
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, Oct 25

 I have a habit of pretty much wearing my "heart" on my sleeve sometimes with this blog. I always have. I've been told that sometimes I just share to much about things that some consider personal.  Maybe I do... I don't know.  I've just always believed that if I can talk to you like I would a friend then maybe I could reach out and help someone along the way.  It's hard sometimes. Hard to find a way to reach folks who don't understand what it is to be a prepper. Hard to shape the words in such a way that just might enable someone who has never even thought about what it might be like to find their world suddenly upside down. And it is sometimes even more difficult to express what sort of challenges lay ahead.

We try (as preppers) to find the words that might make someone conceive the importance of devising a plan for you and your family that will work for you when things get tough.  And they ARE going to get tougher.  Are you ready? Is your family ready?  Can you do  what it takes to ensure your family's well-being?

It is difficult enough just to "BE" a prepper.  It carries responsibilities, not only for yourself but for your family and the ones you care about. Food, water, medical supplies and protection all have to be assembled.  Not only that but once they ARE pieced together one must have the skills and knowledge to put them to the best use possible. These things cannot be learned or taught overnight.  It is an ongoing process, a way of life. A predisposition for survival is not only required but will be absolutely necessary in the coming days.

Sometimes I feel that it would just be easier to quit.  Stop the preaching and begging and pleading for folks to just be ready for what is ahead.  To focus on family and  preps.  But there is another part of me that can't seem to walk away. And believe me when I say I have wanted to lay this down many times. But we need to keep sounding the alarm, to forewarn and forearm those who have not yet started to prepare.  Time is drawing short and there is still much to be done. I know that we are not as far along we would like to be right now. None of us are. There are so many things left to do.  We are living in interesting times. Prepping isn't something that is ever "finished". It becomes a way of life.


  1. So very, very is a way of life. And, my dearest lady...never change the way you write. Spill your heart all you want, heck, I do too. God bless.

    1. Stephen, thank you for your kind words. I guess here in the Big Blue Nowhere is as good a place as any to let it all hang out huh?

  2. I don't think we will ever change the minds of a lot of folks, but maybe we can convince just one person to see the light. That would be a start!

    Good post, Sci!

    1. Amen Jim! The way I look at it is that one more person who's prepared is one less we will have to worry about.

  3. I don't know about heart on your sleeve, but now days you have to be blunt. (Most) People have no common sense any more. I see that as part of the reason we're (the country) in the state we're in.

    Obviously this blog is your calling, whether you like that term or not, I don't know.
    All I know is that I'm glad I found the blogs I did to show me things I want to know.
    We are not nearly as ready as I'd like to be, but given our finances, I think (hope) we've done the best we could.

    Have a wonderful, blessed day. ♥

    1. I wonder what happened to common sense too. I see less and less of it more and more often. Like you, I'm glad to have found all the blogs I follow. I've learned so much from everyone and only hope I can do the same for someone else.
      Thanks for stopping in!

  4. Sci,

    Please keep talking (posting) from the heart. You've help me along, and God only knows how many others you've helped.
    Are you totally finished canning from the garden?
    Hold on, it seems the weather is taking another nose dive.
    Have a beautiful day and give Mars a hug.

    1. Hey Sandy. Looks like the cold front just moved in. Temps here went from the 70's to the 50's in like 15 minutes. Are ya'll ready for a bit of cooler weather? LOL
      As for canning, the garden is pretty much done for the year. I did have another friend give me a big bag of pears yesterday though so I need to get them all put up.
      Have a Super Day!

  5. I truly hope you don't stop. I personally know only one person that sees the need to prepare, get out of debt, etc. Everyone else thinks we are just about to turn the corner to less debt, more employment and higher home values. Sigh...I would rather be wrong and they are right but I just don't see it. That is just the tip of the iceberg, so take comfort, you are not alone.

    1. Those that think this economy is going to get better any time soon must be drinking some awesome kool-aid. There is an economic tsunami on the horizon that can not be ignored much longer. Like you though, I would rather that they be right and me wrong. At least if I'm wrong I'll still be better off.

  6. I enjoy reading your blog and have learn alot from you on prepping, I have stop trying to talk to others about it because they think I am crazy when I talk about it and say the those things (STHF) will never happen so I just leave it alone and know that I will be Prepared.

    1. I've learned a lot from you as well girl. I just love some of the things you have done on FaceBook! You find some of the coolest tips and tricks. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hugs to you girlfriend! Dont ever stop being you & hanging that heart out there. It's nice to have someone to honestly share the good days and the bad. The choices we are all (gathered here) making can make life difficult at times but the choices are the right ones. How many times have those that mocked us said "well, we'll just come to your house" They know...just don't or won't accept it. I agree with the others, I'd rather be prepared and wrong.... than not

    1. Kati I couldn't be any other way if I tried. LOL And I think there are lot's of folks who have a clue as to whats going on but just haven't been interested enough in their own welfare to do anything about it. They are going to be dangerous.

  8. I'm another one that doesn't talk (write) about prepping. What I do is just normal everyday living for someone raised in an agrarian mind-set. But if my talking (writing) about my life-style and hobbies gives someone food for thought, great! So, please, keep writing, I've learned some things here that have made my quest to be well-feed easier and more economical.

    1. You know, since finally moving here and starting to get settled into the "country" lifestyle, I've found I've become less worried about writing about prepping and more involved in trying to become more self-sufficient here on the land. I like being well-fed!

  9. Don't change a thing. I've found, that if they "poo-poo" you about prepping. They are un-aware. And, I have noticed that, things that are old. Are new again. such as, I know of more people, getting into canning food and such. I had a friend that went to a gun show, to buy a shot gun for bird hunting. He called me when he got home. He not only got his shot gun for hunting, but, also bought a AR15. He heard some people talking about when TSHTF. And is now prepping.

    So, keep doing what you do. And write, and blog till the cows come home.

    1. Isn't it funny? How the old ways are becoming the "in" thing these days? Folks are realizing that our forefathers knew what the heck they were doing.
      I think that is the coolest thing.... about your friend and the gun show. I had to giggle about the AR15 but sure am glad he's seeing the light!

  10. I enjoy the way you write & you have taught me many new things over the past few months. Being prepared for any emergency SHOULD be obvious but so many just stick their heads in the sand & we won't ever change them. But, there are few that slowly open their eyes & wake up to the facts that it only makes sense to be ready for whatever may come their way. I have a close friend that actually asked me about learning how to shoot a gun & she was one that NEVER wanted one in her house. She's also going to a cheese making class with me this coming weekend. Baby steps, but steps none the less.

    1. Maybe I need to remind myself about baby steps. Even now it's a good thing to remember. Pretty cool your friend is starting her "journey" (hehehe) One day I'd like to take a cheese class. I've got it on my "List".

  11. I agree with others when they say that even if ONE person learns something, preps a little bit more than they used to, or even buys ONE extra can at the store for their pantry or plants a lonely pot of tomatoes on their's worth it.

    Paul used to give me crap about writing things that were too personal on the blog, but I think it helps people really understand that we're REALLY people and not just a blog, and that helps others relate.

  12. Thank You for sharing your heart.Hubby & i are NO-Where near being able to be self sufficient...but it is our desire. Looking at all the signs & reading Revelations; it's adding up.

    But, This is my delema...i am unsure of where a people can hide from all that's coming.
    Drones are being deployed here in America now..or soon will be.. and look at basic Google Satellite...the Powers all have even better. question will hunkering down with guns and supplies be enough?
    On a local level...there are peoples in our tiny town who view our large dog as a nice looking Roast, not a deterent.Our neighbor had his gun stolen (no serial #'s) ...added to the thousands of Guns that walked into Mexico, care of our Government. How many guns can stand up against a tide of determined Insurgents? Not so much Mexican folks but the ones who are now preparing for global jihad? America is a sitting duck..we are more vulnerable than ever in past history..
    from the inside-out.

    How many of us can stand up to a Government that thinks nothing of rounding up a U.S. citizen in the middle of the night for the "offense" of insulting islam... oh, it's Great to insult Christianity... but not the "Great Prophet".. Oh No!

    Please don't get me wrong ... i think Prepping is a Great thing...but how does a person..a family...become invisible? We're all tracked online...the tax assessors map..Social Security#' accounts,etc.

    In my heart and mind all i can say is that we better know who and what we believe in; Trust.
    i don't mean to preach, please, i'm not trying to be you remember Daniel Pearl & now Benghaze? Coming down to the wire we will all have to make the choice. How many of us will choose to remain "infidels" with the sword at our necks/armed drones above our homes?
    How many will be able to stand against the mass delusion soon to be implemented if not already underway? "Gotta git mai Obama Phone!!".

    i'd love to believe we can hide away from all this. i just don't see how it can work in Crunch time. Have you seen the numbers killed in Drone strikes overseas since Obama took office? Over 1,000 + 100 children... How do we defend ourselves from this?

    Still i believe you ARE on the Right track... We must be alert to all that is going on. Don't give up sounding the alarm.. people need to open thier eyes.. be ready.. Know Where they stand..and be ready to do just that...
    Please forgive my ?rant? i hope i haven't offended anyone.. i guess this as a Challenge; i'm just wondering...All you Preppers? You Must have all this in the bag.
    i'm reading/following and so are others.. i'd really like to know..
    Who and What are we depending on?? in the long run? How will we evade the coming SHTF??

    SciFi....i really love what you write..please don't give up.
    You make us think..(if that's o.k.?)
    Blessings to You and yours.
    ~k (iznaabugg)
    (oh, yes i am :-( )

    1. Kare, in my opinion there is no place to hide. So I live my life as honestly as I can and trust in God. No, I don't have it in the 'bag' and neither does any one else who is in contact with reality. Maybe my favorite quote from Mother Teresa will help give you some peace of mind, "I know God won't give me more that I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." That quote sure has helped more than once. He trusts me, to trust Him, to get through the rough spots.

    2. Take a look at Jeremiah 17:5-8. I believe that we're going to have lots of upcoming opportunities to see how deep our roots have grown. Y'all don't forget about preparing your mind and spirit, as well as physical preps!

    3. Awesome! Thank You, Judy and Chipmunk!
      Hubbs & i have been reading Isaiah in conjunction with Revelations. With the things happening in relation to Islam, it's been EYE Opening.
      Isaiah 26:20 is another of many great reasurrances.
      Thanks Again..God Bless!

  13. It's tough talking to my adult kids. They will in theor own little world. I think they want to bleieve things will be ok, therefore they are. I do what I can, but it's sad. I thought I communicated more of the basic as they got older. Oh well....

  14. Agree with ya SciFi. At least you are good with words.. a knack I wish I had. We have more luck with networking people and teaching irl.

    The constant setbacks and "do-overs" is wickedly frustrating.. but in turn it has taught us how to be really flippin' good at getting a garden going from scratch... how to do it for next to nothing.. how to locate resources, etc.

    Prepping/ preppers.. (thx to those lovely tv shows).. conjures less than flattering images.

    There's a million mile long list as to why one should prep. That label turns a lot of people off. Perception and spin. I'm not helping others "prep".. I am teaching them how to can, how to garden, introducing them to new foods, seed saving, networking resources, etc. The tactic that works for me is "here.. taste this."

    My point being.. if you've inspired someone to try any part of this for whatever reason.. to dabble in learning a new skill, it's movement in the right direction.

  15. Alix here from 'Bugging Out'. Don't give up, B&E...I just found you!!
