
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Over

I was just looking at the calendar and realized that, other than garlic, the planting season is done here for the year.  Wow.  Time flies when you aren't looking! It's over... Until January of course!  Then we can think about next spring.  Those babies you see in the picture are now starting to lay eggs.  I still can't get over how cool it is to have babies born right here on our place.  I'm looking forward to more.  I'm still hoping for baby bunnies and to add a couple of goats eventually!
I almost started fussing at myself when I started to think of all the things that I "could" have planted this year.  Then I figured it's best to be grateful for all the wonderful food we HAVE grown this year.  

Besides, next year can only be better.I will have to admit that all in all I think we did quite well for our first year here. Even though the garden  was the largest either of us have had in the past, it produced well for the first year. Much was learned out there this gardening season. 
  I wasn't able to put up as much as I had originally hoped to.  Much was learned about that too. I just know that next years canning will go much more smoothly and much much faster with the high pressure propane stove my mom sent. (Thanks MoM!)  I need to be sure to tell her one day that she gives "good gift".  Always has..  LOL
The good thing about a new garden is that with proper care you know that next year will be even better as the soil improves.  Shoot, in a couple of years we might even get all the dang Bermuda and Johnson grasses out of it.  (Yeah, I know.. Dream on right??  lol )

 So in looking back  I must say that was some of the best money we've ever spent (other than a tiller of course) on the garden. The system that Mars put together worked great all summer.  The irrigation tape is rated up to eight years too so I guess we'll wait and see just how right or wrong that is.  And so for around $2oo we have a watering system that should last for a few years.  

Of course there are smaller parts involved that might need to be replaced in time but that is to be expected, heck all the valve parts are plastic.  The parts are pretty inexpensive (read cheap here) but have to be ordered by mail if they are needed.  If you would have told me 5 years ago that I could get so excited over something like a $200 irrigation system I would have straight up laughed out loud.  Funny how things change over time isn't it?

                                       ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. You did AWESOME in your first year gardening. I'm insanely jealous of your bounty, although admittedly not jealous of all the work it takes :)

    1. Shoot girl, don't make me blush. I know how hard you tried to have a garden this year.The dang drought was hard on everyone. :(
      Personally I think that with all you do around your place already you'll have to figure out how to add time to a day. And if you figure that one out I hope you'll whisper the secret to me. *wink wink*

  2. Guess that all of us change our views on things after a few years. That is one thing we all have in common!

    You both did good, I think! Just imagine what next season holds in store!

    1. Jim, I try to remember that old adage of "Try to learn something new every day". And it seems that the more we learn, the more we change. I think it's wonderful!
      Like you, I'm already planning for next year! lol

  3. Hey Sweetie, It looks like you and Mars are doing good with the garden this year. I love your irrigation system. Bulldog Man picked up some of the parts throughout the year to create one here, but it was to late. I had already planted. He didn't want to disturb what I had already done in the garden, so next season (before I plant) he will tackle the job. Will you be doing potatoes this next season? If so, how will you go about planting them? I did the straw experiment and it was okay however, it didn't produce enough taters.
    Woooohoooo, your Mom sure knows how to pick gifts. That's a great outdoor stove. We have one of those too, it's great for canning, camping, and when you lose electric :-)
    The baby chicks are so adorable, I thought they needed more time before laying eggs. I guess not, lol....
    I hope you and Mars have a great week!
    Your Friend,

  4. Hey Sandy! I have to admit that the pictures this time around are from earlier this year. But thanks so much. Our fall garden is looking pretty good too. I didn't get everything done I had originally planned but I've got no one to blame for that except myself. lol You are going to love that irrigation system next year girl. I still can't believe how much it helps on the work around here. Watering just doesn't take the work it does without it for sure.
    As for the potato's, the method is still up in the air. We didn't get many potato's this year either. That, though, was our fault. While we should have been taking care of them we were kind of involved in the whole drama of my wrecking the farm truck. :(
    It's hard to believe the baby chicks are already starting to lay. They are already almost six months old now, can you believe it?
    Thanks for stopping by today.
    Howdy to you n your's!

  5. That's a beautiful photo of the chicken family! What a fantastic year you've had. You accomplished so much. I can't believe it's your first.

    1. Awww Sue thank you. Compared to what you have accomplished in the past year this has been a cakewalk. A messy one, but a cakewalk just the same! lol

  6. I agree with everyone else. I thought you did great. Love the chicken pic.

  7. Johnson grass is such a pain! Urgh.
    Happy October!

    1. And a Happy October to you too! This is truly my favorite time of the year!
      Oh and as for Johnson grass.....well...never mind. Lets just leave it as you said... a pain! lolllllll

  8. :) You guys did an awesome job, I knew you would. (((Sci))))

    Love and Hugs

    1. :o) Thank you buddy!!!

      Hugs to you, B's n Catman!

  9. Love to read your blog and see the progress you've made. I'm going to try to have a larger garden next year (I've already ordered some heirloom seeds). There's a lot of prep work to do first but I hope to have some help from a friend (age and living alone has some drawbacks). Hope you enjoy your efforts over the winter.

    1. Ohhhh new seeds??? What did you order? LOL I just love seeds. Maybe the "someone" can help you get some of that prep work done. Winter food is what we worked for all summer. And boy is it good on cold and windy days!

  10. I would love to have a watering system like yours. Our only problem is our water pump won't be able to pump enough water for it. It has problems. lol. Good job on the garden!!!!

  11. What a gorgeous rooster you have! Irrigation is always a bonus, I have to hand water....
