
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lighten up, It's Christmas

I've been so upset and angry for so long that I've been unable (or maybe its unwilling) to post here as often as I should.  You can fill in whatever subject you like because these days it seems most everything I hear in the news makes me ill.   I keep thinking I have much to say about things yet when I sit to write...  nothing happens.  SO I have decided that for the rest of this year I'm going to try to stop stressing over the outside world.  I mean, it's only a couple of weeks.... what could possibly go wrong?

And so on that note I will leave you today with my very favorite Pre- Christmas Bacon and Eggs Tradition.....  Give it a listen because if there ever was a time to LIGHTEN UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


  1. Dear One, They have disabled the you-tube channel you have posted so here's one for everyone to enjoy:

    1. Well SHOOT!!! Isn't that just about par for the course? :)

      Thanks for the video!

  2. Everything "could" go wrong. The good thing is there isn't much we can do to stop any of it.... so why worry.

    I probably will worry though.

  3. What else could go wrong indeed. I remember my parents had a Geezenslaws Brothers album when I was a kid (and now I'm almost 60). They sang the silliest things like, "don't write swak on the back of your letters any more".

    I love reading about your adventures. You can't do anything about the world, SciFiChick,just make your little corner of the world as good as you can. Merry Christmas.

    1. I've seen them many times over the years in Austin. Goofy is fun sometimes!!

      Merry Christmas! And thank you for your kind words.

  4. All the best to you and the Mister. Cheer up, as they say, "it's all down hill from here on".... :-)

    1. Thanks JMD! You mean I'm on the downhill side? hehehe
      Glad you stopped by.

  5. Replies
    1. Oh yeah and just think, planting season is around the corner and will be here before we know it.

    2. Awww Thanks coley. It's good to see you. I've been wondering how ya'll are doing.
      I got my first seed catalog in this week. My mouth is watering already. I've already been kicking around ideas on what all I'd like to try this coming year.
      ~Merry Christmas to you and yours~

  6. Well, I certainly know how you feel.
    *hugs* ♥

  7. When I almost died a few years back, it really changed my perspective- how do you really want to spend your time? Being grateful for what you have or worrying? Being in the moment or stressing? Gratitude journals can be really helpful when you worry a lot, it can put things into perspective....

  8. ...don't ask "what could go wrong?"...cuz it surely will

    ...and remember the reason for the season, step back and let everything else go for a while(o.k, a short while..."a couple weeks"...right???)
