
Monday, September 24, 2012

Changes In The Wind

Fall is here! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  It was gorgeous here.  I have to confess though that I'm so glad  summer is over.  It seems to have taken a toll on me this year.   I've had little energy to expend on much of anything that doesn't absolutely have to be done. I'm getting better though.  I've had a big dose of prepper burn-out as well.  That's something that I see very little spoken of.  I know it happens though. I've seen it. Heck I've been there. (recently) I've noticed a couple more bloggers have decided to shut down their blogs.  One of the things about becoming a prepper is that a person will usually move into becoming more prepared mentally as well.  This leads to seeking out the truth about what is going on all around us.

As the line in the movie goes  " You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe." You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."  "Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."(The Matrix 1999)  

 I think that quote just about sums up the first step in opening your eyes and making a decision to find the truth.  Some  will go no farther though. They are afraid of "the knowing" and will take the blue pill.  The choice is ours to make. We are watching the world spiral out of control.  In a way I think we are lucky to be here.  That maybe we were chosen to be here at this time and in this place to make a difference in this world.  We are living in a time that will be looked back on later in history.  What I have to wonder is what will history say about our choices?  What will our children say of our choices?  
(Morpheus)"...(the) system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.  .... "

I am afraid for our country.  I'm not sure that we can, at this point, ever even return to the America our founding fathers laid out for us.  I also know that I will not give up the fight for freedom.  I will not lay down my guns and go quietly. I will go out kicking and screaming with everything that is in me fighting for what is ours to keep.  Our freedom.
All I know is that I will continue to fight for my god given human rights.  I have taken the red pill and I can feel the changes in the wind.  I'll leave you here with yet another scene from the Matrix....

Neo: This... this isn't the Matrix?
Morpheus: No. It is another training program designed to teach you one thing: if you are not one of us, you are one of them.
Morpheus: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
Neo: You could say that.
Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know *exactly* what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix.
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?
Neo: Yes.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.


  1. How very true! My reality is a quote from Victor Frankel "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.". For those who don't know who Victor Frankel was; he was a Psychiatrist that was an Austrian-Jew who survived the Holocaust. He was discussing what he had learned from his time as a prisoner in that environment. Basically, you have the choice/freedom to treat everyone with a kind word and deed or not. What do you choose?

  2. Could have written this myself. I am burned out, physically sick, exhausted, depressed, and discouraged. I have slowed down on my blog to almost a standstill. I can't post the truth about how I feel on my blog because there is a person who uses my words against me in real life. I am ready to quit. I feel that Obama is going to be re-elected and there is no hope for this country. Why? Because so many people are brainwashed. I have been fighting against progressivism and liberalism most of my life (since 1964) and now all the things we warned about are happening, and so very few people seem to care. I just want to stay in bed and sleep.

    1. Kris,first of all you have been going thru so very much lately. It's no wonder you are burned out, exhausted and discouraged. You have been going thru so much that I sometimes am amazed at your resilience. I understand the reluctance to post... and the thoughts of quitting all this. It truly makes me crazy.On the one hand what we are trying to do is (I think) let folks know that things are not as they seem yet on the other hand those who refuse to see what is in front of them are lost.Sometimes I think we are wasting our time. Then I come to my senses. We have to be the guardians of honestly... that's all...... To never forget what so many have died for

  3. Busy year! The drought pretty much evaporated any free time we might have had.
    Bluntly.. most people have *zero* clue about their water quality. Most turn on the tap and think it's ok.. or that a few drops or filters makes it safe. Those in towns & cities where they get the annual quality report think they're good to go (and don't realize municipalities only test for the top 30 contaminents most likely to be an issue. 30.. out of thousands.)
    N. Dakota has 7,000 hydrofracking wells with 40,000 more planned. Keystone pipeline.. Imagine how ugly that will get if there is just ONE spill over the Ogalala aquifer (which supplies about 1/2 the US population's water & the bread basket's irrigation.)
    Then there's energy issues. People will jump & scream demanding government has to do something so they can go on as is. First ones to freak about how much they pay.. resentful and aggressive if anyone suggests "consume less."
    Which nimrod the pick as President.. doesn't phase me in the scale of things. They'll follow a pretty similar path. Corporations bought the White House.
    Most that can't be bothered to make changes now.. will only change when there is no alternative. This summer the Arctic CO2 reading hit over 400ppm.. we may have just passed the point of no return.

  4. Take a deep breath, hold it. Now let it out slowly. Repeat.

    There are a lot of people that think, we are at a end. That things will not get better. I believe, that, yes, things are bad, and will more than likely, get worse. Before it gets better. But, get better, will happen.

    As a people, We have always come back. Bigger, stronger, and more aware of what we did wrong. And we have fixed it. And moved on. And, we have tried to right the wrongs. And worked towards a better tomorrow.

    It will happen. And we will make changes, for the better. Wait and see. The story is not over, yet.

    1. I totally agree with your thoughts. I've nearly let myself become frozen with fear of what is becoming of our country. Sometimes I have to fight the anger that boils up when I think of the liberties that we have lost but, if we stay the course we know is right, if we let our voices be heard in a manner that is logical and without the anger that bubbles, with rational words...others will listen to passion& conviction in our words that comes from our hearts.

    2. OK Flyer, I'm breathing now. Sometimes I have to admit though that it is hard to breath that deep breath. Thank you for reminding me as to what is important... changes for the better are all we are looking for.

      Kati, I'll be honest... I get frozen. I get frozen more than I would want anyone to know. I try so hard to be strong in the decisions I've made over the past few years. I sometimes just have to do the same as you... we speak out ... we try to keep things "civil" and we trust that the course we are on is the right one.

  5. I'm tired too of what is going on around the world, and mostly our country, but I am fired up to survive.

    1. Well I figure if you're not fired up about what's going on around our little blue sphere then you are just marking time... We either are fired up to survive .... or we are just marking time.

  6. I am afraid for BOTH our countries!

  7. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. ....
    Too true. And that is what scares me.

    Glad to hear you are doing better. God bless. ♥

    1. Thanks LindaG... and thanks for not giving up on me!

  8. I find the use of "The Matrix" as a metaphor to be exceptionally interesting. There are parts of it that are attractive to think about, but there are other sides of the analogy that don't quite fit.

    The issue that grates the hardest is the willingness of folks to accept the fever dream that we call Western Society. It is only a small percentage who feel that the paradigm is broken, and they(we) are easily stomped by the majority who wish so fervently to believe.

    Things will have to play out for a while yet. In truth, things aren't bad enough for the endgame yet.

    1. Interesting. I think you make a good point here. And you are on target. It may not be bad enough yet but you can't say we are not on the road to the endgame.

  9. I can relate on so many levels. I am burned out on gardening right now...the drought and extreme heat just took the joy right out of it. I don't care if I never see another political post online by the ones who have nothing better to do than insult anyone with a different opinion. Sheesh, I get that in my own house! Burn out is a normal phase though, a bit of rest and restoration is in order before we all delve back in!

    1. LOL Roxie!!! You just might be my sister from another mother!

  10. ...trigger time(?) yep, that's what works for me, or...taking my boy to the river for an hour with the dogs...use ANY disconnect ya can to clear yer've been with us for years, and bloggin' steadier than most, burn out is an inevitability ya can understand my long

    1. Thanks Ken... a bit of "disconnect" always seems to help. And you aren't kidding about long

  11. There are so many of us that believe as we do, strong, secure in what our country was founded on, willing to fight for her, even as we protect her. We don't have the attention of the media, but we are all around, law abiding, responsible, patriots.

    1. Well stated (as always). It seems that more and more folks are waking up. I've noticed the rise in "preppers" especially. There are more and more folks starting to see just what a mess we are in. (which is a good first step) and more starting to think about doing a little bit more to prepare their families for hard times. I just pray its not "To little, to late"

  12. Sci, I hope you find something that reignites your passion again. I felt a bit like you But I got a new project learning to make all grain beer in a bag. The bag method saves a lot of money buying equipment! All you need to add is a $3.10 Bag, if you already have the stuff using Malt extract!

    I finally got my hand grinder and a neat little electric rototiller I can't wait to try out. I'm going to try knitting on a loom as a fall project.
    I know it's going to be nasty but in a way that's a good thing because most people won't make a change until they must make it. I think quite few people did get a little prepared with all the crazy weather and stuff the last couple of years. Plus when the economy goes south people will get back to basics and what's important. It's not $225 dollar sneacker or $500 I gadgets or fighting like maniacs over a $2.00 toaster at Wallyworld.

  13. Hey, if you get over your funk, would you please post about these idiots who keep joking about food shortages? and Both of which have been reported on CNBC, NBC and Yahoo news. Food shortages are not funny and I don't appreciate the jokes.

  14. My hubby came home today saying that his friend told him that in Canada bacon is over $12 a pound. He even showed him a picture of the bacon. It's going to get worse and those who have not woken up will be really in a sorry state when the you-know-what hits the fan. It doesn't matter who is in the white house. They are soooo out of touch with the average American. You watch the news and they act like everything is fine and the economy is getting better. Where do they get that at? It's so frustrating which is why I don't watch the news much. And have you noticed that it seems like more murder/suicides are going on now? or is it just my imagination?

    On another note, have you noticed that you don't find change on the sidewalks or parking lots any more. You know the economy is bad when you can't even find a penny to pick up for good luck...

    But the sun still rises and shines and God still loves us even with all our imperfections.

  15. Yup, I took a whole handful of of those darned red pills, never regretting it, but sometimes wonder why anyone would want to take the blue ones after seeing what there is to see from the red ones...

