only our second year, and we are limited on space, we don't much care if we get much yield as it is more of a learning process for when we do finally move to a single family with some land and can have a garden that will actually supplement our grocery budget. Instead of like now, where anything we grow is just really a nice treat!

    Again, so nice to see you. Hope you had a nice holiday season and the spring [& the new year] brings you all the blessings it can! Hugs!

    1. Skippy!!!! It's so good to see you online. (Hugs) I think it's great you want to try to start some seeds this year. I may have started these seeds a bit soon, but on the off chance that we have an early spring like last year, I might actually be right on time. We'll see I guess. Have you thought about what you want to plant? Tomato's for sure. I know you guys like salads. You could always plant some lettuce in a container. What ever you decide to do I know you'll enjoy it.
      Again, It is so good to see you "crusin" online. We've missed you!

  7. Thanks to ereaderiq I have more than 700 free books to read and I get more every day. Not sure I will ever catch up. I am so looking forward to being able to sit in our greenhouse and read. Unfortunately, that will probably be several months away. We are still experiencing -teens and below for our lows. Enjoy your gardening dreams.

    1. TC I love that dang site. I only recently got the Kindle and to have found such a great site I might have found my reading nirvana!
      You stay warm n cozy. I can't imagine dealing with that kind of cold. You northerners are tough!! LOL
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. This weather is crazy that is for sure. We are supposed to get a little icy mix in the morning and then storms later witha couple of days in the 60's. I just started a bunch of perennial flowers and herbs, and am getting ready to start onions and broccoli. Can not wait for spring :)

  9. Thanks for Ereader Iq. Can't wait to add more books to my collection. Reading keeps me out of trouble.
