
Monday, April 9, 2012

Tyranny In America

Have you  heard about the Dept of Homeland Security and ICE ordering 450 million rounds of .ammunition in the last 7 months?  That is on top of the 2 million they ordered in 2009.  It certainly wasn't in the Main Street Media. Now maybe it's just me but for a Department that is supposed to be focused on domestic operations, that's a whole lot of ammo.  That's more than enough ammo to execute every citizen in the U.S. if they wanted to.   Link   In the last three years numerous domestic US government agencies have ordered a total of over 750 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition.
Here's one even better.  Why does the USDA need over 300,000 rounds of ammo?  Link
Evil raw milk distributors?  Organic farmers? 
The FBI  has over 100,000 rounds of .40 caliber hollow points  on order. 

  Oh, and then there is this.  The DHS is now ordering these guard booths with bullet proof glass.  What exactly is it that they need those for?  We all know It's sure not for the border of Mexico.  That seems to be  an open door with a Welcome mat.   Here's a description of the booths. Link
Here's a picture of what they look like.  Link
  I don't know if you have heard about this either.  The TSA VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention & Response) ran more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and searches last year.  They have asked Congress for the funding to add 12 more teams next year. Link
 Why is the TSA out doing searches on highways, buses, at NASCAR events, football games,Cruise ships,and train stations? What happened to the 4th amendment?  Anyone remember what it says?  

The 4th Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

They are also trying to get a bill passed that will allow the IRS to suspend passport rights for folks who owe taxes.  So now if you owe the IRS money they can suspend your right to travel.  What next? Link  

It is Senate Bill 1813 in case you want to look it up.  I've been thinking for years that eventually there will be checkpoints to be able to leave your state or county or maybe even your town. They are doing this  in increments.  Let you get used to the idea of checkpoints and illegal searches.  "Show me your papers".  We should all be screaming at the top of our lungs. NO MORE.
  But all this isn't enough for "them".  They are now working hard on spying on us all.  SOPA didn't pass so they are now trying to censor the internet with CISP  Link    The government already tracks folks who visit prepper sites (Link) and puts a cookie on your computer so they can see where you go on the internet. Link
.   Oh and speaking of spying on us, the NSA is building a super computer which will be up and running in September of 2013.It is able to  store all forms of communication "including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails like parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”  Link

I could go on and on. Heaven knows there is so much more going on and most folks have no idea what is headed our way.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Call me paranoid.  Call me a conspiracy nut.  Call me what you will.... But I see our Constitutional rights crumbling and America as we know it  dying a slow and painful death.  


  1. Plus DHS has 175 million rnds of 5.56 on order.Yes we all should be mad/scared as hell!


    1. China, The problem is that this is only part of what they are stocking up on. You are right, we should be afraid....very afraid.

  2. Depressing isn't it?..... or makes one madder than hell. Sometimes I wonder about the million of Jews that were killed. Did they know something was very wrong like we do? Did they just talk about it among themselves wondering what to we do? Did they just wait for the government to come after we do?

    1. Funny you mention the Jews, Mama Bear. I've been thinking the same thing. That history seems to be repeating itself. You would think that more people could see that we are walking down the same path. There is an ill wind blowing across America and I foresee a Super Tornado building on the horizon.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This is the reason this is happening much more slowly than compared to 1930's Germany. The Jews were unarmed as were the "white" Germans. The U.S. citizens aren't.

      For this reason they are having to do things differently and it's confusing to some of us because it doesn't follow linearly with what happened in Germany.

      But make no mistake, it will happen, it is happening.

  3. Well, I've increased my ammunition orders this year, too.

    MAJ Mike

    1. You and several million other folks MAJ Mike. Guns and ammo purchases have risen (Going from memory here) more than 30% (I honestly think its more but I can't find the dang article) this year alone.

  4. I've heard this before and right you are about it being very scary!

    One of the ones that scares me the most is the USDA! Why in the hell do they need ammo?

  5. That's the one that freaks me out too Jim. What the hell is that all about????

    1. I don't know about other states but it was the Department of Agriculture here in Florida that I made my check out to for my conceal carry license. They know we are.

    2. Make that "they know who we are!"

  6. Maybe this is the government's way of helping out the economy-- by employing ammo manufacturers... Or it's the new "green" tech.

  7. You might want to check out

    It is an interesting read.

    1. Thanks Ian, I've read this before and it does give some food for thought, doesn't it?

  8. Yup AAR, it happens just that easily.


  10. unfortunately it most likely will get worse. ive been saying it for 2 years now and things havent differed enough to change my stance. his highness, the prince of lies,will still be on his throne after these "elections". whether by the stupidity/apathy of a growing number of americans or by show of force remains to be seen but the out come will be the same regardless. part of the problem is that the reality of the situation is the republican party is the flip side of the coin.i truly have nothing but disgust for the majority of most liberals because they believe in appearances rather then right vs. wrong but the movers and the shakers in the GOP dont gave a damn for anyone but themselves. for those of you that would argue this point i offer "dubya" and cheney as proof. those treacherous,traitorous criminals sold us out for massive profits and we paid for it with american lives and the setup of the worst economic disaster in history. the best is yet to come. do your research into the families holdings.
