
Saturday, February 19, 2011


  After all the gloomy and dreary days spent mostly looking out the window and wishing for nicer weather, it is so good to feel the sunshine and the warm breezes on my face. I know that there will probably be another cold snap or two.  As a matter of fact at the end of next week we are forecast to be back down into the 40's for a few days. But for all intents and purposes springtime is here. 

With spring comes new growth.  And with this spring I hope to "grow" a dream into a reality. I can't remember when this dream first started to take shape but I feel like the time for it to become a reality is now.  Of course dreams are much more easy to attain than reality. I know we are sure going to try and make it so.

We both dream of a quiet place out in the country.  It doesn't have to be very big.  Even an acre would work.   Some place to be able to raise some chickens and some rabbits. A nice garden spot is a must. Heck, maybe even one day to add a couple of milk goats.  Now I ask you... Is that too much to hope for?  

Now comes the reality.  I will have a small back pay check coming in the next month or two.  With some careful planning and a bit of luck we are hoping to find that little piece of earth to call our own.  I am hoping to find a place who will owner finance.  With my credit that will probably be the only way we can do it.  I'm thinking about applying for a Rural FHA loan just to see what they will say but I'm sure not going to hold my breath on that!  
I saw an ad on Craigslist a couple of weeks ago and we just had to go look at it....
We are selling a property that is about 1 acre. Has a house foundation, a septic system, water well and the start of a pole barn that is about 18ft x 30ft. on the property. We will sell out right as is for $7500 or on a contract for deed. The terms of a contract for deed can be discussed privately over the phone.
  It is only a few miles to  Lake and there is public hunting loaded with wildlife all around it. The property is well suited to park a mobile home or a rv on and hook up to the utilities or to build upon the foundation already there.
We checked the place out and I have to tell you that we really would like to have it.  It has everything we are looking for. There is alot to be said for a place that already has the utilities on the property. There are some things that would have to be done to get them working but even that would be ok as Mars knows how to do what needs doing. The only real drawback is that we can find is that there is a neighbor one acre over. Now they are the only neighbors for quite a ways so....

Anyway,I spoke with the man who owns the place. He is dead set on his price and won't budge. He wants $1,000 down and then small monthly payments. We could have it paid off in less than 3 years. Wouldn't that be awesome?  The deal is (oh yes, there always is "the deal" isn't there!) he won't hold the property for us.  Cash talks and bull ..... well you know the rest!

With that being said, I am going to turn this one over to "The Big Guy".  If we are meant to have the land then it will still be there when the check comes in.  If it isn't- then we will just look until the right place comes our way.  This is a fairly new way of thinking on my part but I am comfortable with it. In looking back on the way things have gone for us since leaving Texas, how could I not be?
                    ~~~ Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...~~~

PS After writing this I emailed the owner of the property and asked if he would email  me if the property sold. Here is what he emailed back to me.
We certainly will let you know if the property sells. Thank you for your interest and if it’s God’s will for you to own it, I’m sure it will be. Be blessed and be a blessing. Larry


  1. If you are sure it is what you want, then I hope it all works out for you. Keep a positive attitude.

  2. I hope it works out for you. All the best.

  3. It will work out, whether you get this property or one that's even better that you don't know about yet. Trust the Big Guy!

    : )

  4. If this property is meant to be yours, then it will happen.
    Good luck!!

  5. Like the others before me have already said...If it was meant to be, you will get this land. That being said, I know you will see your dream come true, Sci, maybe not with this piece of land, but for sure with another. I don't know how I know, I just do. :D

    Love and Hugs

  6. Like we talked about a few days ago, this sounds really good. I'm glad you have the attitude about if it's meant to be, it will be. But, we can still hope. lol

  7. Wow - his email gave me goose bumps - that is weird [in a good way].

    If not this one - another one will come along. I hope it works out the way you want it.

    Good luck. And prayers with you.

  8. How exciting, nd the land owner is right, if it is God's will that you get this property it will happen. It sounds so wonderful, we'll be praying for you.

    BTW we're in for another week of sub zero temps and snow, I can tell you I'm usually tolerant of this winter stuff but this winter I've grown very weary of it! I so..... ready for Spring, mud and all*wink*

