
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stuff Happens!

I realize that I haven't been here in several days... Stuff happens. It's that time of year where everyone is running at full speed out in their gardens.  We wait for this all winter and then when it gets here its like OMG!!!!   This is the largest garden we have ever grown and as slowly as I move these days it's becoming a full time occupation.  I've learned though that much work can be done while sitting on a 5 gallon bucket!  LOL!!!!

The garden is taking off like gang-busters (even with the bugs)  and I've got my canner sitting at the ready.  If I thought things were ramping up before out there then I sure didn't have a clue! Everything is blooming and I'm starting to harvest more than just lettuce.  Spinach, green beans, squash, fresh onions, Swiss chard and green peas have all had a place on the dinner table lately.  The dang sweet peas didn't really do well this year. I planted about 100 ft of them and they just didn't produce well.  And then the bugs got to them.  I've never planted them before so I'm not sure what I did wrong. I guess I'll have to study up some on it before planting time next year. 

 This past month I've been trying to "re-adjust" my schedule.   As a few of you know, I'm not a morning person.  Not like I didn't try to be but it's never seemed to work out.  The problem I find every year about this time is that there's more to be done IN a day than there is daylight to do it in.  Blogging has kind of been put on the back burner.  I didn't ever mean for this to become a garden update place but it kind of looks like that's whats happening.
 I've been thinking about something a fellow blogger was talking about the other day.  He was talking about prepping and bloggers.  How he would like to see more things about new ideas and things that work for other folks.  I have to agree that it's great to find and learn new things. The problem I have here lately is that I feel like I've probably written about most everything I know at one time or another. There is only so much one can say about things like dehydrating or canning or any other thing really.  Sometimes you'll come up with a new tip or trick but more often than not once you know how to do something, you just do it.  I've gotten to where I just don't even know "what" to write about anymore.  And it shows....

  Am I just getting the dreaded Blogger Burnout?  


  1. It does happen, I know I struggle with the same thing all of the time. I work so hard out in the garden and try and keep us in clothes and food on the table and life just becomes life. :)
    This time of year It just happens, I for one love reading about what you are doing daily in your garden.

    1. I really like what you say about "life just becomes life" Puts things in perspective! Thanks for stopping in and saying hi!

  2. Sci, Hey girl, we all are experiencing the same thing. Gardens are peaking with stuff that must be taken care of. Animals and family keep us busy. Life just keeps moving, sometimes too darn fast. My belief is that part of prepping is the day to day life issues. So some of my posts are not going to be about intriguing new ideas. There going to be about things that need to get done to help put us on the map (closer to)homesteading/prepping. Until we catch up or get a handle on life, posts to the blog won't be as frequent. As Farm Girl stated, "I for one love reading about what you are doing daily in your garden".

    1. Sandy,
      I can always count on you for solid advice. We can't always come up with "new and exciting" (well I can't anyway) because as Farm girl said "life just becomes life". And I agree with you that prepping is just a part of what we do. We do all these things with an eye to the future. Keep on doing what you do!

  3. Well, I am your third person that "loves reading about what you are doing daily in your garden". I have started my own blog partially because of your blog, plus the need to reach out and share what I'm learning. I always look forward to reading your posts. Sometimes, I just post a thought that i might have had while working in the garden. It's amazing to get lost in one's own thoughts while working. Keep Right On - K @

    1. K, what a wonderful compliment! Thank you ( I'm blushing here) I'm a new member of your blog's readers! Keep up the good work!

  4. You and me both, Sci, you and me both. I've had nothing to say in like forever, youtube is my best friend right about now, I'll throw up a music video just to let folks know I'm still alive and kickin'.

    In your case though, you could go through your archives and recycle some of your older posts on canning & dehydrating so that perhaps some of your newer followers can read up on how it's done. Just a thought :)

    I am like the others, I love reading about and seeing pictures of your garden, chickens, bunnies etc. I find it fascinating how much you and Mars have accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.

    Most of us in blogger land know that the blogosphere slows down during the summer months. You just keep on doing what you're doing and if you need some downtime from the blog, take it we'll still be here when you come back.

    Much love to you & Mars

    1. Oh Fel! My buddy!! You can find some of the coolest songs though. I love your idea about re-posting some of the older stuff. I'm going to follow your advice and do just that!

      Girl, I'm still amazed at what we (well Mars) has been able to accomplish in just a year. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been here to see it! LOL

      Love to You and Yours!!

  5. I agree with Fel. I haven't posted anything for about a week. It was two weeks before that. I'm running out of things to say. Then I start watching little things and think,"That would be a good blog." Then I run out of time to write about it, and I forget what it was I was going to write about. lol. It happens. But, don't worry about us. We like to hear about your everyday life.

    1. SFG I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that thinks like that. It's funny how sometimes right in the middle of doing something you think "Wow, I could post something about this!" then draw a total blank when you sit down and try to write it. ( I hate when that happens)

  6. I find daily life pretty darn facinating. What did I do today plan out another shopping safari for the few dollars I got and the next check, catching a few sales and what I can get after the 1st of June and scoop up some after Memorial day sales. Being cheap is forever! I know you walk by your beds and see they need a weeding, water or something you want to plant next year. I'd sure as heck rather read what you have done than watch reality TV

    1. I'm so glad you reminded me about the sales. The ads came out today and there are a couple I really want to take advantage of. And YES! Being cheap .... errrr frugal IS forever!!!

  7. i agree with Adventures in Self Reliance - i'd rather read about your plain 'ol boring day weeding than watch the boob tube! i don't get bored reading people's blogs when they share what they have been doing. i actually enjoy it! and not all of your posts need to be about anything more than what you are actually doing. and if that's weeding - well take a pic of the before "weed" and then a pic of the "after" weed. then take a pic of bringing it to the compost pile. then a pic walking back. i think you could daily posts like that and not lose a single reader!!!! bahahahahaha!

    your friend,

    1. LOL!!!! kymber you are SUCH a nut! I just love you!!

  8. 1. That means I have a lot to catch up on.
    2. I never started my blog with the intention of having a lot of followers like most bloggers do. I started it to keep in touch with certain family members easier. I don't update regularly because my blog is not my life (though reading other blogs can be, haha!)
    So if you don't post for a while it's not a big deal. I'll be here when you post again and hopefully will be able to catch it in a timely manner!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Don't worry about, if there weren't nights stuck in a hotel where I can do 2 or 3 posts and save, there would be many days I don't have anything, as I'm busy with life off the blog, which is much bigger than a blog ever will be.

    Relax, enjoy, share when you feel like it.
