I don't often post other folks "stuff" here but I thought this was a well written piece and gives an excellent overview of what is coming to a small town near you. The America we grew up in is dying a slow and ugly death. What is taking it's place is some twisted and nightmarish attempt at changing the very face of this once great nation.
Does The New ‘White House Rural Council’ = UN’s Agenda 21?
- Posted on June 21, 2011 at 2:34pm by
Mike Opelka
(For the record, Obama is on par to match President Bush’s 291 orders executed during his two terms in office. The National Archives defines an Executive Order this way; Executive orders are official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the Federal Government.)
President Obama’s E.O. 13575 is designed to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16% of the American people. Why didn’t we notice it? Weinergate. In the middle of the Anthony Weiner scandal, as the press and most of the American people were distracted, President Obama created something called “The White House Rural Council” (WHRC).
Section One of 13575 states the following:
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.Warning bells should have been sounding all across rural America when the phrase “sustainable rural communities” came up. As we know from researching the UN plan for Sustainable Development known as Agenda 21, these are code words for the true fundamental transformation America.
The last sentence in Section 1 further clarifies the intent of the order by tying together “access to the capital necessary for economic growth, health care and education.”
The new White House Rural Council will probably be populated by experts in the various fields that might prove helpful to the folks who live and work outside of large urban areas, right? Well, Tom Vilsack, the current Secretary of Agriculture, will chair the group, but let us review the list of members appointed to serve on this new council – according to the order, the heads of the following groups have been appointed:
- (1) the Department of the Treasury; Timothy Geithner
- (2) the Department of Defense; Robert Gates
- (3) the Department of Justice; Eric Holder
- (4) the Department of the Interior; Ken Salazar
- (5) the Department of Commerce; Gary Locke
- (6) the Department of Labor; Hilda Solis
- (7) the Department of Health and Human Services; Kathleen Sebelius
- (8) the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Shaun Donovan
- (9) the Department of Transportation; Ray LaHood
- (10) the Department of Energy; Dr. Steven Chu
- (11) the Department of Education; Arne Duncan
- (12) the Department of Veterans Affairs; Eric Shinseki
- (13) the Department of Homeland Security; Janet Napolitano
- (14) the Environmental Protection Agency; Lisa Jackson
- (15) the Federal Communications Commission; Michael Copps
- (16) the Office of Management and Budget; Peter Orszag
- (17) the Office of Science and Technology Policy; John Holdren
- (18) the Office of National Drug Control Policy; R. Gil Kerlikowske
- (19) the Council of Economic Advisers; Austan Goolsbee
- (20) the Domestic Policy Council; Melody Barnes (former VP at Center for American Progress)
- (21) the National Economic Council; Gene B. Sperling
- (22) the Small Business Administration; Karen Mills
- (23) the Council on Environmental Quality; Nancy Sutley
- (24) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; Valerie Jarrett
- (25) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and such other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices as the President or Secretary of Agriculture may, from time to time, designate. Chris Lu (or virtually anyone to be designated by the 24 people named above)
Within the twenty-five designated members of the council are some curious ties to Agenda 21 and the structure being built to implement it:
Valerie Jarrett from the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs served on the board of something called Local Initiatives Support Corportation (LISC). LISC uses the language of Agenda 21 and ICLEI as their web page details their work to build “Sustainable Communities.”Is it possible that concerns about 13575 are just typical anti-government paranoia? Let us review the mission and function of WHRC:
Melody Barnes head of the Domestic Policy Council – Former VP at George Soros-funded Center for American Progress.
Hilda Solis from the Labor Dept – in 2000 received an award for her work on “Environmental Justice.”
Nancy Sutley head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality – Served on the board of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Water District and was one of the biggest supporters of low-flow toilets that are now credited with costing more money than expected while causing some nasty problems.
Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration’s engagement with rural communities.“Economic prosperity” and a better “quality of life,” that all sounds fairly innocent and well-intentioned. But continuing deeper into the order we find the council is charged with four directives:
(a) make recommendations to the President, through the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and the Director of the National Economic Council, on streamlining and leveraging Federal investments in rural areas, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America;The vague language here sounds non-threatening. But, is there a hint here that a “rural stimulus plan” might be in the making? Will the Federal government start pumping money into farmlands under the guise of creating “economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America?” It is difficult to discern as the language is so broad.
We continue with the functions of the WHRC:
(b) coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America;Virtually every aspect of rural life seems to now be part of the government’s mission. And while all of the items in (b) sound like typical government speak, you should be alarmed when you read the words “nongovernmental organizations” (NGOs). NGOs are unelected, but typically government-funded groups that act like embedded community organizers. And NGOs are key to Agenda 21′s plans.
(c) coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas;That one sounds very similar to the language found in the United Nations plan for sustainable cities known as Agenda 21. Managing the population in both rural and urban areas, with a focus on controlling “open spaces.”
(d) and identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities.This function of Executive Order 13575 ties energy development with outdoor recreation and “other conservation related activities.” When did outdoor recreation become a conservation related activity?
Aside from the content of this order and some its vague intentions, the timing of the signing should also be considered. Later this month, Washington DC is hosting a meeting of the Agenda 21 operatives who are members of ICLEI:
Washington, D.C. – ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) and U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) today announced the launch of the National Press Club Leadership Speaker Series to be held on June 28. The event’s inaugural keynote speaker will be the Honorable Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), whose keynote address, The Road to Rio+20, will explain the role of key global and national stakeholders, and the impact and vision of this historic conference.The United Nations has pushed their sustainable development program for almost twenty years. The UN’s “social justice” blueprint called Agenda 21 requires governments to control almost all aspects of an individual’s life, but has recently met with substantial resistance in America. Since The Blaze covered this topic and the story appeared on Glenn Beck’s Fox TV program, we have been inundated with reports from around the country about efforts to remove ICLEI and Agenda 21 from local governments.
As Secretary-General of Rio+20, Ambassador Sha Zukang will convene high-ranking leaders from government, the private sector and civil society to chart a pathway to accelerate the implementation of sustainable development decisions and the green economy through the creation of an institutional framework and inclusive participation.
Carroll County, Maryland: Starting in February, 2011, all five newly elected county commissioners, led by Richard Rothschild, voted to become the first county in the nation to end the ICLEI contract.
Amador County, California: The Mother Lode Tea Party lead the successful effort to remove ICLEI form Amador County.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: Activists Ruth Miller and Maggie Roddin have raised awareness that lead to the removal of ICLEI.
Edmond, Oklahoma: Molly Jenkins motivated 200 people to attend the city council meeting and demand action against ICLEI.
Las Cruces, New Mexico: continues to debate the issue, but rational voices are gaining momentum in the community.
Spartanburg, South Carolina: City Councilman Roger Nutt successfully directed the effort against the program and Spartanburg became the 6th community to kick out ICLEI in a vote of 6-0 by City Council (with one abstention).
There have also been anti-ICLEI rallies held in several cities this week, with more planned in the near future:
- June 27, 11:30am-3:00pm
Exeter, NH, Exeter High School - June 27, 5:00pm-8:30pm
Galveston, TX, Galveston Convention Center - June 27, 8:30am-5:00pm
Ocean Shores, WA, Quinault Beach Resort and Casino - June 30, 1:00pm-5:00pm
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, TBD - June 30, 10:00am-5:00pm
West Long Branch, NJ, Monmouth University
As long as there’s not another Weinergate, maybe they’ll notice.
~~~~~ Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~
Story courtesy of The Blaze
Sci...when I first read this, it scared the crap out of me. I sat down with the fella last night and we brought up all the info on the bill and he is shocked that it was brought in *under the radar* like that. He was also completely baffled why certain gov't. people/groups were brought in on this. This is something that needs to be watched very carefully!
ReplyDeleteThe list of folks on the "council" is alarming to say the very least. I really think we are in some serious trouble. If they get what they want, and there is no push back from us.... we have lost America. This could be the most damaging actions ever to have happened to our country.
ReplyDeleteIf there ever was a time to stand up, unite, and scream at the top of our lungs "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE"
Of course another option is to do nothing, which is what seems to be the prevailing attitude these days.
Thanks for posting this! With 70 countries involved it appears to be one more step towards a " One World Government" Also they that control the food, control the people. It's a sad, sad times that we live in!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that we have going for us is the fact that he creates these groups to make his contributors happy... but then when the time comes to listen to them and their bull**** advice he just turns the other cheek....Cause you know it is hard to talk out of both sides of your face!
ReplyDeleteIhan, It is true that "those who control the food control the people". I was surprised, when I brought this to the attention of a friend, he could not see the harm that this could possibly do to "US". As he put it "It is just a Council, there isn't anything there that says they are going to do anything". Personally, I feel it is that sort of thinking that allowed "them" to get as far as they have. I am no advocate of a New World Order. I happen to like being a sovereign nation.
ReplyDeleteYart, LOL!! I think this POTUS has made very few people happy with the job he has done. Of course that is just my opinion.