
Friday, July 20, 2012

Drought and Coming Food Shortages

I know you've heard about the drought which is currently and officially affecting 32 states. Wow! That is over 60% the United States unless you are Obama under drought conditions.  Folks this is bad news for everyone. And when you hear the MSM  (Main Street Media)  actually saying it's only going to get worse and that we need to be prepared for higher food and fuel prices, you know it must be bad. And it's coming... soon.

  So here's the deal.  The corn crops are in serious trouble. Some are saying there could be at least a 40% loss of corn crops this year and that that percentage could easily rise.  Most all gasoline these days contains ethanol. (Don't even get me started on that rant!)  Ethanol is a corn product. 

Most every processed food these days also contains corn products via high fructose corn syrup and other tasty concoctions. Most all processed foods contain corn.  What does that mean? It means that prices for most all things in the US are getting ready to go up. And not just a little bit either.

 It means you need to stock up as much as you can RIGHT NOW.  The time for sitting on your butt and thinking "Well, I'd like to have some food put up for hard times but I just can't do it right now"  is over.  Think of it this way.  If you know for an absolute fact that something you invest in today will be worth 30-40% higher in a couple of months, wouldn't you invest in it? 

  I've always harped on being prepared, on having food on hand to last for as long as it possibly can.  Things are going to start getting real bad real quick.   If you aren't already putting food back you need to get off the fence and start NOW.  Trust me on this.  What will you do when, for example, your morning cereal goes from $3.00 to $6.00 this year? 

For example, remember how high the  peanut butter prices jumped  the past year?  Different reason I know but the comparison is the same.  It went from around $1.50 a jar to $3.00 a jar in just a couple of months. That is a 100% increase. I took advantage of knowing that ahead of time, and stocked up a years worth of it for $1 a jar. If I hadn't done that I would be paying that $3 right now. Yeah I know that I'll run out of that in a year, but I'm also rotating in more as it goes on sale.  All our food prices are about to jump so high that it will be difficult to keep up.  As Lindsay Williams said almost two years ago, "There will be food on the shelves but people won't be able to afford it."

 And do you think it will ever go down now that they know they can get that much more for it?  Think about that increase in the cost of ALL your foods.  Can you afford to have your grocery bill come close to double what you are spending now?  I sure can't.  Most of us can't.  But what can we do about it?  That's a tough one.  And it's going to be devastating for many of us. I'm seriously thankful for having a garden now and having some preps put back.  I feel sorry for those who aren't so lucky. 

    But.... and its a big but... (shup Carolyn lol!)  You CAN do something about having food put by.  If you haven't started stocking up your pantry, please please please start now.  Get you a few weeks, months, years put in there as fast as you can.  What you buy today will soon be worth twice what it is now.

   If you are already prepping you need to do the same.  Step up your game.  The time is now to put everything you can into your food storage and your gasoline storage.  I've decided that I'm going to put every spare penny I have into mine for now.  Of course I don't have much money and 95% of it is spoken for before it comes but I'm going to use that 5% to try and fill in as many holes in my storage as I possibly can.  I would advise all of you to do the same.  Let your wallet bleed now and have something to show for it, or let it bleed out later and bear those consequences.

  Don't think the government is going to help you out either.  Did you know that many of the  single folks who make under $1000 a month and now receive food stamps get around $20 a month?  So everyone drawing those benefits are not having all their food paid for in food stamps. That is something that "they" want you to believe. (Another rant for another day)
 In any case it is a mere drop in the bucket when food prices are projected to rise  close to 50% in the next few months.  The government is NOT here to help you out on this one. 

Folks this drought is a serious problem and in the end will effect every single person in America. 

             ~~~~~ Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~``~~~


  1. You forgot that the Iran thing is coming to a head and when that blows up probably before October, gas will go to $15.

    There should be a drop in meat prices as people downsize for the winter but then that will go up as well. I would suggest storing flour and that kind of thing if you make bread.

    The only thing I can't figure is how they will blame it on George Bush?

    1. Trust me I didn't forget about the mess in Iran. If I were to start listing all the things that are going on both overseas and especially in the US it would end up in a VERY long rant.

      I agree about the meat prices. There may even be a deeper sale due to farmers having to sell their livestock early for lack of hay. Once that has done, I agree, the prices will shoot back up.

  2. Downright scary to think about all this but also very necessary. Thanks for a healthy dose of reality - we all need reminding now and then. And yes, the peanut butter prices are a good example. Painful... My years supply is dwindling quickly.

    1. Just imagine how it will be when everything rises like the peanut butter...

  3. Sci,

    I've been seeing prices go up continously each time I've been to the store. I say stock up on what you can, don't wait. Your post is dead on girl!!!! This economy is in for a rude awakening soon.

    1. It's kind of nerve racking going to the store now. I'm not looking forward to seeing where this will all end. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who can see this coming.

    2. SciFiChick, I am glad that I'm not the only one who sees this coming, too. I have one friend who believes me on this, and the others ... well, I finally stopped telling them.

      Thanks for the post.

    3. Cristy, At least you have one friend that understands. We all can only do what we can, in the end it is up to them to see. Thanks for stopping by, come on back any time.

  4. HEY! Wha'did I do this time??

    We're actually going into town this weekend for a big shopping trip. And I'm not talking shoes and fancy pants. We planned for a big grocery bill, but now I think we're going to get DOUBLE what we planned on. It'll hurt tomorrow.....but it will hurt even WORSE in a few months if we don't do it now.

    Stock up, stock up!!!

    1. Don't know why but when I wrote that, for some reason I immediately thought of you! LOL!
      Shop till it hurts girl, things are getting ready to get real tough soon. Every thing you can stock up now on are things you won't have to have later.

  5. Does anyone ever wake up in the morning and wish this would all just go away??? I know I do! You are right...I've been stocking like crazy for a year and a half, and now I must step it up even more. Thanks for the post!

    1. CMJuly, I know I sure do wish everything would somehow "right" itself but as we can see things just keep getting worse and worse, and eventually it all has to come tumbling down. Keep on doing what you are doing... you're going to be real thankful you did pretty soon.

  6. Replies
    1. Why thank you Mr Smyth. Coming from you that is certainly a compliment.

  7. I agree with what you said, but as for the single people getting $20 a month for food stamps? I know a lot of people (single and not) who are receiving those benefits and I don't know anyone receiving LESS than $150 a month. Does it differ where a person lives? We are in MN.

    1. Things probably are different here, I don't know. I do know 2 different people who receive under $20. I'm not sure of the circumstances but that's what they get. I would think that all the rules would be the same across the board but... it IS the guberment we are talking about here.

    2. The guberment. ;) Would be interested to know how they are figuring for the $20 folks. We were always told the food stamp program was built on the USDA thrifty food plan.

    3. You would have to be pretty dang thrifty on $20 a month. Maybe we should all check out their thrifty food plan. LOL

  8. Sci - you know i love it when you rant especially when you are dead-right AND trying to encourage people to add to their food stores. i hope it isn't going to be as bad as it sounds, but i prep for that very same reason.

    your friend,

    1. Aren't you glad I don't rant often though? Cause you know there are things I'm pretty ticked about... I just don't share most of them here!
      OK all kidding aside, you are right. This sort of thing IS what we prep for. I'm just sorry that more don't understand. I think they might just about be getting ready too.
      Your "little slice of heaven" and those beautiful endless sky's are looking better and better. Oh, and just so you know, I'm a closet fan of those awesome sky pictures of yours! Heheheeee...

    2. bahahahahaha! i'll add you to the list of Helga, Jane, Sandy and PracticalP - they came out of the closet honey and you can too! oh bahahahahahahah! i couldn't help myself gurl!

  9. Because I am very new at this I need a question answered. How do you seal a mylar bag? I know, I feel stupid but when I ordered them there was not one direction. I have the containers with gamma lids and the oxygen absorber but now what?

    1. Country Mama is right. It's easier to show you than to tell you how to do it. There are TONS of YouTube Video's that will show you how to seal mylar bags. It's really easy to do.

  10. Just a note about prices to farmers . . .
    We have a few goats and chickens. My kids are in 4-H. We are seeing an increase every week at the feed store for the goat feed for my son's market goats.

    1. Becca, I've heard that feed corn has risen already here too. I'll be going to Little Big Town next week for feed and supplies and I'm worried about what I'm going to find.

      Thanks for the heads up!

    2. One of the bloggers I follow has sheep. The area she farms is in drought. She already can't find hay for them *at any price.* (

  11. I read this morning (about 50 blogs ago) that Obama inflicted another executive order on us some months ago which essentialy paits a big old red target on the heads of people who DARE to have more than 72 hours worth of food. In this order, he promised to feed other nations BEFORE he feeds us. And has depleted the nations storehouses as a result. I can't even say out loud how mad I am.


    1. I can understand the anger. On one hand they tell you to be sure to have 3 days of emergency preps, and on the other will come in and take what you have to distribute to those who weren't prepared. Sounds exactly like what he is trying to do with the entire US to me. This POTUS has done an amazing job at destroying this country's basic fabric than probably any other.
      Hang on to your hat folks, its going to be an interesting ride.
